Description of tomato Raspberry Giant

Tomato Raspberry Giant takes pride of place among the high-yielding early ripe varieties. Its main features are excellent taste and size. This is a real giant among tomatoes of other varieties.

  1. Characteristics of the tomato
  2. Description of the fruit
  3. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. Growing
  5. Seed preparation
  6. Sprouting seedlings
  7. Care
  8. Watering and feeding
  9. Loosening the soil
  10. Garter and pinching
  11. Diseases and pests
  12. Conclusion

Описание томата Малиновый Гигант

Description of the tomato Raspberry Giant

Characteristic of the tomato

Tomatoes Raspberry Giant rel they are young to determinant early species. The bushes are large, the height varies from 50 to 100 cm. The stalk is powerful, with dense foliage. Clusters are fan-shaped. Up to 12 clusters can be located on 1 bush. On average, about 6 kg can be obtained from 1 bush. Culture is medium resistant to late blight.

Description of the tomato Raspberry Giant:

  • the rhizome is well developed;
  • does not go deep into the ground during growth;
  • the foliage is large, dark -green;
  • inflorescences are simple;
  • on inflorescences 7-8 flowers are formed;
  • the stalk is well developed, with joints;

Description of the fruit

Description of the tomato variety Raspberry Giant suggests that the fruits can be harvested after 90 days:

  • the fruits are large, when ripe do not crack;
  • round-shaped tomatoes with irregularities, slight ribbing near the fruit Zhki;
  • the weight of 1 fruit is 200-400g;
  • sweet flesh with sourness.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tomato F1 Raspberry Giant has many advantages over other types:

  • suitable for the manufacture of baby food;
  • useful properties are preserved even during heat treatment and lower temperatures;
  • the skin has a thin, dense structure, so the fruits do not crack;
  • the fruits tolerate transportation well;
  • the flesh is juicy;
  • suitable for any kind conservation;
  • medium resistant to late blight.

The feedback from farmers is mostly positive. There are practically no drawbacks to this type of tomato. Only 2 minuses were noted. Fruits cannot be preserved whole because of their large size.The second minus is the impossibility of growing in open ground in the northern regions and the middle lane.


The yield of the variety is much better on fertile soils. The tomato area should be well ventilated. Culture does not like drafts. Suitable for outdoor cultivation in southern areas. In other regions, it is advisable to place plants in greenhouses or greenhouses.

The plant feels better in greenhouse conditions

It is not recommended to plant tomatoes in areas after other nightshade crops. The precursors of tomatoes should be legumes or cucumbers. They begin to prepare the earth in the autumn period. On the site you need to collect all the roots and tops, burn them. Ashes can be applied as fertilizer along with organic matter and dig up the garden.

Preparing the seeds

The seeds are prepared immediately when harvesting. For this, the largest, healthy fruits are selected. Seeds must be carefully removed from the tomato and laid out on paper on a well-lit window sill. You can also purchase seeds from a trusted supplier.

In spring, the seeds are placed in a glass with a weak solution of manganese. This is necessary in order to sanitize the seed and to reject empty seeds. Full seeds will settle to the bottom of the glass, and spoiled and hollow ones will float.In addition to disinfecting treatment, it is advisable to spray the seed with growth stimulants to increase yield.


Seeds can be planted from late March to mid-April. They are planted in a common container, buried by 2 cm, in increments of 2-4 cm. The soil temperature in the pot should be at least 25 ℃.

The soil needs to be slightly compacted. Then planting material needs to be poured with warm water and covered. As a covering material, you can use polyethylene. When the first shoots appear, the polyethylene should be removed and put the pot in a well-lit room.

Watering is carried out as the soil dries. When 2 full leaves are formed on the sprouts, they are transplanted into separate containers. It is recommended to feed the plants with mineral fertilizers. Landing in the open ground is carried out at the end of June. 2 weeks before planting, you need to start hardening seedlings, gradually lowering the temperature in the room.

When the sprouts are ready for transplanting into the open ground, the stems at the base turn blue. In open ground seedlings are planted at a distance of 50 -80 cm from each other. Fertilizer is placed in each well. In the initial stages of growth, tomatoes need phosphorus. Bushes of the Raspberry Giant variety require mandatory garter, so at the time of planting in open ground, you need to install support near the holes.


Proper care for Raspberry Giant tomatoes includes a set of measures:

  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • fertilizing;
  • garter;
  • pinching.

Watering and feeding

Water should be watered as necessary

Water the plants as needed. Water needs to be poured under the root. Fertilizers should be applied for the first time one week after transplanting.

Last year’s foliage can be used as fertilizers. They roll it around the bushes. After some time, they decay and nutrients begin to flow into the ground. A manure solution is also used, which plants are periodically watered. Top dressing is stopped 3-4 weeks before the fruit ripens.

Loosening the soil

To increase productivity, you need to regularly cultivate the soil between the rows. This helps provide the root system with the necessary amount of oxygen. Weeding is carried out after precipitation and watering.

The heavier the soil, the deeper it needs to be loosened. Along the way, weeds should be removed. The procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the root system.

Garter and pinching

For the garter you need to prepare a dressing that contacts directly with the stem.Never use threads or wire. As it grows, hard materials will damage the stem and it may die. Cotton fabric cut into strips 10-15 cm wide is best. Before use, the fabric needs to be treated with a solution of manganese.

To date, there are many devices in the stores for gartering and maintaining individual brushes. They are intended for reusable use. A garter helps the bushes cope with the heavy weight of the fruit. It is also recommended to tie individual clusters so that they do not break off from the stem.

Tomatoes of the Raspberry Giant variety require partial pinching. The ideal option is the formation of a crown in 2 stems. The leaves of the lower tier to the first ovary are subject to removal. The pinching of excess leaves allows you to speed up the ripening process of fruits and improve their quality indicators. To get a good harvest, you need to leave up to 6 fruits in clusters.

Diseases and pests

The selection characteristic describes the variety as resistant to many diseases. But, based on the experience of many gardeners, the variety is exposed to late blight, and like all nightshade ones, it is a favorite dish for the Colorado potato beetle. To prevent all kinds of fungal diseases, all seed should be treated before planting.

Throughout the season, plants are sprayed with various drugs that prevent the development of fungal spores.Viral diseases are often transmitted by insects, so it is very important to conduct treatment from parasites on time. Also, weeds can be carriers. In the autumn, when processing the soil, you can make herbicides. These preparations completely destroy the weed grass and even the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle, which burrow into the ground for the winter to a depth of about 50 cm.


The high yield and quality characteristics of the variety Raspberry Giant tomatoes are in demand among farmers in many countries. Growing this variety requires certain rules to be followed. Bushes can reach a meter height, so when planting, you should leave a fairly large distance between seedlings to provide free access and allow each plant to fully develop.

Tomato” Raspberry Giant “tomato description
Tomato Raspberry Giant. CEDEC

Culture is demanding on top dressing. Bushes must be tied up and pinch. It is recommended to form a crown in 2 stems. The fruits are very large , some can reach a weight of 600 g, so they also need to be tied up and on time harvest.

The main advantage of the variety is its taste. The tomato pulp is pink, fleshy, very juicy. Great for making all kinds of dishes, pasta, tomato and ketchup.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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