Early Potato Variety Red Scarlet

The Red Scarlet potato variety appeared on the domestic market not so long ago, but has been successfully grown by gardeners in private summer cottages. Unpretentious, resistant to many diseases, with good storage performance, it rightfully occupied its niche among potato hybrid varieties in Russian agriculture.

  1. Description of the potato Red Scarlet
  2. Quality and yield of vegetable products
  3. Preparing for planting
  4. How to grow

Ранний сорт картофеля Ред Скарлет

Early grade Potato Red Scarlet

Description of Potato Red Scarlet

Potato Red Scarlet got its name due to the external description: red – translated red, scarlet – bright scarlet And if you familiarize yourself with the external characteristics of the variety description, t but there is no doubt that this name corresponds to vegetables, they have a characteristic distinguishing feature – a potato peel with a reddish, sometimes even closer to raspberry shade.

Red Scarlett, bred in Dutch agriculture, migrated to European economy and then found its consumer in Russia. Today, early potatoes are grown on the lands of the central regions and in the Russian south.

Characteristics of the description of Red Scarlett’s potatoes include the main external signs by which to distinguish this type of vegetable crop from others:

  • the tubers are oval, elongated, with the color characteristic of the variety,
  • the velvety texture of the peel,
  • yellow potato flesh,
  • small sizes, almost imperceptible, yellow eyes.

Potato bushes stand out for their rapid growth and development, with low tops and light green foliage. Red Scarlett blooms with dark or light pink inflorescences.

Taste qualities determine the optimal performance of starch contained in potatoes – 10-15%. During the cooking process, the vegetables are slightly crumbled.

Quality and yield of vegetable products

As regards premium potato hybrid varieties, it is distinguished by excellent taste qualities, largely surpassing some of the characteristics and description similar varieties. Grown vegetables are well stored in cool rooms for at least six months and tolerate transportation. The commercial quality of Red Scarlet potatoes during storage in winter is ensured by the resistance of vegetables to rot.

The average size of tubers of the Red Scarlett potato variety is 60 120 grams by weight.

Characteristic Red Scarlet in terms of fruiting classifies this hybrid as high-yielding with early maturity.In some cases, the number of vegetables on one potato bush can have a yield of about 20-25 pieces. From 1 hectare of the landing area, you can collect up to 6 tons of potato crop. For comparison:

  • Kolobok brings up to 2.5 tons per 1 ha,
  • Anniversary – up to 2.38 tons per 1 ha,
  • Rosara – up to 3 tons per 1 ha, Gala up to 4 tons per 1 ha.

Records of productivity, as Scarlet has, can compete only for the Belarusian Scarb, which gives the same indicators.

Early-ripening red Scarlet variety brings the first potato crop in July – early August. From the first emergence to the date of technical ripening of vegetables, no more than 45-55 days pass.

The largest yields, judging by the reviews of gardeners growing this potato, are noted in warm Russian regions where it is supported sufficient humidity because this hybrid does not tolerate dry periods.

Preparing for landing

You need to germinate the seeds in good light

Growing this potato hybrid cha e and best of all there is Glazkov method.Reviews of gardeners practicing cultivation of Scarlet potatoes in their area, note that before planting tubers in open soil, it is recommended to transfer planting seeds from the dark basement where they are stored to light and withstand them for at least 30 days. This time is enough for the potato eyes to sprout.

When storing vegetables to grow sprouts from the eyes of potato tubers, it is required to maintain the temperature at a level not lower than 10-15 ‘.

An important condition for the future rich harvest of vegetable crops is the provision of sufficient illumination in the room during the germination of eyes. Its insufficiency affects the intensity of subsequent growth and development of the plant.

When the first sprouts emerge from potato eyes, planting material can be planned if weather conditions permit, for which large tubers are cut into pieces, each of which must be sprouted sprout from the eye. Before planting, they are slightly dried.

How to grow it correctly

Among the main features in planting Red Scarlet potatoes is the planting of its tubers grown, cut into pieces, into an earthen ridge. Judging by the reviews of summer residents, this planting provides the vegetable crop with the maximum possible development and, as a result, good productivity.

Do not forget to fertilize the beds prepared for it with nitrogen fertilizer during potato planting.

It is recommended to plant parts of tubers every 35 cm from each other at a depth of no more than 6-7 see. Furrows are made with a 0.6-0.7 meter gap. In the earthen holes intended for planting material, wood ash is laid. Many gardeners advise putting onion peel designed to repel pests and against fungal disease. Tuberous parts are planted in the holes upward, which ensures rapid growth. The height of the embankment above the seeds is up to 12 cm.

When the first green shoots appear, the size of the earthen ridge increases to 0.2 m.

Three times the watering is enough for a potato variety:

  • the first one is carried out before the time of flowering,
  • the second time they are watered when the potato bushes start the color
  • the third, the final watering takes place after flowering, namely, on the eighth day after it.

The cultivation of seedlings at least three times for the entire process of growth of the vegetable crop will become an additional impulse for the intensity of potato development, which directly affects its productivity.

Gardeners say that they get the most fruitful elite of potatoes only in the fourth year of planting a vegetable crop, and in the fifth garden season the first reproduction – planting material in a balanced version price quality.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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