Ukrainian beehive lounger

With the name “Ukrainian beehive” and, accordingly, with this type of bee houses, a beginner may have a certain confusion. Indeed, the reference books indicate that the standard for Ukraine is a lounger for 20 frames measuring 43,5 by 30 cm (435 by 300 mm). The frames for the Dadanov hives have the same size, that is, the lounger with the indicated dimensions is a bee house under the Dadanov frame.

And Ukrainian sun loungers are small houses with narrow or, as they are often called, high frames. And their size is completely different – 30 by 43,5 cm (300 by 435 mm). Another characteristic feature is the presence of a tap hole on the side of the hive. Usually, all the entrance slots and holes are made along the front wall.

The content of the article

  • 1 design Features
  • 2 dimensions
  • 3 Blueprints
  • 4 Assembly Features
    • 4.1 Letkovye holes
    • 4.2 Bottom and cover

design Features

The Ukrainian beehive sunbed on a high frame is a rectangular house, which in appearance strongly resembles a chest.

Due to its good spaciousness and the presence of two sets of notches on the front wall at once, this house is suitable for keeping two bee colonies under one roof. You can keep the mother’s nest and a small layering nearby, or the main family and nucleus.

As the name implies, such bee houses are widespread in Ukraine along with standard hives with a set of 435 x 300 mm honeycomb frames.

The set of the Ukrainian lounger includes one diaphragm and 20 narrow frames (300 cm wide and 435 heights). When wandering, honeycomb frames are pressed with a special rail.

The classic design does not provide for the installation of a store extension. With abundant honey harvests, this complicates the work of beekeepers.


The dimensions of the Ukrainian hive are given below.

Outside dimensions of the house (mm / cm):

  • length 830 / 83;
  • width 440 / 44;
  • height 600/60.

If the houses are used for wintering insects in the wild, it is recommended to make them frame along the front and back walls. The cavity of the walls is filled with natural insulation. The thickness of the outer walls is 1,5 cm (15 mm), and the inner ones 2,5 cm (25 mm).


Ukrainian beehive lounger on a high frame and its drawings are as follows.

Cross section:

Slit along:

The figures show: 1 – ceiling boards (ceilings); 2 – the lid of the house; 3 – bottom; 4 – honeycomb nest; 5 – case; 6 – arrival board; 7 – handle for carrying the house; 8 – arrival board on the side of the house; 9 – diaphragms or plug-in boards; 10 – rail for fixing honeycomb frames when transporting the house (clamping rail).

Assembly Features

Housing assembly recommendations:

Folds are selected along the top of the inner walls. The lower one (11 x 20 mm) is used for hanging honeycomb frames, and the upper one (18 x 6 mm) is for installing ceiling planks.

The sides are assembled from lumber 35 mm thick (just like the front, back wall). At the bottom, grooves are made on them for installing the bottom, and at the top – for the clamping rail. The dimensions of each groove are 35 by 20 millimeters. The length of each sidewall is 420 (42 cm).

Letkovye holes

Four tap holes are performed along the front plane:

  1. At the bottom of the taphole slots are 20 cm long and 1,2 cm high. They are cut 10 cm from the side edge of the house.
  2. The upper entrances are slots 10 cm long and 1,2 cm high. They are located strictly above the lower entrances 34 cm from the lower cut of the front wall, and 16 cm from the lateral edge.

This lounger is distinguished by the presence of a fifth tap hole facing the honeycomb cell. It is performed on the sidewall 3,5 cm from the bottom and 17 cm from the edge of the wall (its corner). The slit is 10 cm long and 1,2 cm high.

Bottom and cover

The bottom is assembled into a quarter of three evenly cut planks. All joints here are glued with moisture-resistant glue (marking D-3 or D-4).

The flap is attached to the body tightly – this is an integral part. Two bars, attached to the bottom at a distance of 10 cm from the side sections, serve as a support.

The roof is made single-pitched with an arbitrary backward slope (about 3-3,5 degrees). The slope is set using the walls of the cover.

The finished roof is a flap fixed to the harness and having low walls. The harness is assembled from boards 15-20 millimeters thick. It allows you to put the cover on the hive without additional fasteners (according to the cap principle).

The shield is spliced ​​into a quarter. Boards do not need to be glued. A sheet of tin or galvanized iron, which is stuffed on top, serves as protection against moisture.

The Ukrainian lounger allows you to keep bee colonies at the same time for a cold and warm drift:

– some honeycomb frames are facing the tap holes on the front wall – this is a cold drift;

– others, located in a separate section behind the blind diaphragm, stand with honeycomb cells to the tap hole – this is a warm drift.

You can read how to assemble a frame for a Ukrainian sunbed with your own hands here: How to make a beehive frame

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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