Description of Tomato Asterix

Tomato Asterix is ​​one of the best varieties in the world. Specialists gave him the third line in the rating of the best types of tomatoes.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Advantages and disadvantages
  5. Growing rules
  6. Care <
  7. Prevention
  8. Conclusion

Описание томата Астерикс

Description of the tomato Asterix

Characteristics of the variety

Tomato Asterix f1 was bred in the Netherlands in 2005, and in 2008 it was added to the State Register of the Russian Federation.

According to the description, tomato Asterix f1 is suitable for the northern regions of the country, as it tolerates cold well.

Description of the plant

The vegetation period of the plant is about 100 days after planting in the ground .

The bush is determinant, its growth is 150 cm. The stem is powerful, contains a large number of leaves. The surface of each sheet is slightly rough. The dense foliage protects the main part of the bush from direct sunlight.

Description of the fruit

Yield of tomatoes Asterix f1 high: from 1 square. m collect about 12 kg of selected tomatoes. The weight of the fruits is on average about 80 g, the shape is oval with a slight sharpening at the end. Inside the fruit are 3 compartments for seeds.

The peel is red, the pulp is dense: it contains about 7% dry matter.

Advantages and disadvantages

The tomato has extremely positive characteristics

Asterix f1 has a number of positive characteristics:

  • high yields;
  • excellent characteristics of taste and commercial quality;
  • resistance to common diseases;
  • the possibility of long transportation and long shelf life;
  • unpretentiousness to to outdoor conditions;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • fruiting even in the hottest weather.

Growing rules

Planting a plant at a constant place cannot be carried out until the soil has warmed up to a temperature of 18 ° C.

For the convenience of harvesting, experts recommend planting seedlings with a tape method. The distance between the tapes is 90-100 cm, between the holes is 30-40 cm.


The variety does not require special care. It is enough to take standard measures: to harden the root system, loosen the soil, weed and water the beds, feed them. Hilling is carried out as the amount of soil on the root system decreases so that the sun does not drain the roots: this will lead to the death of the plant.

Loosening the soil and weeding the beds is carried out once a week.This allows the soil and roots to receive more oxygen and nutrients, which favorably affects the final yield. Watering is carried out only with warm water.

Feeding should include the alternation of mineral and organic substances. The ideal combination is phosphorus fertilizers with humus, potassium fertilizers with litter, nitrogen substances with wood ash.


Despite the fact that Asterix f1 is a disease resistant variety, preventive measures will not be redundant. It is important to regularly inspect the plant for diseases and parasites. If the influence of whiteflies or aphids is noticed, use a solution of manganese or copper-containing preparations.

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In the fight against the Colorado potato beetle, manual collection of insects or Fofatox helps . To get rid of the bear, we recommend using the Regent.


If you follow the standard measures for the care and cultivation of tomatoes Asterix, you can get a crop of amazing quality.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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