Zucchini Aeronaut

Zucchini Aeronaut – an early ripening variety bred in Russia. This zucchini grows in open areas and in a greenhouse. Vegetable is bred using seeds or seedlings. Aeronaut is grown both at home and in industrial conditions. This variety is characterized by small size, fragrant pulp and bears fruit up to 2 months.

  1. Features of the variety
  2. Characteristic
  3. Productivity <
  4. Disease resistance
  5. Benefits and disadvantages
  6. Growing varieties
  7. Tillage
  8. Seed preparation and planting
  9. Care <
  10. Conclusion <

Кабачок сорта Аэронавт

Zucchini Aeronaut

Features of the variety

These zucchini are classified as self-pollinating varieties. The main shoot of the fetus is short. Thanks to its compactness, the Aeronaut is suitable for growing on balconies. The fruit itself has a green color and medium size. Leaves are spineless. This variety has mainly female flowers, which ensures high productivity.

Fruits Aeronaut in late July – early August. Harvested after 40-45 days after the appearance of the first seedlings. Variety zucchini Aeronaut grows up and lays on the ground, reaching maturity.

This fruit differs from other early ripening species in such characteristics:

    • frost resistance – cultivation is possible at a temperature of 10 ° C;
    • growing up – this protects against pollution and reduces the risk of damage by insects in the ground;
    • good harvest in areas with cold summers;
    • compactness.



Bush Aeronaut is planted on a site according to the 50 × 70 pattern. It has a cylindrical ovary and thin integuments with a dotted pattern. Inside the fruit is light yellow. Ripeness persists until a weight of 1.3 kg is reached. The length of the ovary is approximately 15 cm. The pulp of Aeronaut has a white color, juiciness and a pleasant aroma. The solids in it do not exceed 6-7%, and the sugar content varies from 2.5 to 5.5%.

Another distinctive feature of the species is its beneficial composition. It has vitamins B, A, C, as well as carotene. The vegetable has the following medicinal properties:

  • lower blood pressure;
  • increased immunity;
  • protection against cancer;
  • hair strengthening, nails, teeth;
  • normalization of the cardiovascular system;
  • improved vision;
  • skin cleansing;
  • diuretic effect.

Fiber squash provides the removal of toxins. The vegetable has a low calorie content and is suitable for those who suffer from allergies.


When observing the requirements for planting zucchini, up to 6-7 kg of fruit are harvested from 1 m² . From the bush get up to 28-30 zucchini in one season.

The bushes plant at a short distance from each other. Its reduction reduces productivity.

Aeronaut is widely used in cooking. From it prepare the second dishes, side dishes, frit pancakes. Fresh fruit is added to vegetable salads. Also, this zucchini canned. Ripe and overripe fruits are fed to animals.

Disease resistance

Regularly inspect plants for slugs

The variety is immune to powdery mildew. In the cold summer with little rainfall, it is not necessary to process the fruits of diseases and pests.If powdery mildew or other fungi appear, the vegetable culture is treated with phytosporin. This medication is safe for humans and animals. In wet summers, slugs appear that damage the skin, which causes rot. To get rid of parasites, metaldehyde is laid around the bush.

Advantages and disadvantages

The following are distinguished from the advantages of zucchini:

  • good yield in cool conditions summer;
  • frost resistance;
  • early ripeness;
  • compact sizes;
  • delicate taste;
  • versatility;
  • low calorie content;
  • the ability to transport.

The disadvantages of growing zucchini include the following qualities:

  • exacting care (need frequent watering);
  • short storage of fruits.

Growing a variety

To get a good harvest, a number of conditions must be met:

  • choose a sunny area with neutral soil; if the soil is poor, organic fertilizer is added;
  • water it regularly in the morning and evening;
  • when planting in the greenhouse, it is required to maintain a high level of humidity.

Good yields are obtained on chernozems and floodplain lands. The aeronaut almost does not bear fruit on acidic soils.

It is also worth considering crop rotation.If zucchini marrows are planted after pumpkin varieties or the same plot is selected every year, the soil will be depleted over time.

Seeds are sown in May – June. If an early harvest is required, seedlings are planted in late April. At first, the plant is covered with a film to protect it from temperature fluctuations. Zucchini needs surface loosening.


To get a good harvest in late autumn and spring, the soil is cultivated and fertilized. Cultivation reduces weeds and pests. In mid-autumn, the land is dug up or plowed to a depth of 27 cm. Before cultivation, fermented manure is added (up to 6 kg per 1 m²), it is also worth using plant compost. Sometimes mineral fertilizers with nitrogen up to 80 g per 1 m² are used. Fertilizers are not applied to acidic soil; they are liming it. Ash and ash are suitable for such soil.

Tillage will increase plant productivity

the Earth is loosened. In spring, the depth of cultivation should not exceed 15 cm. If fertilizers were not used in the autumn, in the second quarter, 15 g of superphosphate are applied per 1 m², as well as 7 g of ammonium sulfate and potassium salt.

After the soil has dried and before By planting vegetables, the chaffs are harrowed with a rake to a depth of not more than 10 cm. This allows you to remove the weed roots that survived the winter, preserve moisture in the ground and warm the soil well.

Seed preparation and planting

For planting, choose large, full-bodied seeds. They are soaked for a day in heated water, and then dried. Seeds also germinate 3-5 days before the first shoots appear. The extract in boric acid or potassium permanganate is effective, because it protects against infections and bacteria.

Sprouts are sown in holes 6-7 cm in light soil and 3-5 cm in dense soil. If the ground is dry, moisten the landing site with a glass of water. 3 seeds go per hole. After planting, dry soil is poured onto it and then compacted well.

You should not grow more than 13 bushes on 10 m², this eliminates excessive soil moisture.


Irrigation measures are required by the Aeronaut at the stage of ovary formation. Too much watering leads to excessive moisture accumulation in zucchini squash. This adversely affects its quality and reduces storage time.

During the growing season produce three main feeding. The first takes place at the flowering stage, it involves the use of fertilizers with nitrogen. For the following dressings, organic means are used. They are applied in a volume of 1 liter per bush.

Zucchini grade ZUKKINI AERONAUT, description, growing experience
Zucchini Zucchini AERONAUT, description, growing experience.
Seeds Zucchini Aeronaut Tomato

Conclusion of

Zucchini varieties aeronaut – tasty and healthy product, which is popular with gardeners because of some advantages. To get a high yield, the farmer must follow the rules for growing this crop

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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