Eggshell Seedlings

Cucumbers – a rather capricious culture, with a negative attitude towards transplants. The egg shell will serve as an ideal container for growing these fastidious vegetables, protecting the root system and nourishing the plant with everything necessary for growth. Seedlings of cucumbers in the eggshell sprout quickly, do not cause problems when transplanting into the soil, are distinguished by good fruit set and rich yield.

Рассада огурцов в яичной скорлупе

Seedlings of cucumbers in egg shells

The advantages of growing in shells

Egg shells for germinating cucumbers – natural and eco friendly m atrial. The advantages of the growing method include:

  1. Fertilizing the sprouts with calcium carbonate contained in the shell (contributes to the growth and better fruit set).
  2. Reducing the level of soil oxidation due to liming, enhancing the effect of mineral top dressing.
  3. Saves space and money on the manufacture of containers for seedlings.
  4. Environmentally friendly natural fertilizer, rapid decomposition of the shell due to its crystalline structure.
  5. Protection of the root system during planting in the open ground.
  6. Profilak the tick of defeat of the plant by the bear after transplantation on the bed (the pest dies from eating the egg shell).

Planting technology

To grow seedlings of cucumbers in an eggshell, you need the following:

  • seeds (seeds of the selected variety );
  • high-quality soil;
  • shell;
  • container for placement (it is convenient to use cardboard trays for eggs);
  • food film.

Harvesting natural pots

It is better to start collecting shells from the winter. To plant seedlings, it must be prepared in a special way:

  • with a sharp knife, remove the upper narrowed part of the egg (about a quarter of the entire surface), pour the yolk and protein;
  • carefully drill a drainage hole with an awl in a wide base;
  • thoroughly rinse the workpieces and boil for a couple of minutes to disinfect them;
  • dry and store them in a cool place until planting (make sure that mold does not form from excess moisture in the air ).

Before use, it is better to lower the egg containers even e for a minute in boiling water and dry them thoroughly. If the preforms are not disinfected on time, bacteria can multiply and produce an unpleasant odor. Such containers cannot be used.

Planting seeds

Shoots need good lighting

The sequence of planting the seed in natural pots:

  1. Fill the dry containers with 2/3 of the heated soil, consisting of soil with the addition of peat.
  2. Put not sprouted seeds in each pot (2-3 pcs.) and sprinkle with loosened soil for a couple see
  3. Moisten thoroughly with a spray gun.
  4. Place the containers in cardboard pallets or other supports to prevent them itia.
  5. Cover them with cling film to avoid drying out the soil and create a greenhouse effect (contributes to early germination and rapid growth of the crop).
  6. Place the pots near the light source (lack of natural or artificial light can cause the sprouts to stretch and reduce future yields).

Care for the sprouts

The amount of soil in a natural pot is small, so the sprouts require daily watering. But excessive watering is as dangerous for cucumbers as drying out. Therefore, it is important to prevent stagnation of moisture and regularly check whether the drainage hole is clogged.

Seeds germinate approximately 5-6 days after sowing. After the emergence of the sprouts, the cling film must be removed and the seedlings placed closer to the light source (ideally on the windowsill).If necessary, seedlings are illuminated with a fluorescent lamp.

10-12 days before planting, it is recommended that the seedlings begin to harden, periodically taking them out for 2-3 hours. This will help plants grow stronger and prepare for lower temperatures in open ground.

Cucumbers do not need additional fertilizing until the time of transplantation, because get all the necessary nutrients directly from the shell.

Features of planting in open ground

Planting of seedlings is done when the plants are strong enough and favorable weather is set ( lack of day and night frosts). The minimum suitable soil temperature for planting is 15-17 °. 3 days before planting, seedlings are recommended to be left on the street for acclimatization for a day.

The process of planting seedlings in an egg shell is quite simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. Planting is done with a minimum of sunlight , early morning or late evening.
  2. Before planting, moisten the soil in containers so as not to disturb the layer around the root system.
  3. Shell pots do not need to be removed. It is enough to squeeze them in the palm of your hand until cracks form through which the roots can gain access to the rest of the soil.
  4. The soil for planting requires preliminary preparation: it must be loosened, leveled with a rake and made holes.
  5. Seedlings together with natural containers should be placed in holes and sprinkled with soil.

After planting, cucumbers need abundant watering, every 3-4 days. A high level of humidity will contribute to the early rooting of plants.

When transplanting seedlings in open ground, it is important not to thicken the beds and dig holes at a sufficient distance from each other. The distance between plants should be sufficient to obtain the optimal amount of nutrients, moisture and light, even during the entire vegetative period.


Growing seedlings of cucumbers in an egg shell is convenient an alternative to the usual pots and other artificial containers. The use of shells greatly facilitates the planting process and reduces the acidity of the soil, contributing to the rapid growth of the crop. Cucumbers receive natural supplementary nutrition, which quickly decomposes into natural components in the soil. An additional advantage of the use of the egg shell is the prevention of damage to the culture of the bear.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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