Description of Armenian Cucumber

The Armenian cucumber is considered to be a hybrid of ordinary cucumber and melon. This crop belongs to exotic gourds. The variety is sometimes called the Silver Melon, as the surface of the fruit is pubescent. The taste and shape of the fruit are quite unusual for the look of a simple person, in addition, the Armenian cucumber has a melon aroma.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Features of the cultivation
  5. Where to plant
  6. Seed preparation
  7. Planting rules
  8. Care <
  9. Diseases and insects

Описание Армянского огурца

Description of the Armenian cucumber

Characteristic of the variety

The vegetable was bred in the early twentieth century in Armenia, as a result of which it got its name. In 2003, this variety served as a place in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

Description of the plant

Due to its versatility, Armenian cucumber with melon taste can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground. The growing season is 70 days. A large number of branches and side shoots are formed on the bushes. The color of the foliage is dark green. The leaf shape is round, with a slight roughness.

According to the description, the main stem is characterized by an indeterminate type: its height is unlimited and reaches 4 m. The root system is powerful, develops in the horizontal plane.

Description of the fruit

About 10 fruits can form on 1 bush.Each, according to the description, is green and has a cylindrical shape. All fruits are covered with a silver edge. The length of the Armenian cucumber reaches 40 cm. The weight of individual fruits is 1 kg.

The Armenian cucumber does not contain internal voids, which attracts public attention. The pulp is characterized by density and crunches.

The structure is not watery. The taste is saturated and a bit like the taste of an ordinary melon. Armenian cucumbers are suitable for fresh consumption or preservation for the winter.

Features of growing

Cultivation of Armenian cucumbers The white hero is not very different from that characteristic for other varieties of cucumbers.

Where to plant

The soil should be breathable

The Armenian cucumber White Athlete is recommended to be planted in areas characterized by lightness and fertility. It is important to give preference to soil with a low alkaline balance and a large amount of nutrients. It is also important to plant an Armenian cucumber in porous soil so that the necessary amount of air and nutrients enter the root system.

Preparing the seeds

The cultivation of the Armenian cucumber, first of all, depends from planting seeds. Seeds should be planted after the winter frosts have completely disappeared.After 5 days, small shoots are shown, which are planted in open ground already at the age of 20-25 days. It is important that the seedlings contain about 5 full leaves.

Planting of the Armenian cucumber is carried out by the seedling method. This allows the root system to better tolerate some changes in temperature and significantly speeds up the process of fruit formation.

Planting rules

  1. The Armenian cucumber is characterized by a love of heat, therefore, the soil temperature for planting, it should be warmed up to 25 ° C.
  2. For those who want to slightly speed up the process of seedling germination and harvest, it is important to treat the seeds of the Armenian cucumber with special growth stimulants and soak in a damp cloth for several days. This will allow the seeds to open, and the sprouts will appear faster outside.

According to the description, during planting, keep a distance of 50 cm between rows, the distance between the holes should be about 1 m. This will allow plants not to intertwine, as a result, fruiting will not be disturbed by anything.


The Armenian cucumber is standard.

  1. Watering should be carried out only water at room temperature and preferably in the evening. This will allow the root system to stay in a humid environment longer and receive the necessary amount of moisture.
  2. Loosening the soil requires that nutrients and moisture better pass to the root system, especially since the crust on the soil can rot the roots.
  3. When weeding the beds, weeds should be removed and foreign objects that can interfere with the proper formation of the bush or fruits.

Armenian cucumbers require proper fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. It is preferable to use only phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen compounds. Nitrogen will allow the plant to form faster, as a result, the fruits will ripen faster. Potassium and phosphorus will help the fruit gain the necessary weight and shape, as well as fully reveal the amazing taste of vegetables. Top dressing with these substances should be carried out alternately, with an interval of 10 days. It is best to apply fertilizer a few days before watering.

Diseases and insects

According to experts who conducted the research, Armenian cucumbers are not exposed to various fungal infections. That is, diseases such as spotting or powdery mildew cannot affect the plant. But the problem is that these diseases can affect the bush if the farmer does not follow all the rules of cultivation. For example, it is important that the greenhouse plant receives the necessary amount of air, so ventilation is a must.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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