Rules for watering cucumbers with whey

Today, there are quite a large number of special substances that are used to process vegetables. Most of them are sold in specialized stores and require their purchase. The other part is to be cooked at home. Watering cucumbers with whey is the best used to fertilize cucumbers and other vegetables.

  1. Processing accuracy
  2. Prevention
  3. General recommendations
  4. Watering with serum
  5. Spraying rules
  6. Serum with iodine
  7. Fertilizer <
  8. Treatment of the disease
  9. Conclusion <

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Rules for watering cucumbers with serum

Proper treatment

Treatment or fertilizing the culture with such solutions can not only cure the plant from various diseases, but also to protect the culture from the future influence of parasites. Similar results arise because a small protective film forms on the leaves and stalk.

The thing is that a large number of bacteria are present in the milk serum, which , together with a certain alkaline level of the plant, form unique protective properties.


You can also process crops for prevention, because we all know that diseases are better to warn than to treat. This fact applies quite well to garden crops.

Many gardeners note the fact that preventive measures have a much better effect on the plant than the treatment process itself.

Cucumbers must be processed immediately after flowering begins. It is best to use a specialized sprayer for these purposes.

General recommendations

  1. It is best to spray crops when the active foliage process begins.
  2. It is important to be careful during flowering, because a protective film can complicate the process of forming flowers and their further development. That is why experts recommend fertilizing or treating crops after the formation of flowering.
  3. All activities are carried out in the daytime, a few days before watering. This is done so that water cannot wash away all the nutrients from the surface.

Watering with serum

Serum is a substance that is obtained during souring dairy products. After people have prepared cottage cheese or yogurt, they get it whey. It is best to use dairy substances that are obtained during the preparation of cottage cheese. They contain more nutrients than the second option for their preparation.

  1. This milk product pretty well affects the development of cucumber or other vegetables.
  2. It contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and proteins.
  3. For the category of vegetables, it has a healing property, because it contains amino acids, which saturates garden crops.
  4. It also perfectly feeds the soil and eliminates the presence of fungal diseases.

Spraying rules

Prepare the mixture for processing

  1. To do this, you need 5 liters of warm water, better than room temperature .
  2. 0.5 l of fresh serum is poured into it and 5-6 drops of iodine are added.
  3. Before spraying, it is recommended to remove all damaged areas of the plant, and only after that you can use serum for spraying cucumbers.

Repeated course p bred after 2-3 weeks.

Serum with iodine


You can not only water the dairy products on which this or that disease was formed. Such solutions are often used to fertilize the soil and accelerate the ripening of the fetus. Due to the fact that serum with iodine has a high concentration of amino acids, they positively affect the development and growth of the culture. To prepare the solution, carry out the following steps:

  • take 1 liter of milk sour milk;
  • add 9 liters of clean room-temperature water to it;
  • 5 should also be added -6 drops of iodine.

Such feeding of cucumbers with whey is carried out several times a month. In just a few weeks, you will notice that top dressing has begun to bear fruit.The plant will begin to grow faster, the seedling process will accelerate and the ripening process will come much faster.

Serum with iodine for cucumbers has a fairly large number of positive qualities. But, one should be careful with these substances. The thing is that dairy products have a fairly high concentration of bacteria. Therefore, its abundant use as a top dressing can disrupt the acid balance of the soil and vegetables cease to produce crops at all.

Treatment of the disease

If you need to get rid of such a disease, as powdery mildew, the next solution should be prepared. Spraying cucumbers with whey or iodine is a fairly simple procedure that does not require special knowledge in the field of agriculture. But, the cooking process is very important, because the quality of the final product depends on it. For the treatment of crops, it is better to use special diluted versions of the substance. They should be diluted with warm water, the temperature of which does not exceed 20-25 ° C. The dilution ratio is 1: 1.

Watering with iodine is quite simple in principle. You only need 10 ml of iodine, in which a small amount of a substance such as Fitosporin is added. Feeding cucumbers with whey has a positive effect on the growing season of the culture and significantly increases the time of its fertility.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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