Potato digger with Neva motor-block

To facilitate work in the garden, many brands of walk-behind blocks are used. The most popular are Neva, Centaur and Oka. The devices are universal: they are used to perform most operations related to the care of vegetables. A potato digger for the Neva walk-behind tractor makes the harvesting process much easier.

  1. Principle of operation of the device
  2. Using potato diggers
  3. Characteristics
  4. Classification
  5. Popular models
  6. Self-made potato digger
  7. Production sequence
  8. Conclusion

Картофелекопалка с мотоблоком Нева

Potato digger with Neva motor-block

Principle of operation of the device

Using potato diggers to the Neva motor-block on medium-sized gardens are better than heavy machinery. Tractors have low productivity in small areas due to size and low maneuverability.

Manual labor in medium-sized areas is also inefficient: it requires too much human energy. The best option is the Neva walk-behind tractor. The unit consumes fuel economically, is maneuverable and universal.

Use of potato diggers

When harvesting the Neva, a potato digger is installed. The principle of operation of the device is to cut the potatoes with teeth and pull it to the surface, where it spreads to the sides. Harvested from the ground manually.

Types of potato digger:

  • Simple.Outwardly, the mechanism resembles a bent shovel or paw, to the top of which rods with a centimeter diameter are attached. The sharp part is buried in the ground and directs the potatoes to the rods, which carry it to the surface. In the absence of excess moisture, the soil flies from the fruit, and they can only be collected.
  • Thunderous. A vibrating potato digger works according to a similar principle, but has a more complex structure. Cutting the fruit performs a ploughshare. Cut potatoes fall on a vibrating grid, where excess land is removed from it.
  • Transporter. It works similarly to a vibrating one, but instead of a grate, a conveyor table is installed that cleans the tubers of adhering earth.


A simple potato digger consists of:

  • frames;
  • working body;
  • wheels;
  • pulley;
  • of a tension device.

On screening and conveyor belts, additionally installed:

  • vibration grid or conveyor table;
  • clutch assembly;
  • eccentric.

The advantage of a simple potato digger for a walk-behind tractor is its economy and simplicity but use. Small tools are more advanced and faster, but their disadvantage is the complexity of the device and the high cost. The price of such devices is several times more than the simple ones.

Choose which potato digger is better, based on the characteristics of the site.Small screens do not tolerate heavy soils, but are more productive in large areas. Simple ones are suitable for all types of soil, but it is rational to use them in small gardens.


Potato diggers for the Neva motor-block are characterized by a number of parameters:

  • working width;
  • depth of processing;
  • productivity;
  • dimensions;
  • weight;
  • the number of simultaneously processed rows;
  • working speed;
  • productivity.

Popular models

Motoblocks Neva is supplemented with potato planters of the following models:

  • KKM-1. A rattle potato digger, which is also used when harvesting other root crops. It has a mechanism for controlling the depth of processing up to 20 cm and the degree of separation through a change in the speed of the walk-behind tractor. Suitable for light and medium soils. Working speed – 1.5 km / h. Processing width – 40 cm.
  • KVM-3. Relate to small. It is possible to install an additional working body to enhance vibration. Suitable for heavy wet soils. Technical characteristics are similar to KKM-1.
  • Poltavchanka. Vibrating potato digger designed to work on light and medium soils. The advantage is a high working speed.The device works efficiently at 3 km / h. Coverage is 40 cm and the processing depth is 18 cm.
  • Neva. The device is designed specifically for Neva walk-behind tractors and has a specific type of mount. Belong to the vibrational type. Coverage – 36 cm, speed – 2 km / h. It has good productivity of 0.18 ha / h.
  • KT-51. Conveyor potato digger with the ability to adjust the depth of work, changing the angle using the support wheels. Coverage is 46 cm.

Self-made potato digger

Potato diggers for a walk-behind tractor like KKM-1 have a high price. If you have the necessary tools and skills, the unit is manufactured independently.

The advantages of this method are the price and individual selection of segments for the characteristics of the site and soil. There is also the possibility of manufacturing, based on your own preferences, which improves processing comfort.

To manufacture a screening unit, you need:

  • diagram or drawing;
  • details for chassis;
  • frame;
  • suspension segments;
  • vertical adjustment link;
  • grinder with metal disc;
  • welding machine.

Production sequence

Steps for assembling a screening potato digger:

  • Assembling the base. The basis of the potato planter is the frame. It is made of centimeter or inch metal pipes. They are cut into several pieces and welded into the desired shape.
  • Installation of jumpers. They are intended for installation on them of vertical draft of management.Jumpers are placed on the side opposite to the wheels, a short distance from the edge.
  • Installing the racks. From the side of the jumpers, 2 metal plates of square or rectangular shape are mounted. Vertical racks are attached to them and interconnected by a separate jumper.
  • Installation of the working body. It is made of a metal plate, arching it into the desired shape. The organ is mounted on racks.
  • Production of the lattice. The basis is metal rods. One side is welded to the working body, and the other is left free.
  • Installation of the chassis and controls. The wheels and adjusting rods are mounted in the holes on the frame.


Using a potato digger with the Neva motor-block allows you to get the crop quickly without damaging the fruit. The walk-behind tractor is also suitable for planting, hilling and weeding.

To obtain a good harvest, they monitor the condition of row spacing. Weeds are regularly eradicated: they suffer many diseases and degrade potato nutrition.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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