Torbay Tomato Description

Experienced breeders often delight gardeners around the world with successful inventions in the field of tomato crops. Most recently, they invented an interesting kind of tomato, which they called “Torbay tomato.” Many vegetable growers have already managed to grow this variety, and with pleasure told about all the features of this vegetable crop.

  1. Description of tomatoes
  2. Characteristics of vegetables
  3. Pros and cons of hybrid tomatoes
  4. Planting and care
  5. Preventive measures against pests and diseases

Описание томата Торбей

Torbay tomato description

Tomato description

Torbay tomato f1 variety description has one difference from other species – this is the color of the peel. Many gardeners believe that the tomato should be red. But some of them They cultivate pink varieties in their plots. The characteristics of the Torbey f1 tomatoes are significantly different from other species and have a peculiar description.

  1. The Torbey variety is classified as a medium-early crop. Its ripening period lasts 100-110 days.
  2. The determinant hybrid can reach different heights, it all depends on the growing conditions. For example, in open soil, tomatoes grow by only 70-80 cm. If grown in greenhouse conditions, it can grow up to 1.5 m.
  3. Since the plant is large and lush, it produces many leaves, therefore the crop that appears will be protected from sunlight. This feature will not let the fruit deteriorate and ripen ahead of schedule.
  4. Torbey variety is strong and practically does not get sick, so you don’t have to worry that root rot, fusarium and wilting will appear.
  5. Yield depends on the planting method. One bush, on average, gives 6 kg of crop. To do this, the bushes are planted in 4 pieces per 1 m2, get 24 kg of crop per 1 m2 of area.
  6. Productivity lasts until October. It is because of this that many vegetable growers fell in love with the Torbey F1 variety. Therefore, this tomato culture is suitable not only for ordinary summer residents, but also for large producers.

Characteristics of vegetables

Tomatoes have a beautiful pink peel and oval shape . The weight of one fruit is 170-210 g. The bush consists of 5 stems. Tomatoes taste very interesting – a combination of sour and sweet gives a gentle and pleasant aftertaste. The peel is quite thick, so the fruits can be stored and transported for a long time. The appearance of such a tomato culture is perfect for sale and a family table. They complement the taste of any dish and do not spoil it at all.

Tomatoes grow small in size, so they are easy to preserve. In addition, they can be salted in large barrels. Tomatoes make juices, pastes and various sauces. There is one feature in the description of tomatoes – this is a high content of sugar and vitamins, so they are very tasty and healthy.

Pros and cons of tomato hybrids

Good qualities are the fruits of this variety.Feedback from gardeners is only good:

  • all the fruits begin to appear and ripen at the same time;
  • the yield is very high;
  • tolerates any disease;
  • tomatoes are beautiful and very tasty;
  • the size of tomatoes is almost the same for everyone;
  • if you harvest a little earlier than expected, they can ripen quietly in any place of storage.

Bushes need frequent loosening and fertilizing

Bad sides may appear during the cultivation of tomatoes, as this the most important stage. Basically, these are the initial stages of cultivation, as the Torbay tomato species loves attention. It is often necessary to loosen the ground and feed the bushes so that the fruits are ultimately juicy and plentiful.

Planting and care

The plant grows well in open ground and in greenhouses. But still, important conditions for cultivation are present.

  1. In the open area, Torbey tomatoes will have good yields if cultivated in the southern regions.
  2. People who live in the middle climate zone , you need to use ordinary film shelters to increase the amount of the crop.
  3. If this is the north of the country, then vegetables are grown only in greenhouses and must be heated.

Also worth knowing rules for preparing soil and seedlings.There is nothing complicated in them, since the conditions for all vegetables are almost the same. Seeds begin to sow in late March. To do this, you can take any capacity, either a simple box or a special pot. Then make holes of 1.5 cm and sow the seeds. For the first stems to appear, the room temperature must be 20 ° C. Before you start planting seedlings in the ground, prepare a place where it will be grown. Earth should be light and slightly acidic. The planting pattern is 6035 cm. The pits are sprinkled with 10 g of superphosphate.

If the cultivation will take place in an open place, in the air, it is worth choosing a favorable day and wait until the frosts and rains end. Although the type of tomato is determinant, it still has a large length. High bush must be tied up. This is necessary so that the ripened fruits do not lie on the ground, and the bushes do not break due to the large mass of the crop. You can also build a special support.

It is desirable to equip the plant in one stem or two. As indicated in the reviews of experienced gardeners, one stem gives fruits larger and more powerful. It is better to feed the plant at the very beginning of cultivation. Fertilizers should be composed of phosphorus and potassium. A little later, you need to add live fertilizers, as well as apply a complementary feed.

Preventive measures against pests and diseases

Torbay tomatoes f1 are not exposed to many diseases.It is enough for vegetable growers to carry out several preventive measures to strengthen plants. They include:

  • proper watering mode;
  • adding fertilizer to the ground;
  • lighting;
  • digging the soil.

If a person is attentive to the plant, it can still get sick. A disease such as a black leg is not treated, therefore, if an ailment is detected, the bush is completely dug up and thrown away. This should be done as quickly as possible to protect the remaining bushes from infection. Also often on tomato bushes appears greenhouse whitefly to avoid it, plants are sprayed. For this, the Confidor tool is suitable. In 10 l of water add 1 ml of the product. This amount of mixture is enough for 100 m2. If a tick or aphid is found, prepare a soap solution and treat the bushes.

It’s not difficult to grow the Torbay tomato f1. Reviews of breeders convince that the main thing is to observe favorable conditions during cultivation, and a good harvest and its quantity will pleasantly surprise you.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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