Cayenne pepper, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties


Cayenne pepper is the hottest spice. Not ripe
the fruits of this product are green and known all over the world under the name

This spice is the fruit of a perennial shrub that belongs
to the genus nightshade. His homeland is the island of Java and South India.
The name originates from the port city of Cayenne. He rightfully
treat hot peppers and has long been using a rather serious
a reputation for “rip your throat out.” These two words are the most accurate description.
this pepper.

It also has other names: Chile, Indian or Brazilian.
It is widespread in South America, Africa, Western Europe
and Asia. In Indonesia it is called “Lombok”, and in Africa “drank and drank”.
Mexicans are used to calling cayenne pepper “ancho”. Most often
the name is generalized and referred to simply as “chile” so people try
note its taste.

Cayenne pepper, which is a perennial shrub, can grow
up to one meter in height. There are several types of it. One
of these is Capsicum frutescens, which is similar to the leguminous
pepper. Its fruits are quite small and yellow or light orange.
colors. In their appearance, some of them are very similar to
olives, others
on a cherry, heart, bird’s tongue or spire. The size of these beautiful
fruits can range from 0,5 to 1,5 cm.

It is used as a hot spice, both fresh and
in dried form.

How to choose

When buying cayenne peppers, you should pay special attention to the packaging.
It should be packed in an airtight container, not paper.
Also take a close look at its color. Ideally, it should be
quite bright, ranging from orange to dark red
and by no means pale. The pallor of the pepper is the main
a sign of its poor quality.

How to store

To store cayenne pepper properly, you don’t need to resort to
special methods, since everything is quite simple. For this one should
use hermetic packaging, which should be put in
dark and cool place. That’s all! However, it should be recalled
that proper storage will preserve the flavor of the pepper for
several years.

In cooking

It is safe to say that cayenne pepper is
the main component of most spicy dishes of the East, Mexico
and Africa. This pepper is used not only alone, but also in combination
with many other spices. This is due to the fact that he does not possess
own unique taste. He just spices up the dishes
however, cayenne pepper can also be used to add
them a special piquancy. It should be noted that this will change
the whole flavor bouquet of the dish. If you add a pinch to the others correctly
dishes, their taste will not deteriorate at all. Interesting taste
cayenne pepper adds to dishes from fish, eggs, cheese, meat, vegetables,
crayfish, chicken.

Sometimes, before adding pepper to the dish, it is mixed with vegetable
oil, which you need a little, but this will give a special
shade. If you add a little pepper to the meat sauce, it will melt more
tastier. Any bean dish will get a new sparkle. Cayenne
pepper is even added to flour and crackers for cooking fried foods.

Reflection in culture

Tropical America is considered the birthplace of this spicy plant.
This is evidenced by the ample evidence found in the Peruvian
burials. It should be noted that pepper was cultivated by
long before Europeans arrived in America. Now growing
hot peppers are practiced in many countries. Most of all they do it
in Mexico, India and Thailand.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 4,3 0,4 3,2 7,5 0,5 40

Health benefits of cayenne pepper

Composition and presence of nutrients

Cayenne pepper is an excellent source of riboflavin,
potassium, iron, niacin and magnesium. It also contains a vitamin
E, A, C, B6, K and manganese. Cholesterol and sodium are not enough for him.
low level. It also contains the alkaloid capsaicin, which
and gives the pepper its pungent flavor. In addition, in cayenne pepper
there is piperidine, a set of carotenoids, havicin, essential oils and fatty

Useful and healing properties

In nature, there are a huge number of plants that are
wonderful natural medicines for many diseases and
cayenne pepper is one of them. This culture is truly
surprising, but, unfortunately, few know about it and
most often it is simply perceived as spicy and very aromatic
seasoning. However, if you look deeper, it turns out that the cayenne
pepper is essential and should always be in
the house.

Many ancient healers spoke about this pepper. Even they understood
that it is very useful and therefore it was claimed that the fruits of this plant
should be included in the top ten most beneficial herbs. When healers
asked “why”, they confidently answered that the effectiveness
the other nine herbs are enhanced by the beneficial properties of cayenne

The first positive property of cayenne pepper is its ability to
have an instant blood-stimulating effect. With his help
processes that are responsible for the transfer of nutrients are accelerated
throughout the body. It should be noted that the benefits of this plant
has a beneficial effect on the blood as a whole. Cayenne Pepper Cleanses
blood, as a consequence of which hormonal signals can more easily pass
by the body. In simple terms, the fruits strengthen the immune

The positive properties of this pepper have long been proven with
diseases of the heart and vascular system. It was noted that this variety
normalizes the work of the heart muscle. In history there are references to
the fact that cayenne pepper helped stop the incipient heart

In addition to the fact that this pepper purifies the blood, it also acts
on the arteries, preventing the buildup of plaque that leads to atherosclerosis.

Cayenne pepper fights ulcers.
Many will say that this is absurd, but it is not! These fruits contain
a substance that restores disturbed digestion, and
heals the stomach lining.

Hot Pepper Boosts Prostate Cancer Treatment
glands. There are real life stories that support the impact
cayenne pepper on the human body. With its help, the
tumors, and the development of the disease stopped.

Everyone knows how alcohol and poor quality food affect
the liver and pepper is also used to restore its work. IN
due to the fact that pepper has an anti-inflammatory effect,
it quickly relieves pain during an exacerbation of arthritis.

Cayenne pepper is a powerful antimicrobial agent. It
destroys fungus, as well as harmful microorganisms that cause
fungal inflammation. It is impossible not to emphasize its effect on the male
organism. Pepper enhances potency, it provides blood flow
to organs located in the pelvic area due to stimulation
the circulatory process.

The cost of this pepper is another positive feature.
It heals the human body without causing any complications or
dangerous side effects.

There is one thing, but in order for the plant to fully manifest itself, it is necessary
choose a pepper that is grown in a vegetable garden, and not in a greenhouse,
and this, you see, is very difficult.

It regulates the flow of blood between the legs and the head,
thus equalizing the pressure. Pepper has an immediate effect
on the heart. It gradually increases the effect on capillaries, arteries
and nerves.

Cayenne Pepper Is Very Good For Fighting Muscle Spasms
and allergies. It gives the body energy, uplifts the spirit and improves
digestion. Sharp fruits heal wounds with the least formation

Dangerous properties of cayenne pepper

It is important to understand that this pepper in large quantities can be
dangerous. As a minimum, cause burns to the mucous membrane or sharp
stomach upset.

It is known that in countries where this spice is abused in
throughout life, ulcerative and inflammatory
diseases of the liver, kidneys and digestive organs.

Cayenne pepper should also not be eaten by nervous and easy
excitable people prone to seizures and epileptic seizures.

This hot pepper has many health benefits. Ours needs him
the body, but to a certain extent. In no case should it be abused.

See also properties of other spices:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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