The reasons for the decrease in the level of egg production in quail

Quail – bird related to the subfamily of partridge. Breeding it at home is a profitable business, as this bird has high productivity. But the quail is not always pleasing to the owner with constancy. Sometimes they simply stop rushing or show low rates of egg production, which makes breeding ineffective.That’s why you should know what factors influence the fact that quails do not rush in order to take timely measures to restore normal egg production.

  1. Productivity rate and its maintenance
  2. Identification of the main reasons for the decline in quail productivity
  3. If the reason is in lighting
  4. If the reason is in climate
  5. Improper feeding
  6. A few more reasons for poor egg production

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Why quail

do not rush than ordinary chicken. But still there are a number of nuances that should be considered when choosing a breed.

Productivity rate and its maintenance

The answer to the question why quail , largely depends on the breed that the farmer breeds.

So, the breed of Japanese Quail can give 2 eggs a day, and Estonian or hybrid – 1 each. In household conditions for one month of quail give from 24 to 27 eggs. The exact number cannot be determined, since the productivity of birds often depends on their emotional state. The amount of stress affects how many eggs the breeder receives.

In addition to stress, there are other factors that can reduce the productivity of birds. All of them are associated with the quality of livestock care: comfortable conditions of detention, as well as the features of feeding. Therefore, do not worry much if the quail lays eggs less often. You only need to calculate the main causes of this phenomenon, eliminate them, and the quail will immediately return to the previous indicator of egg production.

Determination of the main reasons for the decrease in the productivity of quail

The answer to the question why not rushing quail, should be sought in the actions of the breeder. More often than not, human errors are the main reason for the decline in productivity. They can be associated with different areas of livestock care. In household conditions, productivity is most often affected by:

  • feeding characteristics;
  • daylight hours;
  • climatic conditions;
  • lack of ventilation;
  • change of the main place of detention;
  • breeding errors (change of male, new birds settling, etc.).

But not proper care always helps to maintain quail productivity at a normal level. Like other living things, birds can get sick and grow old. Quail begin to rush at an early age, from 32-35 days from birth. First, young laying hens give 7-8 eggs, increasing the rate to 24-26 pieces every month. In addition, every 6-8 days, birds take a break, which can frighten an inexperienced breeder.Do not worry: in a few days the quail will begin to rush again.

The novice farmer should also be aware that if the quail is not carried or their productivity has decreased, this may indicate the aging of the individual. One quail per 1 year of life can produce up to 240 eggs. Starting from 8 months, productivity gradually decreases. This is a normal occurrence. By the year the poultry farmer will receive 12-14 eggs from one female. This is exactly the meaning that all farmers have to be content with from the old individual. Usually you don’t have to think about what to do with it: it is sent for meat.

If the reason is lighting

The problem of low egg laying of winged animals is often associated with human errors daylight hours organization. It is important to adhere to generally accepted standards: 18-20 hours. Any deviation from these values ​​negatively affects the feathered productivity. On large farms, special calculation schemes are also used to keep a high level of egg production. The daylight hours are organized as follows:

  • at 6 am, turn on the light that remains on until midnight;
  • from midnight to 2 hours, a break;
  • from 2 – until 4 – turn on the light;
  • from 4 to 6 – turn off.

In household conditions, such a schedule is difficult to organize if you do not purchase a special relay, which is mounted in electric network. Although it will be expensive, it will quickly pay for itself.Nightly two-hour light on and off intervals are necessary for birds to meet their food needs. Starvation has a bad effect on bird productivity, and such measures completely preclude this. This species of domesticated bird has a very fast metabolism, which cannot be said about other birds

The necessary effect can also be obtained if the lamps for lighting the house are correctly selected.

Quail most often choose shaded areas for life. In such comfortable conditions, they rush better, sleep and eat. During the construction and arrangement of the house, it is important to pay attention to the location of the lighting devices and the brightness of their glow. Experienced poultry farmers recommend using a ratio of 4 watts for calculations. per 1 square. m area of ​​the house. Incorrect calculations adversely affect not only the egg production of birds in the future, but also their physical and psychological state. Quail can spend a lot of time in a dream, which leads to their emaciation. If the light is too bright in the room, the birds become aggressive.

If the reason is in the climate

Quails cease to rush often because of too high or low air temperature in the house or cages. Comfortable temperature for them is 20-24 ° С. Especially carefully should monitor the condition of birds in the winter and summer. At temperatures below 18 ° C, birds begin to rush less often.The problem is solved simply: it is necessary to install an electric heater in the room.

In the summer, the reasons for low egg production are also associated with an uncomfortable temperature for quail. Starting from 26 ° C, the productivity of birds can be reduced by 20-60%. The breeder should urgently take action. If you do not lower the temperature, the livestock will begin to die. But what to do in such cases? Experienced farmers recommend installing a fan in the house to cool the birds from the summer heat.

We must not forget about the effectiveness of ventilation. At high temperatures, the evaporation of bird droppings is accelerated. The air becomes moist and heavy, it contains substances that are hazardous to health, and the ventilation system allows them to be removed from the house, changing to fresh air flows taken from the street. In addition, high humidity also negatively affects quail egg production. If all these quail care features are fulfilled, the farmer will receive the eggs in the required average quantity.

Why quails don’t rush
How to get quails to lay eggs // What to do? // Life in the village
How to raise quail egg production

Improper feeding

The most common mistake made by breeders is an improperly constructed diet of quails or errors in the diet. Deterioration of egg production is easy to correct if timely to identify the main causes of this phenomenon. Most often, farmers make the following mistakes:

  • Overfeed or underfeed birds. Any of these actions leads to a decrease in productivity.
  • Select the wrong food in terms of composition and energy value.It is especially important to provide birds with enough protein foods. Its deficiency often leads to a decrease in egg production. Eggs also become smaller in size.
  • Do not follow a diet. The recommended norm is 2-3 times a day. In addition, a small amount of food is left to the birds overnight.

Incorrectly selected food is easy to identify. If after 1-3 days after feeding the productivity has sharply decreased, this is the reason. After normalization of the diet, the birds will return to the previous mode of productivity. But if several days have passed and no changes have occurred, you should look for reasons in other factors.

It is equally important to ensure that quail drinkers are always filled with clean water. Eggs are more than 70% made up of water. It is important for laying hens to get this product in the right amount. Its deficiency leads not only to a decrease in productivity, but also to the death of the livestock, therefore, the poultry breeder should also take care of the convenience of the birds by equipping the cages or the house with a nipple water supply system. Tray drinkers are also suitable.

A few more reasons for poor egg production

A beginner breeder needs to make or buy quail cages based on the number of heads he wants to acquire. Quail do not like crowding, and if the light is too bright in the house, this will lead to aggression.No less often, such errors become the cause of numerous fights between the livestock, as well as manifestations of cannibalism, therefore, the poultry breeder should be aware of some maintenance tips that will help restore productivity and avoid the death of birds: no more than 70 goals per 1 sq. m;

  • in one cage it is recommended to keep up to 35 goals (if the floor area is 0.5 sq. m.);
  • separate males and females should be kept.

It will also be useful for beginner breeders to find out what age quail is considered ineffective for further maintenance. The number of eggs that they supply to the farmer in the second year of life does not make a big profit. 8-9 eggs per month do not pay back the money spent on the purchase of feed, so 10-11 months from the start of the productive period are considered a good time for rejecting quail.

In addition, bird aging and lower egg production require the breeder to resettle young individuals. Only in this way can quail breeding bring the desired profit. The annual renewal of livestock (purchase and sharing of new males and females) is considered an integral part of proper farming.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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