Characteristics of potato varieties Zekura

Zekur potatoes were bred in Germany. But already in the Russian Federation it was registered in 1997. Its peculiarity is that it can be grown well in the coldest temperature conditions. The view is quite designed for landing in the Siberian regions.

  1. Variety description
  2. Advantages
  3. Disadvantages
  4. Planting potatoes
  5. Soil preparation
  6. Planting potatoes
  7. Caring for potatoes
  8. Watering
  9. Fertilizer <
  10. Pest Control
  11. Conclusion

Характеристика картофеля сорта Зекура

Characteristics of the potato cultivar Zekura

Now Zekur potatoes are being planted more and more often in their gardens. It’s not picky, which means that taking care of it, you won’t need to do any extra work with potatoes.

Variety Description

Despite the fact that such a variety of potatoes was recently bred, it’s popular all over the world, in every country. Thanks to its properties, Zekura gained the status of a potato of the highest class. It is also classified as a table variety.


If you highlight the pros and cons separately, you can clearly see that there are much fewer minuses than pluses. Nevertheless, there are no ideal varieties, there are always cons. It’s time to highlight what Zikur’s look is so fond of:

  1. It retains its presentation and taste for a long time.One of the main features is that the potato, even after several months in the basement, may still look juicy and the taste will remain exactly the same as it was on the first day of picking.
  2. Easy care. Description allows you to not make much effort to care for potatoes. Since its bushes are not wide, without any complications you can weed it.
  3. Resistant to viruses. Scientists have taken care of the Zekur potato variety so that no virus infects it. There is still an exception (late blight of leaves and tubers, virus A), but there are few of them, isolated cases.

We can draw simple conclusions that this type of potato fully complies with modern requirements. Indeed, given all the advantages of its characteristics, it quickly took root not only in our country, but also in neighboring states. Simple care and maximum taste as a result are the main positive qualities.


  1. Small fruit size. This sometimes happens. It happens that Zekur potatoes, depending on the fertility of the soil, can produce quite small potatoes (70-100 grams of weight).
  2. Depending on the planting location. It can not be planted in areas where there was already potato before. This will negatively affect fertility. There are varieties when such a factor does not affect the species, but here it plays a large role.

These negative qualities should be taken into account before you make a landing.This is due to the combination of different characteristics of varieties in one. But in principle, if you take care correctly, follow all the rules, these shortcomings can be avoided.

Planting potatoes

We select potatoes for planting

The planting process is quite simple, and in general is no different from the standard procedure for planting any type of potato. Firstly, water the garden, because you can not plant potatoes in dry soil. Secondly, when planting, seed potatoes need to be laid down by sprouts. Thirdly, bean grain thrown into the hole, or a small amount of ash in the future will save the crop from pests. . It needs a deep landing in the ground.

Soil preparation

Regardless of the type of tubers, it is important to pre-treat the soil before planting. But for Zekur’s seed potatoes, this is more important than for others. This is not because she has a more complicated preparation process. This is explained by the fact that the variety has no special wishes, but it needs a previous preparation process.

The ground should be sufficiently warm up to about 8-10 degrees. Temperature plays an important role, since if planted in cold ground, the risk that the potato frostbites increases several times.The soil should be previously plowed and harrowed. Best of all, when perennials were planted on the soil before planting or lupine was planted.

Planting potatoes

Having passed the process of planting potatoes, you need to know the basic rules:

  • the depth must be at least 10 centimeters;
  • the distance between the seeds is 50 centimeters;
  • to plant in rows.

If know the above facts, then success in growing, and a prolific result is provided to you. And also quite often people think that if you hold the potatoes in the ground a little longer, then it will grow larger in size and become more tasty. This is not so, it is recommended to harvest this species even a week earlier.

Potato care

As mentioned earlier, the variety has no special requirements, there are no complicated steps have to. But still, standard actions should be done for better productivity. Many farmers and agronomists do not like to potato, as it takes a lot of time. But nevertheless, these actions are advised, because not only beetles, but also various plants are harmful, which interfere with the normal development of the fruit. Using weeding, you will already get rid of most parasites.

Instead of frequent watering, mulching is recommended. It not only leaves the earth moist and protects against droughts, but also protects against some pests. But it should be carried out if there is a high temperature (more than 28 degrees).As a preventative measure, this method is also appropriate.


Many farmers have a negative attitude to watering. Due to the fact that they plant a lot of potatoes on large tracts of land, and simply do not have time to water such an amount of potatoes. But this must be done, because in the summer the earth needs to be moistened.

Instead, as a replacement, as mentioned above, they use the mulching process. So there is the usual way of watering, and its alternative. Choose only for you.


For a more prolific crop, you can fertilize, of course, potatoes in different ways. This can be done even at the planting stage, adding different fertilizers right along with the seeds.

And also often use fertilizers, which can be sprayed, they say, the efficiency is greater. But this type of fertilizer does not need fertilizer.

Pest Control

It is worth paying attention to pest control. The Zekur species is resistant to viruses, for example, the Colorado potato beetle and bear are no longer scary for this type of potato.

Potato cancer and wireworm are still dangerous for the Zekura variety, since the risk that the potato will be affected by this disease or a very large parasite will harm him. Yes, it is fearless only when the land is properly cultivated. You can get rid of it with garlic (he does not tolerate it), or spray it with herbal infusions.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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