Characteristics of Japanese Dwarf variety tomato

In the modern world there is a wide variety of varieties of tomatoes. You can meet them on store shelves. There are known varieties, but there are those that many have not even heard of. One such species is the Japanese dwarf tomato. We can say that this is a tomato for fans to grow crops in the open field.

  1. Description of the variety
  2. Planting a Japanese dwarf
  3. Sowing seeds
  4. Caring for seedlings
  5. Planting seedlings
  6. Tomato care
  7. Pests and insects of the Japanese dwarf
  8. Conclusion <

Характеристика томата сорта Японский Карлик

Characteristics of tomato tomato variety Japanese Dwarf

There is another tomato variety that is very similar to the Japanese dwarf, it is called Mongolian dwarf. If you read their description, you can find and some similarities, but there are differences between them, but many reviews say that Japanese dwarf tomatoes are better in everything.

Variety Description

Japanese the dwarf belongs to the determinant plants.

They give the first fruits very early and are also referred to as high-yield varieties. The bush is stunted, which allows you to grow several plants nearby. Its maximum height can reach 50 cm.

In the description of the variety it is said that stepsoning is not necessary. After all, from the moment of transplanting the seedlings to receiving the fruits, a maximum of 1-2 stepson can form. Tomatoes need support, so immediately after planting seedlings you need to install pegs nearby.Tomatoes are not picky, which means that they can really be grown in any region of the country.

The fruit has a beautiful round shape and a nice red color. The weight of one tomato can reach a maximum of 70 grams. They are recommended for use in salads and preserves.

It is not known by whom and when the Japanese dwarf variety was bred. But some argue that this was done by a Siberian breeder. This conclusion was made due to the fact that the tomato is resistant to temperature extremes.

Planting a Japanese dwarf

Planting varieties is carried out in exactly the same way as the rest of the tomato subspecies. To do this, plant seeds and get seedlings. Then transfer it to open ground. If desired, seeds can be sown immediately on the street.

Sowing seeds

If you decide to grow seedlings at home, you need to prepare a container. It should be about 50×50 cm wide and 40 cm deep. Next you should stock up on the ground in which the tomatoes will grow. The characteristic says that the purchased soil is perfect for this. If this is not at hand, then it is recommended to do it yourself.

To do this, mix black soil with river sand and saturate all with useful substances. Then you should put the earth in a container. Pre-treating it with potassium permanganate. Next you need to prepare the seeds. Select viable and sanitize them.

This is done:

  • make a saline solution;
  • put the seeds there;
  • and watch them;
  • those that come up are unsuitable for planting.

And in order to sanitize the seeds you need to take a solution of potassium permanganate and soak them in it. This will save tomatoes from any insects, if there are diseases.

After the preparatory work, you can safely plant the seeds in the ground. This is best done in late February or early March. After planting, it is necessary to cover the box with a plastic bag. When sprouts appear, it must be removed.

Next, wait until two full leaves appear and pick. Transplant stronger seedlings into separate containers.

Seedling Care

Watering plants need to be defended with water

Tomatoes Japanese dwarf must be put on the armrest, where there is enough light. Also, observe the temperature regime. It should be at least 22 degrees with a plus sign. If there is not enough daylight for seedlings, then they need to provide it artificially. This is done using a fluorescent lamp.

Watering is also an important component. Water must be added to the soil as the soil dries. Do not allow swamps, otherwise your seedlings will simply die. It is better to water the plant with settled or rain water.Seedlings do not need fertilizer at this moment, since there are enough useful substances that are in the soil until they land on the street.

Planting seedlings

This tomato it’s better to land as soon as the air temperature is kept at 15 degrees. To do this, prepare a place that must be pre-fertilized. The distance between the holes can be less than 30 cm, as the tomato grows up. The characteristic of the variety says that the distance between the bushes should also not be large.

After preparing the place, you can safely plant seedlings. To do this, take containers with seedlings and pour them well with water. Then carefully extract the tomatoes from the pots and plant in open ground. As soon as all the seedlings of this variety are planted, they must be well filled. This will allow seedlings to take root in a short period.

Tomato care

After the Japanese dwarf planted, he needs to be given proper care. It consists in the following:

  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • loosening and mulching the soil;
  • weed removal.

Water the tomato of this variety must be exactly the same as other melons. On hot days, water should be added to the soil more often. Weed control also plays an important role. After all, they clog the ground and do not allow the culture to develop normally.

Plant nutrition is carried out exactly one week after planting.The next time fertilizer should be applied during the formation and ripening of fruits. This can be done using organic or inorganic means. Organic fertilizers are best prepared in the fall, but inorganic ones are suitable for use in the spring.

Pests and insects of the Japanese dwarf

Tomato The Japanese dwarf is resistant to various diseases and pests.

But this is only if you provide him with proper care. Melon ailments rarely affects this variety, but they can still occur. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carry out prevention. It is better to do this with the help of special preparations that are sold in a gardening shop.

Tomato Japanese dwarf
Grade JAPANESE Dwarf. Tomatoes from Fedor.
Tested tomato variety: Mongolian dwarf

As for the pests, the bear and aphid often attack the tomato. The first insect infects the plant in seedling age. Therefore, for this, it is worthwhile to make special preparations during the landing period that scare off and destroy the parasite. Aphid attacks less frequently, but it does happen. As a prophylaxis against an insect, it is better to plant a plant next to a tomato that will scare it away.


Tomato Japanese dwarf is a very good variety. Of course, you can find different reviews about him, but mostly they are positive. Moreover, this variety is resistant to temperature extremes and various diseases.

Many consider early ripening to be the main advantage of the subspecies. Already in late May and early June, you can enjoy delicious tomatoes. They are great for preparing different dishes, but they are rarely used for transportation.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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