How to treat thrush with honey

Candidiasis or in the popular way “thrush” is one of the most common gynecological diseases caused by the multiplication of microscopic fungi from the genus Candida.

Treatment of thrush with honey is allowed under the supervision of a physician. There are several time-tested folk recipes that our grandmothers traditionally used.

The content of the article

  • 1 Features of the disease
  • 2 Medotherapy
    • 2.1 Water solution
    • 2.2 In its pure form
    • 2.3 Pure (candied)
    • 2.4 Douching
  • 3 Prevention
  • 4 Instead of a conclusion

Features of the disease

Most people come across Candida in their lives. Insemination of the fetus occurs during its passage through the birth canal. Fungi are also found in the amniotic fluid, placenta. A child can become infected by breastfeeding, contact with household items, food.

In addition to the human carrier, the infection is transmitted by poultry and animals. Fungi can be present on raw meat, dairy products, vegetables, and fruits.

In humans, these microorganisms often live on healthy mucous membranes and skin, not showing themselves in any way until the immunity is reduced.

The factors causing the pathological process are:

  • disease of the endocrine system;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • taking hormonal drugs, contraceptives;
  • taking antibiotics and other drugs, including during self-medication.

Candidiasis can manifest itself in different ways:

  • be superficial, affecting a specific area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane – the vagina, oral cavity, skin adjacent to the nail plate, and so on;
  • or take a systemic form, characterized by damage to internal organs, sepsis.

The vaginal form makes itself felt:

  • itching;
  • copious secretions with a curdled consistency and white color.

Visually, the fungal colony looks like a white bloom. After removing it, a swollen and reddened mucous membrane is visible.


Whether honey can be used for thrush depends on how a person tolerates this bee product. If there are signs of food allergies, for example, a slight burning or tingling sensation of the mucous membranes of the lips, nausea, diarrhea, skin rashes, such a folk remedy will have to be abandoned.

Read: How to recognize and treat honey allergies

Treatment of thrush with honey at home involves its topical application. When it comes to women suffering from gynecological manifestations of candidiasis, tampons and douching are used.

But at the same time, one must not forget that taking medications (vaginal suppositories, oral pills) also cannot be refused. Honey only complements the main therapy. And only with mild manifestations of the disease, it can be effective as the only therapeutic agent.

A visit to a gynecologist is a prerequisite for successful treatment! Having taken smears for analysis, the doctor will be able to choose the most effective drug based on their results. Moreover, treatment can be carried out during pregnancy, but with the safest medicines.

Bacterial preparations containing Candide competitors – lactobacilli, lactic acid bacteria, and prebiotics containing lactulose, inulin show themselves well.

Water solution

You can treat thrush with honey by using a solution in water, which is used to moisten tampons. The medicine is injected into the vagina at night for one to two weeks.

For cooking, it is taken:

  • part of the honey product;
  • ten parts of boiled chilled water.

In its pure form

If honey is well tolerated (there are no local symptoms – burning, tingling), you can apply it on gauze tampons in pure form.

You will need one teaspoon of honey product at a time. Tampons are placed until the symptoms of candidiasis disappear. It is necessary to keep them no longer than 1,5-2 hours. The procedure is performed at night.

It is preliminarily recommended to do douching with chamomile solution or soda solution (a teaspoon per liter of warm boiled water). Such solutions wash well the multiplying colony of fungi, exposing the mucous membranes.

Once on the cleansed mucous membrane, natural honey relieves swelling and reduces inflammation and itching. It also has antifungal and antibacterial effects.

Pure (candied)

There is another option for a tampon – candied (crystallized) honey is taken in the amount of one teaspoon. Gently wrapped in two or three layers of sterile bandage. There should be long ends at the bottom of the tampon, for which it is removed after use.

The tampon is left overnight. Part of the honey product flows out when heated inside the body, therefore it is necessary to use a sanitary napkin. The course is ten to fifteen days.

Such a remedy is effective:

  • in candidiasis;
  • at whites;
  • with erosion processes.


For douching, it is better to use herbal decoctions with the addition of a honey product.

It is taken:

  • a tablespoon of inflorescences of nasturtium or chamomile (nasturtium is preferable);
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • a tablespoon of honey product.

The herb is brewed with boiling water and infused for twenty minutes. After cooling to 36-40 degrees, natural honey is added to the infusion, stir well. Douche at night. You can put the tampon on immediately.

The minimum course is ten days. It is believed that such a remedy is effective in chronic forms of the disease.

Douching is prohibited during pregnancy!


To increase the body’s resistance, it is recommended:

  • eat foods with antifungal characteristics – garlic, grapefruit, yoghurts with live lactic acid cultures;
  • not eating a lot of sweets;
  • monitor your weight;
  • wear underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • not self-medicate while taking antibiotics;
  • live with one sexual partner.

Instead of a conclusion

If honey is planned to be used during pregnancy, make sure there is no allergic reaction to this product! And also that more serious treatment is not required.

Although candidiasis occurs in ninety percent of pregnant women, and this condition is physiological, it must be treated if there are complaints (vaginal suppositories are attributed).

Please note that candidiasis is only acute for a few days. Then, with the wrong treatment, he can go into a chronic form, proceeding without characteristic symptoms. To detect the pathogen in this case, it is possible only with the appropriate analysis.

In addition, itching, profuse discharge are not only signs of candidiasis, but also more dangerous sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, such infections must be excluded.

Even if a woman has one sexual partner, it is advisable to take smears for flora when visiting a gynecologist. Do not self-medicate!

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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