Characteristics of Black Pear Tomato

Tomato Black Pear differs from other varieties not only in its unusual color, but also in its delicate taste. Dark tomato is used for salting, for marinades or salads. Thanks to the dense pulp, the tomato makes a good tomato paste with an unusual dark shade.

  1. General characteristic of the tomato
  2. Description of the bush and fruits
  3. Growing and planting seedlings
  4. Care and bait
  5. Diseases and prevention
  6. Conclusion <

Характеристика томата сорта Черная Груша

Characteristics of the Black Pear tomato variety

A dark tomato is planted from seeds.The plant is unpretentious in care and is well adapted to adverse environmental conditions, and tall dense bushes allow harvesting. a big crop in the fall.

General characteristics of the tomato

The description of the crop always starts with the atypical color of the fruit peel.

Black the tomato begins to darken immediately after ripening and, according to the saturated hue, the gardener concludes that the crop is ready, the indeterminate variety shows good yield after a dry summer and in cold autumn. A plant with an average ripening season is planted in open ground or remains in the greenhouse until harvest.

On average, the fruits ripen within 112 days from the time of seedling planting. The quality of the fruit directly depends on watering and fertilizers that need to be periodically added to the soil. The advantages of tomato include a high content of carotene, which is useful for humans.Bushes with long fruiting are resistant to bad weather, and tomatoes do not rot even in the season of heavy rains. The general characteristics of tomatoes allows you to properly prepare for planting and caring for a plant with black fruits.

Description of the bush and fruits

Low-growing bushes stretch up one and a half, two meters. In the second, third month, long stems should be tied up: under the weight of green fruits, the branches bend and break. A hard trunk keeps the culture from falling due to strong winds. The strong root system of the bush needs constant fertilizer: once a month it is necessary to loosen the soil and saturate the soil with useful nitrogen-containing additives.

Description of the fruit with an unusual color:

  • tomatoes are small in size with elongated ” hat “(resemble a pear);
  • the average weight of one fruit is 60-80 g;
  • the pulp is dense;
  • the color is burgundy, the ripened fruits are dark brown color;
  • the variety is characterized by fruits that can be stored for a long period (during transportation, most of the crop I remain safe and sound).

Black Pear variety is suitable for pickling or pickles for the winter. During heat treatment, the fruits retain a rich color and nutrients. They use fresh black pear for salads or appetizers.

A typical tomato can be used for decorative purposes: ready-made dishes are decorated with black slices.Black Pear is chosen for tomato paste because of its rich sweet and sour taste.

Growing and planting seedlings

With good care a healthy plant will grow

Siberian Black Pear takes root in warm regions with moderate humidity.

Seeds germinate well in greenhouses or on sheltered land. The tomato grows from a ready-reinforced seedling, which is planted only in fertilized soil.

The bush that has appeared should be divided into two large stems (trunks), and then the Black Pear variety is grafted at the crown (7-8 ovaries). On average, the yield of one bush is 3-4 kg. 4 healthy stems are planted per 1 sq.m, which quickly grow into growth.

Care and bait

Reviews of experienced gardeners will allow you to organize proper care of the crop. Black Pear is an unpretentious tomato resistant to frequent diseases. Basic plant care includes fertilizing the soil and stems with natural solutions: whey helps protect the tomato from pests. With the help of Fitosporin, seeds, seedlings and bushes of the black pear variety are processed.

Black Pear variety needs constant watering. The soil is moistened no less than 5 times a month. During heavy rains, soil fertilization increases and the number of irrigations decreases.Tomato can withstand prolonged drought, but due to lack of moisture the fruits become bitter.

Diseases and prevention

A persistent-looking tomato can only suffer from seasonal diseases. The processed tomato is not susceptible to fungal diseases, but can suffer from:

  • black leg disease;
  • fusarium;
  • the effects of a whitefly attack.

For protection, tomatoes and stems are treated with home-made solutions (whey with water), and before planting, the soil is treated with potassium permanganate diluted 1: 5.

For prevention, it strengthens the dark fruit culture with vitamin fertilizers. Powder “Fitosporin” is diluted with water and is used to irrigate the entire crop. The resulting protective film protects the plant from diseases and pests.


Tomato Pear Black resistant and with a high yield, will be the decoration of any garden. Use ripe fruits to prepare delicious dishes. The vitaminized salad supplement is good for adults and children.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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