Characteristics of Jelly Potato

There are many types of potatoes, they all differ in planting method, weight, each needs special care. Nevertheless, among all species, it is worth highlighting Jelly. It is often grown not only by professional farmers, but also by ordinary people who have a small garden. It is universal, without any complications it is grown and as a result, the potato comes out quite large in size.Like other varieties, it has several care secrets that anyone who wants to plant Jelly potatoes should know.

  1. Grade Characteristic
  2. Advantages
  3. Disadvantages <
  4. Features of planting potatoes
  5. Preparing the soil
  6. The process of planting potatoes
  7. Caring for potatoes
  8. Watering <
  9. Fertilizers <
  10. Pest Control
  11. Conclusion <

Характеристика картофеля сорта Джелли

Characteristics of the jelly potato

Characteristics of the variety

Jelly potatoes appeared in 2005 in Russia and, therefore, are ideally suited for chernozem soils throughout this country as well as Belarus and Ukraine. It will comfortably grow not only in the Russian Federation, but also on the lands of Ukraine and Belarus, because the composition of the soil is similar and cultivation in these territories in particular is successful and prolific. The view is mid-season and table, as they say “for people”, so that it is as convenient as possible for cultivation. It is safe to say that it adapts to any type of soil.


The Jelly potato variety has been popular for a long time. Since its inception, various rumors have been circulating about how to plant it, how to care for it. All these rumors are transmitted from one person to another, and it seems that it is very difficult to grow this culture. It is worth finally refuting or confirming these rumors and highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of such a tuber plant.

The advantages of Jelly include the following facts:

  1. You can plant this type of tuber on all types of soils . It has the function of universality, as it does not have particular preferences in one form or another of the earth. So it can be safely planted in different parts of the world, with different soils, and it will produce the same big and healthy fruits.
  2. Resistance to viruses. Compared to other types of tuberous, it is well protected from viruses and can resist them when other subspecies are already infected with viruses.
  3. It tolerates transportation well. If you have the mission to transport the tubers after the harvest, then you can be calm, because it has some protective qualities and after a long transportation the taste or appearance will not change.
  4. Has a long shelf life. She can lie all the winter in your basement and be just as strong and tasty. This is another of the positive features of this plant.
  5. Yield stability.Some species can be very productive one year, and already the second, quite the opposite. It’s not so with Jelly. It has a stable yield.

Despite the enormous advantages of this variety, there are a number of disadvantages. He, of course, is no more than the “pluses” of Jelly, but they are there and if you intend to plant this variety, then you should be familiar with them.


Disadvantages of Jelly’s potato:

  1. Needs a systematic fertilizer. There are species when you can not fertilize them, and the fruits will be pretty good. When planting this variety, know that you need to fertilize it periodically for normal development.
  2. Change of planting location. Almost every type of potato has such a disadvantage, because the land is exhausted, after collecting potatoes, it has already given up all its fertilizing qualities. If you plant this variety in the same place for several years in a row, there is a risk that fertility will clearly decrease.
  3. We are vulnerable to diseases such as late blight. Despite a high percentage of disease resistance, it remains vulnerable to late blight. In order to prevent this from happening, you need to pre-process it.

There are very few drawbacks. Since this type of potato is very versatile and suitable for any type of soil, there are no big problems, respectively.

Features for planting potatoes

Tubers are planted in warm soil

For planting, the soil should reach an appropriate temperature of about 7–10 degrees, the ideal temperature to start the process of planting tubers.

Planting, as usual, occurs in rows, they are more convenient both when planting and when harvesting. Since Jelly’s bush is semi-spreading, the distance between the rows should be made large.

Characteristics of Jelly’s potatoes allow you to start planting it, given that after 90 days it will be possible to harvest. But weather conditions cannot be predicted, so if there are still frosts after planting, it is recommended to populate the earth, or fill up.

The landing site plays a huge role, because it should be spacious. If there are too many trees that will cast a shadow, then the risk of diseases will increase.

