Characteristics of Athos cucumbers

Athos cucumbers are a recently bred species. This is a parthenocarpic hybrid for open and protected ground, characterized by good fruitfulness and fruit quality.reachGoal (‘sood’); “>

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Advantages
  3. Description of the bush
  4. Description of the fruit
  5. Care
  6. Nailing <
  7. Watering <
  8. Feeding <
  9. Tying
  10. Diseases and pests
  11. Conclusion <

Характеристика огурцов сорта Атос

Characteristics of Atos cucumbers

Characteristics of the variety

Parthenocarpic hybrid stands out among others by early ripening: the period from seedling to fruit bearing oia – 40-45 days. In July, many ovaries and small fruits form on the plants.


  • early bearing;
  • excellent germination;
  • short-growing.

The plant tolerates temperature extremes, summer heat and soil drought. It grows and bears fruit under conditions in which other varieties die or become ill. Preservation and keeping quality of fruits is high – up to 15 days under normal conditions.

Description of the bush

The vegetable has a female type of flowering. The number of flowers in a knot is 3-5 pcs. The plants are tall, usually 1.5-2 m. At the same time, up to 20 cucumbers are poured on the bush.

The bushes grow very much, so planting should be carried out at a great distance from each other.The plant is long-ply, branching medium. The leaves are dark green, have a triangular shape with sharp ends.

Description of the fruit

Most plants produce several fruits in one bosom, that is, the crop is characterized by bunch fruiting. Fruits are dark green, with a good consistency and crunch, without bitterness and voids, do not turn yellow. Their use is universal. Productivity – 12.1-12.5 kg / sq. m. Suitable for fresh consumption, pickling and canning.


Caring for this hybrid is not an easy task. The main rule is timeliness and regularity. Basic procedures:

  • pinching;
  • weeding;
  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • tying.

Indoor cultivation is better for growing varieties.

Cucumbers are grown by sowing seeds in the soil or through seedlings. Seedlings are planted in the ground as soon as all the frost has passed. Cucumber seeds are sown in soil warmed up to 15-18 ° C. The seed planting depth is 1-2 cm. Crops are covered with a film, cultivated in an ordinary way according to the scheme 60 x 15 cm.


Pinching helps the root system to develop

Another name for pinching is pinching.All shoots located above 3 and 4 leaves of a young plant are removed: this contributes to the development of the root system.

The branching is average, therefore pinch the top of the main stem. If the bush is actively fruiting, they will not step in.


Atos f1 cucumbers are plants that love moisture, so they need to be watered regularly.

Carefully irrigate the ground, which is especially important during fruiting. Cucumbers are watered in 1-2 days, preferably in the morning with settled water. It should be warm, not lower than 21-22 ° C, otherwise gray rot will appear. Withering and seedling must not be allowed: the roots may die.

According to the description, Athos c1 cucumbers should be moistened according to a number of rules:

  • Water only the root.
  • The stem, leaves and fruits are sprayed with drip irrigation: this reduces the risk of olive spotting and bacteriosis.
  • Watering is carried out regularly: once every 1-2 days during periods of drought. If the cucumbers do not have enough moisture, the fruits will become bitter.


Before feeding, the ground should be moist. Fertilizer should not fall on leaves and fruits, only on the root.

When cultivating parthenocarpic cucumbers, it is necessary to fertilize 3-4 times using the mineral and organic compounds throughout the entire period of growth, flowering, and fruiting.The first feeding is carried out in the phase of two leaves, the second – 10-12 days after the first or 1-2 days before transplanting.

It is necessary to use a complex of organic and mineral fertilizers. For feeding, dry mullein diluted with water in a proportion of 1:10, or bird droppings (1:20) is most often used. They are poured for 3 hours, after which seedlings are watered with the obtained product (at the rate of 1 glass per 6 plants).


After planting in the soil, the plants are tied for better growth and so that cucumbers do not interfere with each other. The stem is directed horizontally, tied to the trellis, and then the cucumber lashes are tied.

You need to form the plants at the seedling stage, removing all the buds of buds, ovaries and side lashes in the axils of the first 4-5 leaves. Plant formation is carried out 1-2 times a week, removing shoots 2-3 orders of magnitude.

Diseases and pests

Parthenocarpic plants are resistant to many diseases.

Cucumber Athos f1 is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus and powdery mildew. The variety is improved properties to resist root rot, peronosporosis, and other cucumber diseases. It is important to adhere to a humidity of not more than 90% and the correct temperature.

As a preventative measure, it is enough to ventilate the greenhouse once every 2 weeks, wash the windows and doors with soap and water. When growing in open ground, avoid overmoistening or drought of the soil.


Care and cultivation of cucumbers is not an easy task, but if everything is done in a timely and correct manner, the reward will be a good harvest. All that is required of the gardener is regular watering, timely mulching, high-quality fertilizer and compliance with climatic conditions.Weeds must be removed and the plant examined for pests.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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