Causes of pallor leaves in cucumbers

Pale leaves in cucumbers – this phenomenon gardeners are not so rare. Leaf plates can change color for various reasons: lack of certain nutrients, improper care, or non-compliance with temperature conditions. You need to carefully study these reasons in order to conduct timely prevention or treatment.

  1. Why do the leaves
  2. Improper care
  3. Weather
  4. Shortage or excess of trace elements
  5. Solution problems
  6. Prevention of the disease
  7. Conclusion <

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Causes of pale leaves of cucumbers

Why leaves turn pale

Gardeners often encounter pathological processes that are manifested by the pale color of leaves in cucumbers. They depend on what which element is missing from the plant or, conversely, what nutrients are in excess.

Green leaves become pale lime due to improper care or adverse weather conditions.

Improper care

Pathological processes do not necessarily indicate a lack of nutrients in the soil. Sometimes it happens that these substances are not absorbed due to improper care. Nitrogen deficiency can occur due to lack of moisture. Too dry soil causes the attenuation of the activity of beneficial microorganisms, the available nitrogen disappears, which leads to blanching of the leaves. Seedlings and cucumbers require regular watering.

Some gardeners, having not fully figured out the reasons, are in a hurry to feed.But an excess of nitrogen will lead to the accumulation of nitrates in the fruits, from which their quality will noticeably decrease. You can eliminate the cause by regular and regular watering – after a week the leaves will get a natural color.

If the situation is critical, the cucumbers fertilize, but you can’t fertilize before harvesting.

The appearance on the culture of leaves resembling a dome-shaped with a light border around the edges often misleads the vegetable growers, since the same symptoms may indicate damage to the roots. The detection of yellow, dry roots indicates a serious illness and top dressing is indispensable. The root system may turn yellow due to an overabundance of certain nutrients in the soil.


It happens that the root system is completely healthy and the plant is fully provided with potassium. But the leaves of cucumbers for some reason lose their former brightness.

This happens due to the long absence of good weather, when the photosynthesis process is disturbed and trace elements flow out of the foliage. With the onset of sunny days, the organs acquire a natural color, and the problem resolves on its own.

Shortage or excess of trace elements

Specialists identify several reasons why the leaves of cucumbers fade. Here are the main ones:

  1. Nitrogen deficiency is easy to detect by slow growth, thin and hard branches that quickly woody.The foliage is smaller than usual, and with sharp ends are directed up. Lateral shoots are almost not formed, the ovary falls off, most of the flowers dry out. At the initial stage of the disease state, leaf plates turn yellow in old organs, and then young organs are affected. Nitrogen starvation over time is manifested by the light color of the middle leaves and the pale color of cucumbers. At first, thin veins remain green, but even with time they lose their color, and even new organs immediately grow light green. pale cucumbers are small in size and become pointed at the end.
  2. An excess of boron appears in the pale green color of the foliage of the cucumbers. Then the green plates acquire a lemon yellow color. When the disease state worsens, spots of light yellow color appear, surprisingly evenly located along the edges of the plates. The rest of the plate, especially the middle one, remains in normal saturated green. The stained tissues die and curl up, and the symptoms spread to all organs. Necrotic tissues curl, the disease progresses, which can cause necrosis of the whole plant.
  3. With a lack of iron, young leaves lose their color, only the main veins remain green. With the spread of the disease state, the entire plate is affected by chlorosis, all organs are involved in the pathological process. With the advanced stage, their edges die off, but the fruits do not suffer in any way.
  4. Excess potassium is manifested by the pallor and yellowness of the oldest organs.
  5. Calcium deficiency is manifested by the formation of small leaves of saturated green color and short internodes. Young organs become pale green, covered with bright stripes. Over time, they become wider, and their affected part dies.
  6. Lack of phosphorus is very rare. If vegetable growers follow the recommendations and apply all the fertilizers, then the plant will be provided with nutrients in full. But this chemical element is poorly absorbed in alkaline soil. The reaction of the soil must be checked by litmus test. If the fears are confirmed, then the land is acidified with peat or wood sawdust. Phosphorus deficiency is manifested by inhibition of crop growth, small foliage, dense and watery. After a while they disappear.
  7. With a lack of copper, the tips of the plates fade and lighten, lose their elasticity and dry out.
  8. Lack of molybdenum – foliage lose their saturated color.
  9. Deficiency potassium causes yellowing of the plates, and over time they turn brown.

There are cases that an excess of some fertilizers leads to a shortage of others. Most often this happens with nitrogen and potassium. Excess nitrogen is manifested by large organs, numerous flowers, but the ovary is formed later and the fruits ripen longer.An increased concentration of potassium in the soil causes rapid flowering and fruit formation, but crops inhibit growth, and as a result, the yield decreases sharply. With a high concentration of calcium, manganese, zinc and copper are poorly absorbed.

Watch carefully behind plants

The external symptoms of nutrient deficiency can be different, but there are also common pathologies in growth and development. An experienced gardener visually determines that something is wrong with the plant.

Solving the problem

The lack of any nutrients negatively affects the vegetation of cucumbers, as well as their yield. Urgently need to fertilize the necessary fertilizers. The concentration of the solution should be low, up to 0.3%.

In most cases, nutrient deficiency is observed on infertile soils, but it is also impossible to introduce highly concentrated top dressings, as this will cause poisoning of plants. It is possible to carry out foliar top dressing with a 0.1% solution of the necessary fertilizer.

In case of prolonged cold and cloudy weather, complex foliar top dressing is carried out: take 5 g of potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate in a bucket of water. The solution should stand 24 hours. Foliar top dressing of cucumbers is recommended in June.Fertilizers are applied in the evening so that the seedlings do not suffer from the scorching sun.

Prevention of the disease

Prevention of pale leaves in cucumbers allows you to prevent the development of a painful condition. It includes the following activities:

  1. Plant nutrition every 14 days. It is not recommended to apply fertilizer to dry soil or early in the morning. It is best to water the plants in the morning and fertilize in the evening. Do not exceed the dose of fertilizers indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.
  2. Maintaining crop rotation.
  3. Timely and regular watering of crops.
  4. Mulching the soil as protection against premature evaporation of moisture.
  5. Permanent monitoring of air humidity in greenhouses.

Both mineral fertilizers and organics are used for top dressing. Processing plants with a solution of laundry soap (20 g), 30 drops of iodine and a liter of milk two weeks after germination can strengthen their immune system and even protect against some pests.

It is necessary to differentiate the symptoms of a shortage or high content of nutrients from diseases, crop damage by harmful insects, improper care or bad weather conditions.


Based on external symptoms, experienced vegetable growers identify a deficiency of a chemical element and eliminate the painful condition by top dressing. But it’s best not to wait these alarm signals, and to fertilize according to the instructions of specialists, depending on the composition of the soil, then a painful condition can be avoided, and as a result a good harvest can be obtained.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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