Cauliflower cultivar Dachnitsa

Cauliflower The summer resident is a popular variety of cauliflower. The variety is unpretentious in cultivation, high-yielding. A detailed spelling of the variety will be considered in the article.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the head
  3. Use of the vegetable
  4. Cultivation and care
  5. Planting seedlings
  6. Planting <
  7. Watering <
  8. Feeding <
  9. Pests and diseases
  10. Conclusion

Цветная капуста сорта Дачница

Cauliflower cultivars Summer cottage

Variety characteristic

Summer cottage – a variety of medium ripeness. It is characterized by a long (in comparison with other species cauliflower) during the growing season – from the emergence of sprouts to full ripening takes at least 80 days, and sometimes this period can reach 100 days.

Among the characteristics of the variety, there are several advantages:

  1. Versatility – the variety is not whimsical to the type of soil and climatic conditions, the summer resident feels equally good both in greenhouse conditions and on open ground.
  2. Stress resistance – the variety is not afraid of short droughts, so and small frosts. It is steady against average daily temperature differences.
  3. It has good consumer qualities, contains a number of useful substances, is universal in preparation and is well preserved.

Description of the head

Cauliflower cultivar Dachnitsa has a very dense, slightly flattened round head, white in color, with a slight cream tint, the head of the plant has a fine-grained structure. The weight of the head reaches from 400 to 800 g.

The rosette consists of medium-sized leaves, less often – large sizes. The leaves in the outlet are smooth, green in color, have a slightly folded surface, with a slight waxy coating.

Application of the vegetable

The spectrum of application of cauliflower, in particular the variety Dachnitsa, is very wide . Recommended for most types of cooking. A feature of the variety is the long preservation of the head in frozen form, while the taste and benefits of the vegetable are not lost at all.

Unlike white cabbage, cauliflower is much richer in vitamins and minerals. Fiber in cauliflower is less – therefore, it is easier to digest. The summer resident is an excellent universal product that is useful and dietary.

Cultivation and care

In order to achieve high productivity, it is necessary to ensure the proper conditions both when growing seedlings, and when care for adult plants. In general, the description of care coincides with the care of other varieties of cauliflower.

Planting seedlings

Support optimum temperature for plants

Cultivation of varieties for most regions is carried out according to seedling technology. Planting seeds for seedlings is carried out in the last decade of March – early April. Since the plant already forms an inflorescence at the seedling stage, it is imperative that the room temperature is maintained at least 20 ° C, otherwise the sprouts will be stunted. 7-9 days after germination, young sprouts dive. Plants that are ready for planting should grow stronger and harden, in Dachnitsa this takes an average of 30-35 days.


Disembarkation in the ground at the site of constant explantation is carried out by 50×35 cm scheme. After 14-16 days after planting, it is necessary to make the first hilling using moist soil.


Regularly need to be watered using only warm water, but in moderate amounts, as young seedlings do not tolerate an excess of moisture. When the plants get stronger and mature, the amount of moisture needs to be increased – the more cauliflower gets moisture, the faster the increase in the useful mass of the head occurs. Two to three weeks before head collection, it is necessary to limit the frequency of watering. A week before harvesting, watering is stopped altogether.


To achieve good yields, it is recommended to use organic fertilizing. Active growth and the formation of the ovary begins precisely after fertilizing. Usually produce 2 or 3 top dressings. The first is necessary to produce 10-14 days after landing at a permanent place, the next is carried out with an interval of two weeks.

At the first stages of growth, ammonium nitrate is used as top dressing (5 gr. Per square meter of planting), then superphosphate and potassium sulfate (from 4 to 7 g / m2) are used. At the final stage of cultivation, top dressing must be balanced.

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Cauliflower (Summer resident)
Cauliflower Summer resident. Your farm

Pests and diseases

Pests that can affect the crop:

  • spring cabbage fly, whitewash, dustpan :. for struggle use a dust solution, and for prevention – the soil around the roots of plants is sprinkled with sand with naphthalene;
  • aphids: to destroy the pest use they call for ash broth, preferably tobacco ash, the Fitoverm preparation is also effective;
  • gray slug: tobacco ash or ash are also used as a prophylaxis – a pungent smell repels the pest;
  • wireworm (nutcracker) : this parasite represents the larva of a nutcracker beetle, quickly eats up the leaves and head of the plant. Frequent and intensive weeding of the soil will help get rid of the larvae, in which a large number of larvae die.

The variety is quite resistant to disease, but the following can be distinguished, which the plant can be exposed to:

  • the black leg should be removed from the garden when the disease appears, and limit watering neighboring plants;
  • keel, fusarium – the plant must be destroyed, as a preventative measure, soil can be treated with formalin solution.


The variety is popular among gardeners, as it is very convenient for growing in small quantities, and does not require careful care throughout his period of cultivation

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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