Characteristics of tomato varieties Yamal

Tomato is one of the most popular vegetables. It is unpretentious in care and climatic conditions. It is easy and interesting to grow it for gardeners, even with extensive experience. Recently, Russian selectors have opened a Yamal tomato. Plants can be grown even during cold weather. The main advantage of a tomato is in its taste. Thanks to this, Yamal tomatoes are used in culinary dishes. No wonder he received the highest marks and positive reviews from specialists in gardening.

It is not in vain that gardeners choose the Yamal tomato. The characteristic and description of the variety say that it has a high yield. Resistance to diseases, stunting, stable productivity, the main qualities of tomatoes.

Description of the variety

The general characteristics will help to better understand the characteristics of this variety. The main advantage of the variety is early maturity. In 90-100 days, the farmer will receive beautiful and sweet tomatoes. Even fruit size allows the use of tomatoes for beautiful vegetable slices.

The average yield of the variety is 9-15 kg per square meter.

This indicator is affected by the growing conditions of the plant and the climate. Yamal tomatoes can be grown both in open ground and in the greenhouse. If fertilizers are applied on time, the taste of the tomato will appear at its best.

Description of the bush

The description of this variety says that it is a bush of a determinant type. Its height does not exceed 40 cm, the level of branching is above average. If Yamal tomatoes are grown in greenhouses, then they can reach 70 cm.

A more detailed description of the bush of Yamal fruit tomatoes:

  • leaves have a bright green color and medium size;
  • inflorescences are simple;
  • the stalk is strong, therefore, does not need a garter.

Tomatoes grow in one stalk. The bushes must be located at a distance of 30-40 cm. Externally, the bush of this variety is no different from other tomatoes.

Description of the fruit

Juicy, tasty, beautiful, large what description gardeners provide Yamal tomato. At international selector forums, this variety has received good reviews from experts.

They provided such a characteristic of the Yamal fruits:

  • round shape;
  • small ribbing;
  • saturated red color of ripened tomatoes;
  • bright green color of unripe tomato;
  • average weight of fruits is 80-110 gr;
  • the first tomatoes have a weight of 150-170 gr;
  • more than 4 chambers;
  • juicy flesh.

Gardeners specifically choose for seedlings tomato Yamal characteristic and the description of which says that the fruits have a beautiful appearance. They remain unharmed even with a sharp change in temperature. This makes them easy to transport.

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Fruits of this variety can be consumed in any form

Some gardeners grow Yamal tomatoes only for sale. After all, they are undemanding in care and quickly mature. Tomatoes are perfect for pickling and canning. They can be used as an ingredient in salads or for slicing.

Growing seedlings

The fruits of this nightshade can be grown in open and protected ground. What condition affects the choice of soil and soil? First of all, climatic factors. If the climate is mild and warm, then the best solution is to grow Yamal on the street. This is done by direct sowing from mid-May.

Seedling is necessary in central Russia. The results of such a landing are directly dependent on weather conditions.Heavy rain or excessive heat can adversely affect the fruit.

Planting seeds

What do you need to know when choosing the first planting method? First you need to buy seeds. They are sold in garden stores, online stores, markets. You will also need a special container in the form of a pot or box. The seeds will grow in it for the first time.

Grains can be processed with a manganese raster. To create it, you need a match, warm water and manganese. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Prepare the dishes.
  2. Pour warm or heated water into it.
  3. Moisten the end of the match in water.
  4. Dip the wet part of the match in manganese.
  5. Place the match in a container of water.
  6. When the water turns pink, the solution is ready and can be used.

Why is such processing necessary? It serves as the prophylaxis of Yamal tomatoes. Despite their resistance to pests, damage is still possible. Seeds must not be allowed to suffer.

The soil must contain beneficial trace elements and mineral components. Before planting the seeds, it is warmed up. Thanks to this, the fruiting period will come later by 25-30 days. The quality of the fruit will be higher.

Care for the sprouts

The next stage begins with the advent of the sprouts. They should be clearly visible in the ground. They should not be too fragile. The average height of about 10 cm, not higher.

Care for the sprouts is as follows:

  1. Create a good lightening in the room with the plant. A regular table lamp or a more powerful unit will help.
  2. The air temperature can be slightly lower to 15 degrees.
  3. After a week, raise the temperature to 22 degrees.
  4. When the first two leaves appear, seedlings need to be dive planted in separate pots or boxes.
  5. Two weeks before the seedlings are planted in the ground, take the seedlings out. Start with a few hours. Then you can extend the period up to a full day.
  6. Upon reaching 65 days, you can plant sprouts on prepared beds.

What should be the watering? The characteristic says that Yamal tomatoes are neutral to waterlogging, but this should not be done. See that the earth is not dry and the moisture disappears gradually. It is important to loosen the soil regularly and remove weeds.

Tomato sprouts do not like waterlogging of the soil

Don’t forget to put pots with sprouts in the light. This is best done between 12 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Transplanting seedlings

Choose a time when there will be no frost. The earth should be slightly warmed up. The end of May and the beginning of June is the most suitable time.

Keep a distance between bushes of 50 cm and between beds of 70 cm.In order not to damage the roots, move the sprouts with soil into the pits. Soil needs to be fertilized in advance. To do this, pour a handful of any mineral fertilizer on the bottom of the hole. After the sprout, sprinkle abundantly and sprinkle with earth.


Growing Yamal tomatoes includes fertilizing the soil. Top dressing should be done 10 days after planting. Make the nutrient mixture yourself. It consists of 40 grams of superphosphate and 15 grams of ammonium nitrate. Dilute them in 1 liter of warm water.

Two weeks after planting, the Yamal tomato needs additional nutrition. Add nitrofosk and manganese solution. Repeat the procedure every 10 days until the harvest.

Want to get a good, juicy tomato? Add foliar fertilizers every week. They make 10 grams of sulfur potassium, urea and superphosphate per ten liters of water.


Timely watering also affects yield. To have a tasty and fleshy fruit as a result, water the seedlings regularly. The best time after sunset. Direct sunlight after irrigation can negatively affect tomatoes.

Follow these irrigation rules:

  1. Water after 17-19 hours every other day.
  2. Water should be warm.
  3. Consider that about 3 liters of water are needed per Yamal tomato bush.

Some gardeners install automatic watering systems.This is a good solution and saves time for this procedure.

Water can be heated in any way, but the main thing is to keep it warm. Check the soil for dryness and waterlogging daily.


No matter how resistant the plant is to pests, there is always a threat of infection. The gardener can neutralize the negative impact or heal the already infected tomato bush.

The breeders have done their best to make the Yamal tomato neutral to pests. Thus, the known diseases do not affect its growth and productivity:

  • late blight;
  • tobacco mosaic;
  • cladospariosis;
  • fusarium etc.

If the defeat could not be avoided, conduct a quality treatment. Excellent pest control solutions based on copper sulfate, ash, chemical pesticides.

Often plants, and especially immature sprouts, are susceptible to insects. In a few days they can destroy all seedlings. promptly as soon as pests have been detected Effective substances microbiologically e means of general action.


If you need a very tasty and prolific tomato, make a choice in favor of Yamal. Its delicate flesh, rich taste and bright red color will complement Any dish. Reviews of gardeners report that its fruits are perfect for preservation.

Ease of care is one of the main advantages for those who have already planted these tomatoes. Resistance to diseases will save on treatment. Timely watering and proper growing of seedlings will provide positive results in the form of delicious tomatoes.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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