Characteristics of the cucumber variety Bogatyrskaya Strength

The choice of varieties of cucumbers for planting depends on the needs of the gardener. The cucumber variety Bogatyrskaya force takes root well, is unpretentious in leaving and does not require frequent watering, and therefore will be an excellent choice for planting on the site.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Care and watering
  5. Diseases and pests
  6. Conclusion <

Характеристика сорта огурцов Богатырская сила

Characteristics of the cucumber variety Bogatyrskaya force

Variety characteristic

Cucumber f1 Bogatyrskaya Strength refers to the precocious partenocarpic type crops.

Cucumber Bogatyrskaya Strength has a female flowering type and is suitable for growing in t In unprecedented conditions (spring greenhouses or winter greenhouses) and on the open ground. The bunch gherkin hybrid quickly takes root on new soil, therefore seedlings are transplanted at the end of April after the last frost.

Hybrid f1 is distinguished by good productivity: from one bush they collect up to 20 kg of delicious and juicy cucumbers. The variety has a long growing season: the bush bears fruit until the end of September. Tufted cucumbers need regular processing and frequent harvesting.

A distinctive feature of the Athlete’s strength is the limited growth of lashes that do not take food from the Zelentsy.

Description of the bush

Shrubs of the variety have good growth of lateral shoots: there are 2 types of self-regulating branching. Due to this, the period of fruiting of the bush is prolonged.On the main stem during the period of active growth, a high parthenocarpy of the plant is observed. 2 to 8 ovaries form in the nodes.

Main characteristics of the bush:

  • overgrowing dense lashes encircle the main stem;
  • massive leaves of dark green color;
  • powerful root and strong main stem.

For the f1 hybrid, the planting density is 1 plant per 1 sq. km. m in greenhouse conditions and 3 per 1 square. m in open ground. Crowding of planted seedlings leads to deformation of the lashes and damage to the basal part.

The green part of the bush withstands sudden changes in temperature. The root system of the plant is in the upper layers of the soil and provides the stem with the necessary moisture. The rapid growth of the bush is due to proper watering and care, as well as timely harvesting.

Description of the fruit

Due to the abundant flowering, up to 6-8 fruits are formed on one lash.

Description of cucumbers:

  • oval oblong fruit shape;
  • length of the cucumber – from 8 to 14 cm;
  • fruit diameter – about 3 see;
  • Zelentsy with medium pubescence.

Juicy cucumber, with a dense core, has a small amount of seeds. A cucumber with a thick dark green skin tolerates long transport.

The pickling qualities of the fruits are high. Gherkins are used raw or for the preparation of delicious salinity for the winter. Cucumber is stored for up to 2 weeks without losing its presentation.

Care and watering

The yield of the plant

depends on the quality of care. The variety needs timely watering, and the bushes need to trim extra lashes.

Top dressing allows the main stem to form quickly : the first ovaries appear within 2-3 weeks after transplanting. Before the beginning of active flowering, seedlings on open ground are covered with a film: under such conditions, seedlings grow faster and do not suffer from changes in external temperature. Beam cucumbers are planted in the shade, avoiding blown land.

The variety needs constant feeding. The irrigation system involves irrigating the soil and stem twice a week. During heavy rains, watering is temporarily stopped. Watering works alternate with fertilizing the soil: for these purposes, nitrogen fertilizers and mineral complexes are used that strengthen the green part of the bush. The amount of fertilizer applied is calculated in the proportion of 15 g of nutrients per 1 sq. m of soil. The soil is fertilized with home-made substances: decayed foliage or manure activates the growth of plant cells.

After the appearance of greenhouses, the crops are harvested every 2 days, otherwise overripe fruits interfere with the emergence of new ovaries. The bush does not require pinching, trimming of lashes is carried out only when the hybrid is sick or individual lashes are damaged.

Diseases and pests

The cultivated variety is resistant to most diseases that threaten cucumbers or tomatoes.

The olive threatens the hybrid spotting, only when the bushes are weak or depleted: a fungal disease affects the upper part of the bush and switches to healthy crops. Olive spotting halves the yield of bushes and harms the root system of the bunch variety.

The cucumber mosaic virus does not threaten the hybrid, even a weakened plant does not suffer from diseases of this kind.

False powdery mildew is rare , but under adverse conditions, parasites affect the stem and lashes of cucumbers. Powdery mildew threatens shrubs that are planted in unfertilized depleted soil – before planting seedlings, you should pay attention to the condition of the soil and, if necessary, apply a large amount of fertilizer.

Aphid and tick are a threat to cucumbers. Symptoms of damage by these pests – a change in the color of foliage and stem. To protect the hybrid, they use means to strengthen the root system, insecticides.

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Parthenocarpic gherkins – a good choice for ogres arrester. Easy-care plants provide stable yield. Fruits hybrid massive and delicious, suitable for salads and twists for the winter.

Hybrid requires regular watering and fertilizing the soil periodically. Weak plants are susceptible to fungal diseases. The bushes are not protected from the invasion of insects and pests.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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