The principle of pinching determinant tomatoes

Questions about , how to properly plant tomatoes, quite a huge amount. Even the most experienced gardeners do not really know the answer to this question. This topic is quite relevant due to the fact that every person at least once in his life, but grew tomatoes in his garden. But far from everyone knows about proper care.Most individuals think that pinching determinant tomatoes is the same as removing ordinary leaves. The only problem is that these are completely different plant care procedures.

  1. What is the use of the procedure
  2. – when
  3. The correctness of pinching in open ground
  4. How to pinch in greenhouses

Принцип пасынкования детерминантных томатов

The principle of pinching of determinant tomatoes

Why do we need a procedure

Step-crossing is simply necessary for successful harvest. The main reasons for removing shoots are:

  • the crop will come much faster and will be better;
  • the plant itself does not have to spend nutrients on excess parts;
  • substances will be distributed evenly, throughout the entire trunk of the plant.

The formation of the correct stem is a rather complicated process, which not every person can do. Removing stepchildren should occur at a time when they are small. Their size should be no more than 3 cm. If you started the development of stepsons, then you can not even try to correct the situation.The problem is that the plant has already consumed a large amount of nutrients in order to nourish an unnecessary element. In addition, if you are conducting stepsoning of large areas, then inflict injury on the plant.

All tomatoes are different from each other and each of them has their own rules for planting. For example, indeterminate tomatoes are tall. It is the indeterminate varieties of tomatoes that never stop growing. For this reason, indeterminate tomatoes have the most unnecessary stepsons. Hybrids, or rather determinant tomatoes, can also have a large number of unnecessary stems. Their number gradually decreases after the fruits begin to ripen.

Step-planting – when it is done

Every gardener knows that he needs to plant tomatoes in early August. It was during this period of time that the fruits were already tied, but not yet ripe. After this moment, all new shoots will take away the strength of the plant, not allow the fruits to ripen. If you don’t remove the stepsons at the wrong time, then the harvest will come much later than planned.

Stepsons must be removed on time

In order to avoid such situations, determinate tomatoes should be stepsoned. Such actions should be carried out only 1 time for the entire season. If you thought that the procedure is carried out monthly, then you were wrong.As soon as the fruits begin to ripen, you need to remove all unnecessary from the plant. Usually, only a few leaves are left above the already tied fruits. It’s a pity for many people to pinch tomatoes, as they are excited about freshly ripened flowers. But, it is important to remember that it is they who will inhibit all processes of fetal maturation.

Some experts are convinced that it is possible to conduct pinching of determinant varieties of tomatoes every one and a half weeks. The essence of this method is that only the main shoot should remain. Each stalk will have about 3 flowers. In order for the ripened fruits to please you and you can harvest a good crop as a whole, these procedures will be quite enough.

The correctness of pinching in open ground

To harvest the crop as early as possible to pinch determinant varieties of tomatoes should be as follows. It is necessary to leave only 1 stem and literally 2 flowers. This will be enough for an average yield. The more stalks you leave, the longer the fruits will ripen.

If you decide to leave 2 stems, it is important to ensure that only 6 blooms remain. Determinant tomatoes are not intended to leave more than 2 stems. If you neglect this advice, then you will not get an early yield. All the fruits just do not have time to fill in the desired shade.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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