The reasons for the fall of tomato seedlings

Growing crops at home always causes some difficulties for gardeners. Quite often there are situations when a healthy-looking seedling begins to die. If you can timely determine the reason why tomato seedlings fall, you can save the future crop.

  1. Watering
  2. Solving the problem
  3. Temperature and lighting
  4. Solving the problem
  5. Wrong soil
  6. Solving the problem
  7. Poor top dressing
  8. Solution
  9. Viral diseases
  10. Control methods
  11. Prevention
  12. Conclusion

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Reasons for tomato seedlings to fall


Tomatoes comfortable feeling If they get enough moisture, if the drainage system becomes clogged, then the root system begins to rot. If the drainage is inoperative, the density in the soil increases and air does not enter the roots through it. First, the root begins to decay, and after it completely the whole stem. Experts are convinced that this is one of the main reasons why tomato seedlings fall.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

The soil is not only from soil particles, but also the air space between them.Excess water displaces air, which leads to a deterioration in soil aeration. Plant roots also need air, like other organisms.

Seedlings A tomato will wither and fall if the tomato does not receive the right amount of water. Also, do not water the tomatoes very much, because a plentiful amount of moisture leads to deformation of the roots.

Solving the problem

If the drainage system fails, you need to clean it. To do this, take a thin rod and slightly punch holes in the drainage. But, you need to carry out the procedure with special care so as not to damage the roots. After this, you need to loosen the earth and stop watering for several days so that the remaining moisture is absorbed.

If there is a lack of watering, you need to slightly increase its duration. With abundant watering, you need to stop it for several days. It is believed that the optimal watering interval is 1 time in 3 days. Remember that watering should be carried out with room temperature water so that the root system assimilates it better.

Temperature and lighting

Another reason why tomato seedlings wither and falls, it is the wrong temperature and lighting.

Tomatoes are heat-loving crops, but it is forbidden to place them near batteries, fireplaces or heaters, because they are very dry air, which leads to loss of moisture inside the plant. Also, do not place containers with seedlings in places of drafts.

Incorrect lighting is another indicator of seedlings falling. Tomatoes feel comfortable only in good light. With insufficient light, the stem of the plant is stretched. As a result, it acquires a thin stem and falls under the weight of the leaf mass. Unpleasant situations can occur if there is an overabundance of lighting. In this case, the foliage begins to curl and fall.

Solving the problem

The comfortable temperature for tomatoes is about 23-25 ​​° C in the daytime and 16 ° -18 C at night.

Containers with seedlings should not be placed in rooms where there are drafts. Choose places where a maximum of 1 window is located.

When growing tomato plants, place them in well-lit places. Tomatoes should be covered for 12-14 hours a day. If natural light is not enough for such a time, then you should start using special phytolamps. This time should not be exceeded, because at night the plants absorb nutrients better.

Wrong soil

Plants can die

If tomato seedlings fall, the reason may be in poor soil. Tomatoes do not like land with a high acidity and alkalinity of the soil. Dense soil, which does not pass oxygen, also negatively affects plants.

Sometimes a plant falls if you planted bushes too close together. As a result, bushes will lack nutrients, light, and oxygen. As a result, the plants die.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

If the pick was carried out in boxes or containers, then the landing pattern (distance between plants) should be 5 x 5 or 6 x 6 cm. A more thickened planting leads to elongation of seedlings. Too rare uneconomical use of the nursery area.

Solving the problem

When planting seedlings in a permanent place, give preference only to light and fertile soils. The optimum soil pH for tomato is neutral or close to neutral 5.0 5.5. If you made a mistake the first time and tomato seedlings fall, you need to immediately transplant it to another place. Initially, the soil must undergo a disinfection procedure using a manganese solution.

Seedlings are planted according to a certain pattern. A distance of 70 cm should be maintained between the rows, and 50 cm between the holes, so you need to dig nearby bushes and transplant them to the correct distance.

Poor top-dressing

Fall seedlings can be caused by insufficient fertilizers or their overabundance.If the tomatoes do not receive the required amount of fertilizer, then the whole foliage begins to turn yellow and gradually falls off.

With an excessive amount of fertilizing, burns appear on the root or main stem. Also, a large number of fertilizers leads to the formation of a white coating on the soil, which does not allow moisture and oxygen to pass inside.

Solving the problem

Tomatoes need only three top dressings for the entire growing season .

  1. The first top dressing is carried out 10 days after transplanting seedlings to a permanent place. At this point, you need to use a solution of ammonium nitrate. 20 g of the substance are diluted in 10 liters of warm water and poured 1 liter under each bush.
  2. The second dressing is carried out at the time of flowering. This time you need to give preference to potassium substances. Preparation of the solution and the amount of fertilizer applied is carried out according to the instructions indicated on the package.
  3. The third top dressing is carried out at the time of formation of the fruit. This time you should use organic substances (humus or bird droppings). Each bush should have no more than 30 g of the substance.

When a white coating appears, the top layer of the earth should be removed and irrigated with a humate solution for a week. In 10 l of water you need to dissolve 50 g of the substance. On 1 m2 should be about 5 liters of substance.

Viral diseases

Diseases adversely affect tomatoes

Quite often seedlings fall if it is exposed to diseases. If disinfection of seeds or soil is not done on time, Fusarium or black leg may occur. Also, the cause of the effects of disease can be poor-quality purchased planting material.

Control methods

Give preference only to high-quality and disinfected seeds. If you bought untreated planting material, then disinfection can be carried out at home using a manganese solution.

If the reason lies in the soil, then try to transplant the plant to another place. You can also treat the earth with a copper-containing preparation Oksikh or a solution of manganese. Do not forget to remove from the garden all the tops that remained after harvesting, because bacteria that can cause diseases can accumulate on it.

It is impossible to get rid of the black leg. If it is present, you must immediately remove the diseased bush and burn it away from the garden, because bacteria can migrate to neighboring bushes.

Tatyana Orlova (Candidate S.-x.Sciences):

The black leg (rhizoctonia) is a disease mainly of seedlings, seedlings. Dive plants are less likely to be affected. It does not affect adult plants. But there are some fungal diseases affecting adult tomato bushes that have similar symptoms: southern blight, streak (streak).


so that the seedlings are not exposed the impact of diseases and their own fall, the following preventive measures should be taken:

  • water the tomato bushes regularly, but within reason;
  • top dressing according to the clear instructions indicated on the package of the drug;
  • disinfect the seeds and the ground before planting;
  • stick to optimal distance during planting so as not to thicken neighboring bushes;
  • so that water does not accumulate in one place and does not compact the soil, it is necessary to install a drainage system in containers or introduce sand into open ground;
  • loosening the soil will reduce the risk of most diseases;
  • ventilation, a normal level of light and the right temperature regime can maintain the health of seedlings.

Why seedlings fall and what to do
Tomato seedlings wither and fall .. What is the reason?
why the seedling falls. seedlings die. so that seedlings do not die. FREE tool


If you can determine in time the reason why the tomato seedlings fall, then the treatment will be much faster and better. It is important to remember that you can’t hesitate to correct the situation, because you can completely lose the future harvest.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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