How to be treated with celandine juice with honey and vodka

Celandine juice with honey and vodka is used in folk medicine to cure various ailments. This is a fairly popular and effective combination recommended by herbalists. But it should be used with great care for treatment.

The content of the article

  • 1 Celandine characteristics
    • 1.1 Chemical composition
    • 1.2 Useful Properties
  • 2 Correct preparation
  • 3 Celandine enzyme (cleansing, restoration of the gastrointestinal tract epithelium)
  • 4 Ointment (healing wounds, purulent ulcers on the skin)
    • 4.1 Ointment – recipe number 2
  • 5 Decoction (for external use)
  • 6 Two options for preparing juice
    • 6.1 Applying juice with and without vodka
  • 7 Compress (treatment of skin wounds)
  • 8 Broth (chalazion, barley, conjunctivitis)
  • 9 For colds with cough
  • 10 Instead of a conclusion

Celandine characteristics

You can meet an unpretentious wild plant from the poppy family throughout the European part of Russia. He also successfully took root in Siberia, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Celandine is a perennial that tolerates severe winters and dry summers well. Its bare stems reach a height of 50-60 centimeters. The flowers are golden yellow with four petals. And the fruits resemble pea pods, but their size is significantly inferior to legumes.

People call the plant “Russian ginseng”, “swallow grass”, “yellow milk” (stems and leaves secrete a juice of a characteristic color), “warthog”.

As the main name suggests, herbalists used the plant to combat skin problems – warts, wounds, ulcers. But there are also recipes for internal use.

Chemical composition

Dikoros has a wide range of therapeutic effects on the human body thanks to alkaloids. There are about twenty varieties of them in the plant, with the maximum concentration observed in the rhizomes.

The grass is poisonous! Roots are especially dangerous for humans. The alkaloids that make up the composition have narcotic properties, but at the same time they are able to stop the growth of cancerous tumors.

Also found in the chemical composition:

  • vitamins (mainly carotene and ascorbic acid);
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • saponins;
  • resinous substances.

Useful Properties

The plant is able to cleanse the body from the inside and outside. It “works” not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes. Including the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, nasopharynx, eyes.

Main medicinal properties:

  • stimulating effect (for example, damaged tissues of the stomach and intestines are restored literally in one to two weeks of regular intake);
  • cleansing the gastrointestinal tract from insoluble heavy metal chlorides;
  • protection of the gastrointestinal tract from radionuclides (the plant helps in the formation of insoluble complexes from salts of radionuclides and pepsin);
  • lowering blood pressure thanks to chelidonine (acts like papaverine);
  • slowing down of the pulse and suppression of the excited nervous system due to morphine (overdose is dangerous by paralysis of the nervous system!);
  • pain relief thanks to homohelidonin (an overdose is extremely dangerous, since the substance is a convulsive poison);
  • increased intestinal motility and saliva separation due to sanguinarine (in large doses provokes convulsions!);
  • removal of spasm of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract thanks to heletrin;
  • normalization of metabolism and acceleration of metabolism due to a complex of organic acids, flavonoids, saponins;
  • destruction of bacteria (in ancient times, peasants scalded krynki with decoction of herbs and milk was stored in them for a long time, without souring);
  • stopping the growth of cancer cells.

Correct preparation

All parts of the herb have healing properties:

  • rhizomes;
  • stems with flowers and leaves;
  • juice with a characteristic shade.

Harvesting of raw materials is carried out from the second half of May until the appearance of pods with seeds (usually in the first decade of June). In dry weather, cut off ground shoots or dig up the whole grass along with the roots.

It is better to harvest the roots separately – in the fall, in October.

After washing, the raw materials are shaken off of water, knitted in small bundles and dried under a canopy away from direct sunlight. Or use an electric dryer for the same purpose at a temperature of 50-60 degrees.

Properly dried grass does not lose color (does not turn brown)… Store it in bundles or in cardboard boxes in a dry place.

Shelf life is up to three years. And the juice can be preserved for 4-5 years, having preserved it with alcohol or vodka.

Attention! The workpiece is carried out with gloves.… If your hands were not protected, you cannot touch your lips, eyes! After work, wash your hands thoroughly with laundry soap.

