Growing and planting cucumbers on the advice of O. Ganichkina

Oktyabrina Ganichkina is a candidate of agricultural sciences, a well-known radio and television presenter, author of books on gardening, an active participant in regional agricultural exhibitions. Ganichkina’s advice on planting and growing cucumbers will allow each gardener to improve the quality of fruits and crop yields.

Table of Contents
  1. Reckless Method
  2. Preparation <
  3. Sowing <
  4. Care <
  5. Seedling method
  6. Preparation <
  7. Sowing and maintenance in the greenhouse
  8. Landing
  9. Lash formation
  10. Outdoor care
  11. Disease prevention
  12. Conclusion <

Выращивание огурцов по советам О. Ганичкиной

Growing cucumbers according to the advice of O. Ganichkina

The seedling method

Cucumber seeds need to be sown on the bed in the last decade of May – early June (depending on the variety). Ideal option is light neutral or slightly acidic soil, with a high content of humus and good light.

For growing cucumbers it is better to use beds after tomatoes, onions, legumes , early varieties of potatoes and white cabbage. The worst predecessors are cucumbers, zucchini and other pumpkin.


Preparation of the beds should be started in the fall, performing preventive treatment with 1% solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid. After spraying, it is required to burn all plant debris and dig a bed.

In the spring, the site again digs deep and fertilizes:

  • with organic top dressing (maximum dose 5kg / m2);
  • “Pumpkin crop agricola” (one package per 3,5-4m2).

To level the soil with a rake and compact it with plywood or a board, leaving the width of the beds to a maximum of 65-70cm.

Along the resulting beds must be raked furrow (2-3 cm). Before planting, on the advice of Ganichkina, it is better to water the grooves twice a lot with a hot solution of a biostimulant for better growth and tying of greens.


Sowing is carried out in warm and moistened soil. Seeds do not require preliminary soaking, the distance between them is 50-55cm. To repel pests (ants, slugs, mice, etc.), sprinkle the beds with a mixture of ground peppers (black and red), and the row-spacing with dry mustard.

The sown bed should be covered with non-woven material until mid-June to protect the shoots from lowering temperature.

From the second half of June, arcs (1 m in height), on which dense material of white color is located, are used as a shelter. It should cover the crops from all sides, protecting from the sun.

If the variety of cucumbers is self-pollinated, the shelter is not removed until September (except for the time of feeding and moistening). If the culture requires pollination by insects, at the time of flowering, the edge of the shelter is lifted from the windless side.


Provide plants proper care

Cucumber is a thermophilic culture, the optimum temperature for its normal development is 25 27 °. When it lowers to 12 °, the plant stops its growth and the formation of ovaries.

Before the formation of the fruits, crop care is divided into:

  1. Thinning of seedlings. When sowing, the percentage of seed germination is taken into account, so the seed is placed a little closer to each other than is necessary for full growth. After the appearance of the second true leaf, the plants are thinned out (up to 3 times).
  2. Weeding. Carefully performed weeding will help prevent weed growth, the spread of diseases and pests.
  3. Watering. Watering cucumbers (except the base of the stems) is necessary every 3-4 days with a large amount of warm water at the rate of 2-3 liters per bush.
  4. Loosening. It is carried out to establish optimal aeration and soil moisture capacity. The last stage of loosening occurs when 4-5 true leaves are formed, when the plants are still vertically oriented.

After flowering begins and especially during fruit formation, care should be concentrated on such points:

  1. Watering. The amount of water must be increased to 3-4l per plant.
  2. Fertilization. Top dressing is applied once a week in the form of ready-made organic and mineral fertilizers.Spray bushes every 2-3 weeks, alternating with liquid fertilizers and growth stimulants.
  3. Formation of a whip. The tops are pinched when the length of the lashes is not less than a meter, the length of the side shoots is 45-50 cm.

Seedling method

Growing seedlings in the greenhouse is the best way getting an early crop of cucumbers. Indoor soil will be more sparing for delicate sprouts and will protect from negative environmental factors up to the moment of transplanting to the garden bed when the plants get stronger.

The optimal soil composition for growing cucumber seedlings in greenhouse conditions is a combination of loam, humus and peat.


Preparation for sowing cucumbers in protected ground:

  • harvesting plant debris;
  • greenhouse disinfection;
  • the application of fertilizers and stimulants.

