Characteristics of Uranus cucumbers

Today, gardeners are offered a huge variety of varieties and hybrids of cucumbers. The seeds of some of them were planted by our grandmothers, and the names of some of them are even unknown to gardeners. A novelty of seed material on the market was the Uranus variety of cucumbers. The seeds of this hybrid can be purchased at any online store for the price of one ruble for one seed.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Fruits
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
  4. Planting of the variety
  5. Caring for the bush
  6. Watering <
  7. Feeding <
  8. Pest control
  9. Gourd aphid
  10. Powdery mildew and Root rot

Характеристика огурцов сорта Уран

Characteristics of Uranus cucumbers

Characteristic of the variety

The proposed hybrid is one of the earliest varieties developed by the selector. oners from Japan.The seeds of this cucumber are suitable for gardeners who love gherkins. The main characteristic of the variety is its high yield. It takes only a month and a half from planting to the first harvest on cucumber bushes. With a length of 9 to 12 cm and a diameter of just over 2 cm the average weight of the fruit varies from 60 to 80 grams.


The fruits of the Uranus cucumber are not bad for storage and are suitable for transportation over long distances. The versatility of the variety will please any gardener, without exception. Uranium is used for salt, pickling, fresh. The seeds of this variety of cucumbers are suitable for growing everywhere: on the balcony, on the loggia, in the greenhouse, in the open ground.

The Urano F1 hybrid cucumber variety developed by the breeders of the Russian company Nunhems has similar characteristics.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Despite the fact that the cucumber Uranus appeared not so long ago in our gardens, he already managed to fall in love with both amateur gardeners and professionals.

Among the huge list of advantages of the Japanese variety Uranus, the following can be distinguished:

  • fast growth and good bush development;
  • long fruiting period;
  • increased yield;
  • resistance to many ovo diseases and pests;
  • refers to self-pollinated varieties;
  • suitable for greenhouse cultivation;
  • does not grow into a thickness.

In addition, buyers express admiration for the taste of cucumber. Even in canned form, Uranus cucumbers remain crispy.

The disadvantages of this variety of cucumbers are gardeners only that more careful care is required for Uranus than for simple varieties of cucumbers. But the high yield and taste of the fruits of this species are worth the labor.

Planting the variety

Cucumber Uranus F1 is easy to grow. However, obtaining a large crop is possible if some features are taken into account when planting a cucumber:

  1. To obtain an earlier crop, it is recommended to use the seedling method of cultivation.
  2. When forming the first sprouts, provide additional moisture and lighting.
  3. To sprout seedlings in 8X8 pots, diving is not required.
  4. You can plant seedlings in the soil when the plant reaches a height of more than 25 cm and at least 5-6 leaves will be formed.
  5. The width between rows of seedlings should be about 1.3-1.5 m.

It is not difficult to take care of the plant

Planting seedlings is carried out in the prepared soil. The land for planting cucumbers should be dug up and fertilized with organic matter. It is recommended to level the topsoil with a rake.

Until planting cucumbers, it is advisable to monitor the loose soil. Picking weeds must be removed immediately.

Care for the bush

Like any other cucumber variety, Uranus F1 requires care. Particular difficulties in caring for the plant are not expected. The first thing to note is the temperature for growing. It should not be less than 18 ° С and more than 24 ° С.


Watering of cucumber bushes should be carried out at least twice a week in the evening. Water for irrigation is used warm. In heavy rains, additional irrigation is not needed.

After irrigation, it is advisable to loosen the topsoil. It is also necessary to weed, remove weeds from cucumber beds.


Cucumber Uranus needs to be fed. Water-soluble mineral fertilizers are suitable for feeding. Top dressing is recommended at the root.

Pest control

The Uranus cucumber variety is less susceptible to disease and bacteria than many of its other relatives. However, adverse weather conditions and non-observance of the rules for caring for the plant can lead to the appearance of gourd aphids, powdery mildew, root rot.

Gourd aphid

If there was no area before planting cucumbers cleared of weeds, the likelihood of gourd aphids on cucumber bushes is high. The fight against melon aphids begins with the destruction of weeds.

It is possible to spray the plants themselves with a solution of laundry soap at the rate of 100-200 grams of soap per 10 liters of water. A solution prepared from 200 grams of wood ash, 50 grams of laundry soap and 10 liters of water proved to be very effective in combating gourds. Gardeners recommend spraying cucumber beds with dandelion, onion peel, and potato tops infusions.

Among all vegetable garden fertilizers, gardening is considered to be the best fertilizer based on phosphorus-potassium mixture. The composition of such mixtures contains 20 g. superphosphate and 10 gr. potassium phosphate. The mixture is dissolved in warm water and the bushes are sprayed so that the liquid gets onto the inside of the leaves. This is where pests such as aphids live.Processing is carried out when pests occur literally every 5-7 days.

Cucumber Björn in the Rostov Region .

Powdery Mildew and Root Rot

Description of the variety claims that powdery mildew and root rot cause great harm to cucumbers. These diseases appear with frequent and heavy watering with cool water, groundless plant nutrition with mineral and organic fertilizers.

When you detect the first symptoms of the disease, you first need to adjust the frequency of watering and fertilizing. Carefully monitor the temperature of the soil and the moisture level in the beds.

It will be very good to spray greenhouse frames, all structures of the greenhouse with a solution of bleach, if the disease begins to develop in the greenhouse.

Subject to some simple rules for planting and caring for cucumber beds, the Uranus variety will delight gardeners with a large harvest in any region of the country.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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