Cucumber Home

To enhance the genetic resistance of cucumbers, preventative treatments are required. For this purpose, use the hom.

  1. Description of the drug
  2. Advantages :
  3. Disadvantages :
  4. Benefits of the drug
  5. How it works
  6. Methods of use
  7. Tillage
  8. Spraying the bushes
  9. Compatibility and toxicity
  10. Conclusion <

Хом для огурцов

Home for cucumbers

This drug has similar properties with Bordeaux mixture and blue vitriol, but is more effective. I have processed the rules in order to achieve the desired result.

Description of the drug

This is a drug whose active substance is copper oxychloride.The amount of copper in the composition is 85-90% of the total mass Relates to fungicides with contact action, does not penetrate into tissues. Creates a surface barrier against the penetration and damage of plants by bacteria. This fungicide is used to prevent diseases in various crops, both garden and indoor.

Release it in the form of a green powder.


  • universality of use on different cultures;
  • wide range of actions;
  • ease of use;
  • not toxic to plants;
  • can be used in combination with other drugs;
  • has a short waiting period (5-7 days).


  • is easily washed off by precipitation;
  • has a short duration of action;
  • does not treat affected plants ;
  • not suitable for use during the flowering period.

Use of the drug

Cucumbers are a culture that loves warmth and moisture, and these are ideal conditions for the development of fungal diseases. And even if the selected variety shows resistance to them, in order to improve the resistance, cucumbers must be proactively treated with fungicides several times during the season. It is for this purpose that a home is used. By treating the bushes with the drug, you can protect them from such fungal diseases:

  • bacteriosis of cucumbers;
  • paranesporosis;
  • anthracnose.

All these diseases are difficult to treat in case of infection and can destroy the plantings of cucumbers. Infection of plants occurs through soil, seeds, stock, the remains of infected plants, organic fertilizers (poorly rotted manure, bird droppings). There are a lot of ways of infection, but the use of fungicides such as home for preventive purposes increases the chances of growing healthy, well-bearing bushes.

How it works

Spraying protects against bacteria

The mechanism of action of the homa is that it creates a film on the surface of plants, in contact with which pathogens die. This is directly related to the fact that copper has the ability to disrupt the metabolism of bacteria and fungal spores and destroy their DNA. In contact with home-covered leaves, they die, not having time to penetrate into the tissue. Use a solution of the drug to disinfect the soil before planting cucumbers, as well as during their growth.

Methods of application


Copper chloride is effective in disinfecting the soil. A few days before planting seedlings or sowing seeds, a bed is prepared. For disinfection, use a 0.4% (4 g per 1 liter of water) solution of Homa. With a ready-made solution, the bed is completely shed, in this case it is better to use a watering can, and also pour a small amount (200 ml) into the planting hole. Planting of cucumbers is carried out 2 days after processing.

Spraying the bushes

Cucumbers are treated with hom throughout the growing season, excluding flowering time. During the fruiting period, chlorine copper oxide can be used, but you must remember that the waiting time is 5-7 days and during this time you can not eat cucumbers.

The first treatment of the bushes is carried out 2-3 weeks after emergence and repeat every 10-14 days before flowering.

How to prepare

For 10 liters of solution is enough 35 40 g of powder. The powder is well dissolved in a small amount of water, then the remaining volume of water is added. In accordance with the instructions, the rate of use of 1 liter of solution per 10 square meters.

How to use

Hom is used in the form of a solution that thoroughly sprayed bushes without leaving a single untreated area, the leaves are sprayed with two sides. To prepare the solution, a plastic or glass container is used, copper oxide can react with metals.

When spraying cucumbers with a hom, certain rules must be observed:

  1. Spraying is carried out in the morning or evening.
  2. The procedure is carried out in dry, calm weather.
  3. Use personal protection (glasses, a mask, gloves).
  4. After treatment, wash the sprayer with clean water.
  5. After the procedure, wash your hands, face, rinse your mouth.

It is also important to remember that the dog it can be easily washed away, so after the rain you need to carry out additional processing. Such regular treatments can protect cucumbers without exposing them to toxic chemicals.

Compatibility and toxicity

Khom has good compatibility with organic fungicides based on dithiocarbanates (semestan, carotan). With their simultaneous use, the effectiveness of drugs in the fight against pathogens is enhanced. To 10 l of Homa solution, add 8 g of Serastan or Carotan.

6 tips for all diseases of cucumbers
Diseases of cucumbers and their treatment ❗Tips from an expert
179. Set the grid for cucumbers. Preparation of beds for cucumbers.

The preparation, subject to dosing, is not toxic to plants and various beneficial insects. It can be used near ponds and fish grounds, provided that the product is not allowed to enter the water. For humans, the substance is low toxic. If it enters the mucous membrane, it is necessary to rinse with clean water and take a sorbent (1 tablet of activated carbon).


This is an effective prophylactic drug that helps protect cucumbers from various diseases . Observing all the rules of use will bring the expected result and will not cause harm. And as you know, healthy plants are the key to a high yield and positive experience in gardening.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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