Characteristics of Picnic Hybrid Cucumbers

Picnic cucumber variety belongs to F1 hybrids, which gives it many advantages that have attracted the attention of gardeners.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Care
  3. Before planting
  4. After planting
  5. Pests and diseases
  6. Pests
  7. Diseases
  8. Conclusion <

Характеристика гибридных огурцов Пикник

Characteristics of hybrid cucumbers Picnic

Characteristics of the variety

Picnic is a parthenocarpic hybrid that is resistant to diseases and pests, has high yields.

According to the description, the length of the bush is more than 1 m The bush begins to bear fruit 44 days after the first germination. The dominant flowering type is female, the degree of branching is low. The main shoot can grow up to 9 ovaries.

The fruit reaches 11 cm in length and weighs up to 95 g. The fruit is covered with a thin skin with small tubercles and spikes on it. The pulp of cucumbers is juicy, crunchy, sweet and very tasty. The fruits are stored for a long time without losing their presentation.


Care is the most important stage in the cultivation of cucumbers.

Before planting

The hybrid is grown in open and closed ground, planting begins in the spring.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a solution of mineral substances. They can not be placed in the ground deeper than 2 cm. After deepening, the soil is watered to moisten.The best temperature for growing Picnic is 24-26⁰C.

After planting

After planting, it remains to observe the growth of the plant and maintain it.

When the bush reaches 1 m in length, it is tied to a trellis for added stability. The site should always be cleaned: no weeds and dirt.

Cucumbers love water, therefore they should be watered daily. With the advent of the first sprouts, they include feeding.

It is best to use mineral fertilizers. Dosage of mineral fertilizer – 1-2 tbsp. l fertilizers per 1 liter of water. They also make sure that plants are not affected by parasites and diseases. The result of careful care is a lot of tasty and healthy fruits.

Pests and diseases

It’s easy to get rid of pests

Beginners and experienced gardeners are afraid of meeting pests and diseases in their area. F1 hybrids most often get sick due to the gardener’s carelessness.


In the early stages of parasite damage, it is easy to infer:

  • Whitefly is small a winged insect that feeds on the sap of plants, which causes rotting of the leaves. Against whiteflies, a solution of garlic and water (150 garlic per 1 liter of water) helps. The solution needs to spray the entire bush.
  • Aphids – small insects of green color. Pest drinks juice from leaves.As a result, aphids deprive bushes of healthy leaves and cause suppuration. Aphids need to be sprayed with a solution of wood ash, soap and water (2.5 l of water per 50 g of wood ash and 20 g of soap).
  • Spider mites – insects no more than 1 mm in length, velvet. The appearance of a spider mite is characteristic of a cobweb left on the leaves. Ticks drink plant juice. To combat them, prepare a soap solution (1 tbsp. L soap per 1 liter of water) and spray them with a plant.
  • Slug is a mollusk with a brown or gray body. He crawls, leaving behind mucus. Slugs feed on the leaves of the bushes and spoil the fruits. The easiest way to deal with them is manual. You just need to inspect the bushes for these pests and collect them. It is also recommended to scatter sand paths between the bushes, which serves as a trap for slugs, as they get stuck in the sand.

Alternative methods of pest control were proposed, but the most effective and at the same time expensive option – branded insecticides.


Diseases occur due to errors made during care. The picnic resists any disease, but it needs help.

  • Powdery mildew. All leaves of the bush are covered with white-yellow spots. Powdery mildew causes leaf withering and fruiting to cease. For treatment, a solution of fungicides and water is used (10 g of fungicides per 5 liters of water), but if the disease has gone too far, the plant is destroyed.
  • Cladosporiosis.Leaves and fruits are covered with brown rotten spots. To cure the bush, it is not watered for 4 days and treated with foundationazole (10 g of foundationazol per 0.5 l of water).
  • White rot. Sticky white growths appear throughout the bush. For treatment using a solution of urea, water, zinc sulfate and copper sulfate (10 g of copper sulfate, urea, zinc sulfate per 2 liters of water).
  • False powdery mildew. Yellow spots appear on the leaves. The bush dries, the leaves fade. For the bush, stop watering for 5 days and treat it with a solution of polycarbacin (10 g of polycarbacin in 4 liters of water).

The best cucumbers with bouquet bloom
Cucumber Picnic F1. Gavrish
Cucumber Picnic. Gavrish

Recommend inspection plants to detect the first signs of a disease Running bushes are destroyed because they pose a danger to healthy plants.


Picnic – a variety endowed with many advantages Cucumber is versatile in cooking and has excellent taste.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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