Why do cucumbers have dried stems?

Inadequate care, along with adverse environmental conditions and pests, causes cucumber diseases. Among the main problems encountered by gardeners, drying of the plant trunk is noted. Consider why the stalk of the cucumber dries.

  1. Insects <
  2. Mosaic
  3. Black rot
  4. Fungal diseases
  5. Anthracnose or copperfish
  6. Powdery mildew
  7. Periosporosis <
  8. Cladosporiosis <
  9. Conclusion <

Причины засыхания стеблей огурца

Causes of cucumber stalks drying out


One of the main enemies of cucumbers is insects, due to which the stems of young cucumbers dry:

  • When growing vegetables in the open field, flies deliver a lot problems.The primary sign of their defeat is a discoloration of the surface of the sprouts. If measures are not taken in time, the cucumber bush dries. In young plants, damage begins from the base of the trunk. This is due to eggs in the soil. They dig a submucosal knee at the seedlings and penetrate inside stalk.
  • Cucumber mosquito is especially harmful to crops in greenhouses. The pest is introduced into the ground with manure. Larvae make potholes in the branches of the cucumber, which violate the structure of the stem, causing the bush to die.
  • In the open ground, gourd aphids appear on cucumbers near the end of summer, and in greenhouses and small improvised film shelters in the spring.During this period, the active reproduction of insects occurs, garden plants are literally completely covered with them. The leaves curl and fall off, and the shoots themselves are covered with small yellowish cracks and quickly dry out.

It is easy to cope with pests. Work on the beds begins with an examination of garden crops. If pests are found, they immediately take measures to combat them. In this case, you can minimize the damage and keep the crop.


Various microbial infections can also cause drying. It is impossible to cure them – a diseased plant has to be removed.

Symptoms of the mosaic: the leaves turn yellow and curl, the stems of young cucumbers dry. A distinctive feature of the mosaic is a large crack at the base of the stem. The disease causes a cucumber virus. Infection occurs only during the contact of the juice of one plant with another. This can happen during tying up or removing extra sheets.

Viruses calmly winter in organic debris and are transferred to aphid cucumbers. The source of infection is also seeds collected from infected plants.

Black rot

The most common infection from which young stems of cucumbers dry out is black grill. Infection occurs if:

  • transplantation rules are violated;
  • the soil has already been infected;
  • planting material is the carrier of the disease.

Because of this disease, the leaves brighten and fade, the growth of the cucumber stops, the stem at the base crackes and dries. Cucumber bush dies due to complete drying of the root. The apical growth point remains completely healthy for some time and does not look dry.

Gray spots with a reddish coating are a sign of gray rot. It affects all the aerial parts of the shoot, and also leads to its rapid drying.

Thinning of the stems indicates a defeat of sclerotiniosis. Different parts of the bush are covered with white bloom, which gradually turns into black spots. With high humidity, the seedling mucilizes, softens and rots. Conversely, it dries dramatically if watering is stopped. Treatment makes sense only at the stage of white plaque. Next, you need to remove it from the garden or from the greenhouse and burn it away from the garden.

Fungal diseases

Anthracnose or copperfish

A disease can kill a plant

Anthracnose or copperfish are serious diseases. They can infect the culture when using infected material and when working with diseased soil. The spread of the disease is observed when watering a cucumber bush with cold water and with sudden changes in temperature.The disease is especially common in transitional winter-spring and summer-autumn periods and worsens in rainy weather and heavy dew. The fruits are wrinkled, rot and become bitter, their stems partially dry, despite the abundance of moisture.

Powdery mildew

Gray layering with pink spots (less often – slightly reddish) on leaves is powdery mildew. The stem begins to dry due to dark, moist areas on the root. This disease can spread to other seedlings in the garden, and it does it especially quickly in cloudy weather.


Peronosporosis, or downy mildew, is one of the most dangerous fungal diseases for the crop. Culture is subject to him at any age. It is possible to determine peronosporosis when the bush is in an active stage of growth. On shoots appear small dry patches with veins. They come in the form of squares or triangles. Then the leaves and stalk dry up and crumble. The cucumber shoot is hit from bottom to top. The disease spreads very quickly, because its spores are carried by the wind.


Due to severe temperature changes with increasing humidity, a fungal infection develops – cladosporiasis, or brown olive spotting . The plant becomes infected when spores get on it. Drops appear on the surface of the deciduous part, which harden, the skin of the fruits crack, they become crooked, young ovaries die.In addition, the stems of the cucumbers also dry.


Infections, bacterial and fungal infections and pests harm not only the stems of the cucumber, but also the leaves, flowers, fruits. If you change the appearance of at least one leaf, you must carefully examine the entire plant. In greenhouse conditions, all plantings are affected, since with high humidity, the infection spreads rapidly. If you help the plant in time, it will stop drying and will please the crop again.

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For the prevention of cucumber diseases it is necessary to pay attention to disinfection of the soil, to use proven seeds for seedlings.It is also recommended to avoid too dense planting of plants, observe the irrigation regime, maintain crop rotation and harvest fruits on time.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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