Celandine enzyme (cleansing, restoration of the gastrointestinal tract epithelium)

It is taken:

  • three liters of milk whey;
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar;
  • a glass of chopped herbs celandine (without rhizomes!).

It is necessary to add a teaspoon of sour cream to the whey overheated during curdling to resume the work of the milk stick.

The grass is poured into a bag of two or three layers of gauze, a small weight is tied to it for full immersion on the bottom of the can.

The product is stored in a dark and cool enough place. It is taken 100 milliliters before meals for 7-14 days.

The enzyme is used:

  • to restore the epithelium of the stomach and intestines;
  • for the withdrawal of radionuclides;
  • for cleaning from heavy metal chlorides.

Ointment (healing wounds, purulent ulcers on the skin)

Are taken:

  • crushed leaves of a plant – two parts;
  • lanolin – one part;
  • petroleum jelly, you can veterinary, – one part.

The product is stored at room temperature. It is used to treat problem areas of the skin three to four times a day.

Ointment – recipe number 2

You will need:

  • a tablespoon of herbs crushed into a powdery state;
  • ten tablespoons of lard;
  • you can add a dessert spoon of honey.

The mixture is prepared in a water bath. After cooling, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than six months. If necessary, it is applied to the skin twice a day.

Read: Honey for skin disorders

Decoction (for external use)

It is taken:

  • four tablespoons of chopped stems;
  • litere of water;
  • a tablespoon of honey.

The herb is cooked over low heat for ten minutes. The broth is infused for eight hours. After straining honey is stirred in it.

The finished medicine is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than three days! Used for baths, lotions and rinsing of the affected skin.

Two options for preparing juice

A fresh plant without roots is passed through a meat grinder. The resulting juice is filtered through two or three layers of gauze. Then it is poured into a hermetically sealed glass bottle.

Preservation is carried out by fermentation… The bottle is kept below room temperature, periodically releasing gas. After 7 days, the juice is used for treatment.

For long-term storage, you will need vodka or alcohol.

It is taken:

  • liter of juice;
  • half a liter of vodka;
  • two tablespoons of honey.

If alcohol is used, less will be needed – 250 grams.

Applying juice with and without vodka

Celandine juice with honey and vodka application:

  • to relieve cramps, abdominal pain – 7 drops three times a day (the juice is diluted in a spoonful of water);
  • as a bactericidal agent – lubricate the skin two to three times a day.

For eye diseases, juice is used without the addition of alcohol or vodka.!

It is diluted with warm water in a one-to-one ratio. Moisten a cotton swab and apply to the eyes at night. The procedure is carried out within a week, take a break for seven days and repeat the course.

Compress (treatment of skin wounds)

It is taken:

  • two tablespoons of chopped dry herb celandine;
  • a tablespoon of chopped three-year-old aloe leaves;
  • two tablespoons of natural honey;
  • three tablespoons of cottage cheese.

Pre-grind the curd with a spoon. Honey, if necessary, is melted in a water bath at 40 degrees. And celandine is ground in a blender.

The mass is thoroughly mixed, spread on a piece of canvas and bandaged to the wounds overnight.

Additionally, you can wash problem areas with alcoholic tincture of juice and honey, the recipe for which is given above.

Broth (chalazion, barley, conjunctivitis)

You will need:

  • natural honey – one part;
  • juice from the shoots of celandine – one part.

The juice is boiled over low heat until foam appears, cooled to 40-45 degrees, mixed with honey product.

The product is used to moisten a cotton swab, which is applied to the sore eye for 10-15 minutes, twice a day.

We remind you that fresh juice is dangerous in case of direct contact with the eyes!

For colds with cough

It is taken:

  • 200 grams of vodka;
  • half a glass of juice;
  • 200 grams of honey product.

The finished product is taken 5-7 days, half a teaspoon before meals. It is not washed down to give honey to “work” in the throat and destroy the causative agent of the infection.

Instead of a conclusion

In conclusion, I would like to note that many Internet resources are full of recipes based on celandine for oral administration. Any tinctures, water infusions, decoctions are recommended to be drunk in large enough doses for long courses.

However, this treatment may not be safe for your health. Overdose, as noted above, is fraught with paralysis of the nervous system, seizures and other troubles.

Take care of yourself! Use celandine with care. Never use recipes that you are not 100% sure about. Consult your family doctor.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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