Treatment of tomato seedlings for diseases

When growing tomatoes gardeners often encounter diseases of a vegetable crop, which already at the initial stage of development lead to a loss of plantings. Timely treatment of tomato seedlings helps to save seedlings and future harvest of vegetables.

  1. Fungal diseases
  2. Blackleg
  3. Septorioz
  4. Fusarium wilt
  5. Blight
  6. Viral diseases
  7. Tomato mosaic
  8. Strick
  9. Seedless
  10. Bacterial infections
  11. Black spotting
  12. Brown spotting
  13. Noncommunicable diseases
  14. Agriculture <
  15. Nutrition

Лечение рассады томатов от заболеваний

Treatment of tomato seedlings from bother evaniy

Fungal diseases

Fungal infections require immediate treatment.Able to spread quickly to different parts of the plant, the fungus affects the entire tomato bush, parasitizing both inside and it’s unlikely to save the vegetable crop without taking appropriate measures.

Black leg

The black leg affects the vegetable crop already at the stage of the first seedling, develops along the stem near the surface soil, gradually thinning it, which destroys young seedlings. This is one of the most dangerous fungal diseases of seedlings.


In order to prevent the black legs on tomatoes, seed soil is disinfected before planting seeds, for this purpose it is steamed in an oven and then watered with a weakly concentrated potassium permanganate solution.


Another fungal disease – septoria, or white spotting of tomato foliage – is easily recognizable by its description: spots of dirty white or brown color, covered with small dots, appear on the lower tier of tomato greenery – fungi.


To prevent Soil infections before planting seedlings are prevented.

To treat septorious disease, tomato seedlings use fungicides, Ridomil, Bordeaux fluid or Alpha-copper.

Fusarium wilt

When the tomato plantings are affected by soil fungus, the plants lose their elasticity, the tops of the shoots wither, the foliage twists, as a result, the seedlings die.


Use drugs to treat this fungal disease at home Phytosporin, Trichodermin and Phytocide.

Late blight

The defeat of late blight causes a disease of the aerial part of the tomato bush, which leads to necrosis and subsequent decay of vegetables.


At the stage growing seedlings at home is sprayed with potassium permanganate (1 tsp. powder per 10 l of water).The flow rate of the working fluid is about 5 cups for 2 tomato seedlings. Before transplanting tomato shoots into the greenhouse, the dose for treatment and prevention is increased to 1 cup of working fluid per 1 tomato sprout.

Viral diseases

The plant can become infected by sick insects

At the initial stages, viral infections do not manifest themselves. Their sources are:

  • contaminated soil,
  • insects in the greenhouse,
  • substandard seed material.

Tomato mosaic

Mosaic of tomatoes is a common viral disease that is dangerous for young seedlings. It manifests itself in the form of an unusual pattern on leaf blades of light or dark green color. With the active spread of the mosaic, the leaves become deformed.


The treatment of growing tomato seedlings is carried out with boric acid, a solution of potassium permanganate and serum with urea. Watering frequency – 3 times a day.


Roughness, or strick, is recognized by dead strips of tissue on the stems and foliage of tomato seedlings. With the development of the defeat of the vegetable culture, these strips increase in size, spread out, merge into a single spot. As a result, the foliage of seedlings dies, and seedlings die.


Treatment of tomato seedlings against Streak is impossible – all affected seedlings are removed. Healthy sprouts are sprayed with a highly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.


With aspermia, the seedlings have a thin, shaky stem, bushiness, underdevelopment of individual parts. Inflorescences grow together, become smaller and change color. The vectors of the disease are insects and infected shoots.


To prevent the spread of the virus during the picking of the cultivated vegetable crop and during its transplantation into the soil, it is treated with manganese magnesium.

Bacterial infections

Harmful to tomato seedlings, bacteria remain active in seeds and soil. There are no drugs for the treatment of such diseases of tomato seedlings, the only measure is prevention and increasing the resistance of plants to bacteria.

Black spotting

Excessive moisture damages plants

Black bacterial spotting appears due to excessive humidity at high air temperatures. In the process of the disease, black dots and stripes on the stems appear on the seedlings, as well as black spots on the leaf blades.


For the purpose of prevention, tomato planting is treated with Bordeaux liquid and manganese solution.

Brown spotting

Brown spots on the foliage on the upper surface and with a green bloom on the lower part, they appear with the same increase in humidity indicators.


To prevent this disease, tomato seedlings are sprayed with fungicides, which include copper: copper sulfate or kuprosilom.

Noncommunicable diseases

Tomato sprouts are sick and because of n a lack of mineral nutrition or improper agricultural technology.

Agricultural technology

Compliance with the basic agricultural rules when transplanting sprouts into open ground or in a greenhouse helps prevent the occurrence of diseases. In order to keep the seedlings healthy:

  • adhere to crop rotation rules,
  • before planting seeds, disinfect and clean the soil from old plant debris,
  • use disease-resistant seeds varieties of tomatoes.

Complete nutrition

If you change the appearance of tomato seedlings, the reason should be sought in excess or lack of mineral nutrition:

  • Nitrogen. With its deficiency, the leaves become pale, with a slight yellow tint, the stem – brittle. With an overabundance of seedlings begin to “fatten” and grow green mass, delaying flowering and fruiting.
  • Phosphorus.Its deficiency leads to darkening of the leaves, the appearance of a blue tint, growth is delayed. An excess of phosphorus leads to inadequate assimilation by the sprouts of zinc and iron.
  • Potassium. Tomato foliage turns yellow when it is lacking, then becomes brown, twists and wrinkles. An excess of potassium inhibits the development of seedlings.
  • Magnesium and iron. With their lack, the leaves turn yellow, turn pale, sometimes a reddish tint is observed, yellowness appears between the veins.
  • Calcium. With its lack of foliage dries at the tips, the leaves curl up and then die off.
  • Boron and sulfur. When these elements are missing, the leaves become fragile, their upper tier is curled, the stem is thinning.
  • Copper. When this component is lacking, the leaves become smaller and fade, curling up into a tube and whitening at the ends, can be painted in a blue-green color. Lack of manganese causes underdevelopment of foliage, it turns yellow at the base, spots similar to mosaics form on it.

Prevention and treatment

If the nitrogen component is insufficient, tomato seedlings are watered with urea (25 -30 g per 10 liters of water). Potassium is replaced with potassium nitrate (1 tbsp.per bucket of water), the consumption rate is 0.5 liters under one bush. Lack of zinc and magnesium is eliminated by foliar top dressing and spraying with zinc sulfate (1 tsp per 10 l of water) and magnesium nitrate (5 g per 10 l).

If the seedlings of tomatoes lack boron, its deficiency is eliminated by spraying with boric acid (0.5 tsp. to 5 l of water).

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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