Disinfection of the greenhouse is carried out to protect against excitation teley fungal and viral infections, process requires not only the soil but also all surface facilities, tools and materials. For disinfection Ganichkina recommends using a solution of copper sulfate, karbofos and tar soap, go special preparations (Iskra DE, Khom).

Ash, superphosphate and special stimulants for pumpkin crops are used to enrich the soil.

Sowing and care in the greenhouse

Sowing time: by the time of planting in open ground seedlings must be 20-25 days old.The optimum temperature is 20-22 ° during the day and 13-15 ° at night.

Care of sprouts in protected ground:

  • watering: 2.5-3l / m2);
  • application of top dressing (at the stage of the appearance of 2 real leaves by irrigation with Agricola Forward or similar fertilizer, at the stage of 3-4 leaves – top dressing with complex mineral fertilizer);
  • treatment with a root growth stimulator (through 7-10 days after sowing).


Transplanting seedlings oiskhodit after the formation of 5-6 true leaves., be planted bushes spaced at least 50cm, pulling the wire to the trellis between rows. It is necessary to attach pieces of thick rope to the wire so that it is possible to tie up the plants. Gartering is performed at the stage of forming 8–9 leaves, when the lashes are horizontal. / li>

  • watering;
  • fertilizing.

Forming lashes

Removing unnecessary shoots plays important role for the development of culture, preventing the formation of a deficiency of light and facilitating the harvest.

To thin out thickened plantings, each individual lash is formed according to the scheme:

  1. At the level of 3-4 lower leaves, all germinating shoots and buds must be removed. Zelentsy, forming at the beginning of the lash, stop its growth and productivity.
  2. Remove all lateral shoots up to 1.5 m from the soil, leaving only fruit ovaries from 4 leaves and above.
  3. From 0.5-1 m above the ground surface are formed with partial preservation of the lateral shoot with one leaf and ovaries.
  4. Leave all fruit ovaries to a height of 1.5 m, pinching the lateral shoots above the second leaf.
  5. Pinching above 1.5 m is done on the third sheet, keeping the side shoots.
  6. The stalk that has grown over the trellis needs to be fixed around the wire . I pinch its top upon reaching 50-60 cm.
  7. Simultaneously with the formation process, yellowing, weakened and diseased leaves must be removed.

Outdoor care

The amount of water required for culture depends on the development stage:

  • only planted seedlings 3 l / m2;
  • budding and the beginning of flowering 5.5-6 l / m2;
  • mass flowering of 9-10 l / m2;
  • the formation of ovaries and fruiting 12-18 l / m2.

Volume and the composition of the fertilizer applied also depends on the vegetative maturity of the cucumber:

Before the start of budding tion is applied by watering with the preparation “Agricola Forward” (at the rate of 2 tbsp.per bucket of water);

At the stage of mass flowering, plants are fed with complex fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium;

At the stage of formation of greens, the TV presenter recommends using the fertilizer “Agricola Vegeta” (1 tablespoon . for 5 l of water).

On average, for complete feeding, it is necessary to make 5 l of fertilizer dissolved in water per m2. Of particular importance is the introduction of fertilizing during the formation and ripening of fruits, so fertilizers at the fruiting stage are administered once a week.

A unique way to grow cucumber seedlings from Oktyabrina Ganichkina and the magazine Favorite DACHA
Cucumbers. Oktyabrina Ganichkina: Practical Tips
A unique way to grow cucumber seedlings from Oktyabrina Ganichkina

Disease Prevention

Fighting diseases is necessary by increasing the immunity and resistance of the crop. A strong and healthy plant is less likely to suffer from diseases. It is also important to harden seedlings with the seedling method of growing. This forms the ability of cucumbers to resist diseases. .

When the first signs of the disease appear one of the plants, you need to remove it from the garden or the greenhouse. The causative agent quickly spreads to all plantings, especially in conditions of plant thickening.


By forming lashes and saturating the soil essential nutrients and water, you can significantly increase the plant settiness and the quality of the formed fruit.

Oktyabrina Ganichkina divides cucumber cultivation into two methods (seedlings and seedlings), paying particular attention to pinching lashes and treating plantings with growth stimulants and liquid and fertilizers. Tips will help even an inexperienced gardener get the full return from planted cucumbers in the form of a plentiful harvest.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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