The use of honey for pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas is one of the most serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. There are two forms of pathology: acute and chronic. Treatment is carried out with medication, and folk remedies are used as an adjunct to the main therapy.

Can honey be used for pancreatitis? Indeed, with this disease, many products containing carbohydrates are removed from the diet.

The content of the article

  • 1 What is the use?
  • 2 Possible harm
  • 3 When can you be treated
  • 4 Variety choice
  • 5 Medotherapy
    • 5.1 Prevention of tumor processes
    • 5.2 Oat grains
    • 5.3 Fat free kefir
    • 5.4 Low fat milk
    • 5.5 Water solution
    • 5.6 Zabrus
    • 5.7 Pumpkin Oil

What is the use?

Natural honey is a special product. Although it is classified as a carbohydrate, its chemical base is simple sugars. They are absorbed quickly enough – in about half an hour, without requiring processing with food enzymes.

Accordingly, the load on the pancreas is minimal, if you do not overeat healthy treats.

And the benefits for the gastrointestinal tract are obvious:

  • participation in cell regeneration;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • prevention of tumor processes;
  • getting rid of toxins and toxins;
  • increased blood circulation;
  • mild analgesic effect.

Possible harm

Natural honey can be harmful to health if:

  • the person has a congenital or acquired food intolerance to any beekeeping product, including bee venom;
  • if the pathology of the pancreas affects the endocrine system, there is an increase in blood sugar;
  • if there is an acute inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract (not necessarily only in the pancreas itself);
  • if a person suffers from skin diseases accompanied by a retention of carbohydrates in the epidermis.

Also at risk are small children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, obese people (with overweight, the use of a honey product creates additional stress on the liver and pancreas).

To read:

How to recognize and treat honey allergies

When can you be treated

Whether it is possible to eat honey for pancreatitis depends on the form of the disease. In the acute stage (with exacerbation), it is not recommended to ingest the honey product inside.

There is only one reason – an additional load on the digestive system. With exacerbation, the iron is increased. You need to give her time to recover.

With the onset of remission, medotherapy is possible. It is usually recommended to start it after 2,5-3 months after the next exacerbation.

Please note that you can eat honey for pancreatitis only after checking blood sugar… Be sure to consult your doctor! The blood sugar level is measured twice: before and after meals. Also, the reaction of the body is checked after consuming the honey product.

Variety choice

For the treatment of pancreatitis, as well as cholecystitis, gastritis, you can use any kind of honey. The main thing is that the product is purchased from a trusted seller.

To read:

How to determine the natural origin of honey at home

Of course, if there is a possibility, quality monofloral varieties can be purchasedrecommended by apitherapists for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

This is a honey product obtained by bees:

  • with lindens (relieves inflammation well);
  • with acacia;
  • with buckwheat (among other things, it increases hemoglobin);
  • with burdock;
  • with thin-leaved peas growing in the steppe regions;
  • with chestnuts;
  • with pumpkins;
  • from alfalfa;
  • with angelica medicinal;
  • with mint.


Monofloral (one-component) honey varieties

If this is not possible, as noted above, any honey will do. Bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect is typical for any high-quality honey product.


The main tip for effective medotherapy is not to get carried away. Eat a little honey, especially at the beginning of treatment, when you first introduce it into the diet.

Single dose in pure form from one teaspoon to one tablespoon without top… If there are unpleasant symptoms: nausea, rash, drooling, burning lips, and so on, it is better to refuse medotherapy.

Below are the most famous recipes for treating pancreatitis with honey.

Prevention of tumor processes

It is taken:

  • a tablespoon of honey product liquid or melted in a water bath at 40 degrees;
  • the same amount of juice obtained from the leaves of a 3-year-old aloe.

The remedy is taken daily in the morning. A single dose is the above amount of juice and bee product. You can wash it down with non-hot tea.

Important! Agave juice should not be taken in acute inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract.… Long-term courses of treatment are also contraindicated due to possible irritation of the intestinal mucosa and inhibition of its peristalsis.

Oat grains

It is taken:

  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • liter of boiling water;
  • two teaspoons of honey product.

The grains are boiled over low heat for 15-20 minutes, insisted in the heat for 10-12 hours. They filter and put honey in the resulting broth (two or one teaspoon of bee products per glass of the product).

The broth is used to relieve pain, inflammation, and improve blood circulation. Dosage: a third of a glass twice a day before meals.

Fat free kefir

It is taken:

  • 200 milliliters of kefir;
  • two teaspoons of honey product.

Kefir should be at room temperature. Single dose: a quarter of a glass. In the future, you can drink a glass of the drink a day, dividing it into three to four doses before each meal.

The remedy eliminates constipation, bloating, improves the digestion process in general.

Low fat milk

It is taken:

  • a glass of boiled warm milk;
  • two teaspoons of honey product.

Single dosage: one glass. The remedy is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening half an hour before bedtime.

The drink relieves bloating, heartburn. Thanks to lysozyme, which is part of the milk, it has an antibacterial effect.

Water solution

It is taken:

  • a tablespoon of honey product;
  • half a liter of boiled chilled water.

Single dose: 180-200 milliliters. Drink half an hour before each meal.

The tool has a tonic effect, improves metabolism, and serves as a source of quick energy in the morning. Does not load the liver and pancreas.


This is a real food complex containing not only honey, but also a whole bunch of micro-doses of several beekeeping products. It contains pollen, propolis particles, the secret of the jaw glands of bees, wax. The latter product, when it enters the gastrointestinal tract, serves as a natural adsorbent that cleans the gastrointestinal tract from toxins.

But most importantly, here lysozyme is present – a bacteria killer that accelerates the healing of mucous membranes.

Therefore, honey can be used for pancreatitis in the form of a cap. Single dose: one to two teaspoons three times a day half an hour before meals. The bee product must be held in the mouth like candy until it is completely dissolved. Residual wax can be spit out.

Pumpkin Oil

It is taken:

  • one part pumpkin seed oil;
  • one part of liquid or melted honey product in a water bath.

The mixture is stored in the refrigerator. Treatment with oil and honey of the pancreas includes a single dose of the remedy in the morning in the amount of a teaspoon. The course is 1,5-2 weeks.

Pumpkin seed oil possesses choleretic properties, and the whole medicine in general reduces the acidity of gastric juice, normalizes digestion, and relieves acute inflammation. Contains zinc, which is essential for the proper functioning of the pancreas. Not taken at the stage of exacerbation.

In conclusion, we remind you that alternative treatment is impossible without consulting a gastroenterologist. Only this specialist is able to determine in what condition the pancreas is, and what kind of therapy is needed in a particular case.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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