Causes of Yellowed Potato Leaves

Not every gardener gives yellowing leaves to potato due to this fact, although this is a big mistake. Sometimes there are types of potatoes that naturally have yellow leaves, but they are rare. But if you still notice such a strange phenomenon, you don’t know why the tops of potatoes turn yellow.

  1. General information
  2. Fungus
  3. Phytosporosis <
  4. Fusarium <
  5. Spotting of dry type
  6. Rot type ring
  7. Black leg
  8. Lack of minerals
  9. Viruses
  10. Insects
  11. Conclusion

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Causes of yellowed potato leaves

General information

In fact, there are quite a few reasons why the tops of potatoes turn yellow. mean that the bush was attacked by a disease or parasites, but the cause of this phenomenon may be a poor habitat, lack of nutrients or the ripening time has been violated.

Yellowness of potato leaves can be observed at any ripening period, everything will depend on what caused such a violation. In addition, experts say that if the leaves of the potato turn yellow from the bottom and even before it is harvested, it is best not to use such fruits in the future for planting.

Some diseases can no longer be cured, therefore, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that, most likely, you will have to dig out all the fruits and discard, and nothing can be planted in the same land for several years.


Often gardeners wonder why the lower leaves turn yellow in the potato, and then they twist. Most likely, this indicates that the plant has been attacked by a viral fungus.

A fungus is a dangerous disease that is quite difficult to defeat. If the virus is at the last stage and has already infected the root system of the plant, then after a few days the whole bush will disappear. Since the disease is viral, it is easily transmitted from bush to bush, so experts recommend that as soon as you see that the plant has yellowed bases, it is best to isolate it immediately. This can be done using a conventional film by making a cap out of it. The fungus can belong to different types of diseases. If the foliage immediately turned yellow, then the fungus was already in the seeds.


Such an ailment is characteristic of a young seedling, usually the viral cells of the disease live on the inside of the leaf. In the first stages of the disease, dark streaks of brown appear. After this, the bush very quickly begins to dry and wither.

And the tubers of the plant quickly rot and darken, of course, this significantly affects the percentage of potato yield. In order to save potatoes from such a disease, it is necessary to spray the bush with special chemicals against such a disease at the first symptoms.

Also, in this case, a good sorting of the fruit can help.Also, in order to minimize the chances that the disease will pass to potatoes, it is best to plant those types of vegetables that are practically not affected by such a disease.


First, the lower leaves turn yellow in the potato, then the middle of the leaf and the top. After a while, the entire bush becomes completely yellow. To find out that the bush is sick is rather difficult, especially in areas where the climate is too dry and too hot.

Sometimes such an ailment can cause the main pillar to dry out and it seems that the bush has formed in half, but this is rarely observed. Most often, plant seeds are already infected with such a virus. Therefore, immediately after it was planted and the first petals came down, you can understand that the bush is infected, because instead of the usual green color they are yellow.

Such an ailment can be overcome only if you immediately take preventive measures with bush seeds. In addition, so that the disease no longer manifests itself and does not multiply, it is best to burn all the stems immediately after harvesting.

Dry spotting

The disease manifests itself through long spots on the leaves , dark in color and on the stems, and over time they will increase in size. And then the bush dries completely and dies.

The fruits of the bush are significantly reduced in size. It is necessary to deal with such a disease in the same way as photosporosis.

Rot type ring

A disease can ruin a crop

Such an ailment appears due to increased humidity and high ambient temperature. The first symptom is that the stem begins to turn yellow at the bush, but at the same time the upper parts of the bush begin to curl and lose their natural color, and then dry and decay.

  1. If you cut the stem of the bush, you can immediately find there rot, it will resemble a ring, from which the name went – rot rot.
  2. A big minus of this disease is the fact that rot affects the fruits, and they all disappear in the ground.
  3. It is very important to check the seeds and to prevent diseases before planting.

Black Leg

This ailment makes itself felt as soon as you planted the first seeds. The bottom leaves turn yellow on the potato as soon as they emerge, and then the whole bush and its root system begins to rot.

To prevent this from happening, all tubers that were selected for planting must be treated with fungicide and left to dry for a few days, only after that they can be planted in the ground.

Lack of minerals

Potato leaves can sometimes change their color due to the lack of minerals and nutrients in the soil.The biggest problem that may arise is a reduction in the growing season and, as a result, a significant reduction in the percentage of fruit yield.

Due to the lack of calcium, vitamins enter the stem only and remain there, and before the fruit they do not reach and as a result tubers do not grow large and this affects the fact that the yield decreases. Often, one stem is responsible for one fruit. That is why you can already understand by the number of stems how many fruits you will have on one bush.

In addition, even by the stalk you can understand how much the fruit weighs at that moment, although this can be done with some varieties of potatoes. The main sign of the enormous nitrogen deficiency is when the stem loses its weight and dries, as it were, even with the fact that you water it well and regularly. Shriveled leaves also appear and strange yellowing spots appear ahead of time.


Any viral disease is the most serious and dangerous disease that can only affect potatoes. This can be twisting of bolts, alfalfa and kinkiness, and many others.

The main symptoms of such diseases are yellow leaves, tubers which are irregular in shape, a big lag. In addition, over time, the entire bush may dry up and die.

Typically, plants become infected when a diseased bush comes in contact with a healthy plant.The virus can be transmitted both by land, by air and by real contact.

It is also sometimes found that the virus is transmitted through garden tools or through insects. No prophylaxis or treatment exists. The only fight against the disease is to plant only healthy fruits. What definitely cannot be done is to chemically treat the young sprouts.


Every year, almost every garden suffers from the fact that they are attacked by insects – parasites. Most often, wireworms, potato fleas, cicadas and others are found.

The most unsafe and scary beetle for gardens is the Colorado. The female Colorado begins to lay its larvae on the inside of the leaf. Young growth begins to quickly eat the tops, because of this the plant begins to disappear. First, all the leaves begin to turn yellow, then it starts to dry a little, and gradually dry out over time.

Potato turns yellow and falls apart
Why the leaves turn yellow Ferovit will help you. Sadovy Mir website
Why do the leaves of seedlings turn yellow Fertilizers for seedlings. Garden World site

When both larvae and adults begin to work, they can destroy one bush in a few days, sometimes even faster. Pests need to independently collect and destroy them their favorite treat -.. tops

For security, you can round potatoes to plant beans or bean beetles also can etch with chemicals that are sold in stores.. Tops are their favorite delicacy.


There are many reasons why the leaves of the potato may turn yellow. This can be a disease, and a lack of vitamins, and viruses. In addition, when the plant does not have enough water, the leaves can also lose their color and change it to yellow or dark brown.

To prevent this from happening in your garden, carefully select seeds for planting and carry out preventive maintenance.Previously, breeders used only folk methods, but today there are a lot of specialized alternative means. Sometimes the leaves may be wrinkled. Most often, yellowing on the sheet is noticed in July.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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