Preparing the soil

The soil plays out, not the last role in shaping the future crop such a culture, so you need to approach this issue seriously. Before planting, it is imperative to cultivate the soil with a cultivator to get rid of the rest of the plants in the soil.

Best of all, the Gelli species grows on soils, with the presence of sand, which are saturated with mineral and nutrients.It stimulates the growth of potatoes if before, on this soil were grown:

  • beans;
  • peas;
  • lentils;
  • radish .

And others, similar products that increase the ability of the soil to give potatoes the right substances for growth and development now.

The temperature of the earth is important before planting, the soil should be sufficient warmed up. If you plan to plant at a deeper distance, you need the temperature to be no lower than 9-10 degrees.

The process of planting potatoes

Planting potatoes of the Jelly type occurs, traditionally, in spring (a detailed description of the step-by-step process can easily be found on any gardening site). It is important to observe the distance between the rows, in order to give then room for bush growth, not less than 74 centimeters. Landing should be carried out in good weather conditions, because if it rains, it can also negatively affect further growth.

The bush needs a lot of space

The planting process for potatoes of any sort is similar. Both seed preparation and land cultivation. It is distinguished only by the fact that for each species it is necessary to observe its own distance, depending on the latitude of the bush. Jelly’s potatoes need a lot of space so that he can later develop.

Potato care

Potato cultivation may include hilling. This process has long been familiar to all farmers and gardeners (if not, you can find a description on the Internet). It is needed if the potato forms tubers on the lateral shoots from the roots. It is done several times, depending on need, more can be done.

And also an important step in caring for potatoes is the prevention of Colorado potato beetles. Everyone’s main association with potato pests is the Colorado potato beetle. You need to monitor their presence on the potato from time to time and spray it.


It would seem that there is nothing important in watering the potato. Some do not even water the potatoes, hoping solely for rain. But do not do like such people, boring watering potatoes. Watering does not depend on the variety, so the Jelly variety has no particular preferences. But he doesn’t really need it, so for lazy farmers this is an ideal option, sometimes you can forget about it and rely on rainy weather.


Common The question still remains the question of whether it is worth fertilizing an already prolific variety? If the soil is not endowed with natural fertilizers, then you can add more to the soil, mineral or organic. But it is worth considering that an excess of nitrogen fertilizers leads to consequences, namely, it increases the growing season.

Since most viruses (except late blight) are not scary for the Jelly potato variety, you can use the following drugs for prevention:

  • cuproxate;
  • dotamine M- 45;
  • rhodomyl.

These drugs have a large amount of chemicals, so you need to carefully and properly fertilize the plants. Observe safety rules when spraying!

Pest Control

Particular attention should be paid to pest control. There are more and more of them every year. The topic of the Colorado potato beetles has already risen higher, so be sure to pay attention to this again. And there are many other pests besides the Colorado potato beetle, which can be harmful to potatoes, twice as much. It is worth spraying potatoes for its normal development.

Potato varieties Jelly, Meteor, Galla, Red Scarlett
Digging potatoes 2016
Video review of potato varieties: Breeze Volant, Jelly, Zekura Rosalit and Uladar


Potato Jelly is a leader among other varieties, because they have a number pluses, which are much more than minuses, and therefore enjoys great popularity among farmers. It looks like a standard potato, what talk The characteristics are as follows: its weight is 85–130 grams, the starch content is 13.4–17.8%, the ripening period is medium early. Nevertheless, this variety conquered everyone with its virus resistance, because it has a high level of yield and its marketability ( that despite the various tests, a good appearance and a pleasant taste remain.)

And this variety is also easy to care for, because you don’t need to use special efforts to take care of it. He’s not picky, and you shouldn’t look after him 24 hours a day, because under normal weather conditions, with the usual, systematic (sometimes watering and spraying from pests) potatoes grow normally and bring wonderful large fruits.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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