Seedlings of cucumbers in sawdust


Weak resistance of cucumber seedlings to temperature extremes is an important problem that can cause crop death. To avoid problems, it is necessary to prepare the seeds for planting correctly. One of the effective methods is seedlings of cucumbers in sawdust.

    1. Advantages of the


  1. What is needed for work
  2. Sawdust <
  3. Tanks for planting
  4. Seeds
  5. Landing procedure
  6. Conclusion <

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Seedling of cucumbers in sawdust

Advantages of the method

The method has several advantages:

  • Seedlings are easy to remove from sawdust, thanks to the loose structure of the soil.
  • The root system of plants remains without damage .
  • The seeds are excellent o warm up and germinate faster.
  • Seedlings do not germinate and do not overcool.
  • You can transplant seedlings into the ground with cotyledonous leaves.
  • Cucumbers from hot soil are resistant to various diseases.
  • Seedlings quickly take root in the soil.
  • There is absolutely no weed grass in this material.
  • They can be planted even in the apartment, because from boxes with there is no dirt in seedlings.
  • Planting does not take much time.
  • Planting cucumbers in sawdust protects the future crop from diseases.
  • In the soil, the optimal one balance.

What is needed for work


Small sawdust is needed for work, because they imitate soil structure as well as possible.

Landing tanks

You need suitable containers for landing

You can use wooden boxes or plastic containers. It is advisable that the containers have suitable caps. Having decided to use plastic containers, pick up boxes no less than 20 x 30 cm in household goods.


To get a large crop of cucumbers, you need to buy only processed seeds. They have the largest percentage of germination and do not require pollination. Their only drawback is that they are not intended for long-term cultivation. From the seeds that you get from your crop, the same germination and fruits will not be. You should choose early varieties in order to get the result as soon as possible.

Planting procedure

Before starting work, scald the sawdust several times with boiling water: it will allow to remove residual resin from their surface, then take the granules and fill them with prepared containers by about one quarter. Then fill it all with hot water. After the sawdust swells, lay the seeds of the cucumbers in a hot mass. Sprinkle seedlings on top of the hot sawdust and cover the containers with a lid. If you do not have suitable covers, take a regular cling film or household film and cover it with the future crop. It is advisable to do everything quickly while the material is warm.

Next, monitor the moisture content of the sawdust. As the water evaporates, add it to the containers. It is best to use purified water 30–40 ° C for irrigation.

Well-lit places and warm rooms are best for storing seedlings. Often seedlings are placed on window sills. Sprouts can be planted in the ground no earlier than the stems straighten and at least 2 true leaves appear on them. In compliance with this simple technology, you will see the first shoots in 2-3 days. To easily free seedlings from sawdust, you should first fill it with warm water.

Seedlings of cucumbers in sawdust
Planting seedlings of cucumbers into hot sawdust.
Seedling of cucumbers and zucchini in sawdust. Step by step instructions April 8, 2016
Planting cucumber seeds in sawdust for seedlings


Ta This technique has several advantages over conventional seedling cultivation. Planting cucumbers in sawdust, you can get a rich harvest 2 weeks earlier.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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