How to process cucumbers in a greenhouse

Unfavorable climatic conditions, as well as a desire to get an earlier harvest, make gardeners grow cucumbers in the greenhouse. However, in such conditions there is a risk of the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria, pathogenic fungi and harmful insects. To prevent this, you need to know how and what to process cucumbers in the greenhouse.

  1. Rules for processing cucumbers in the greenhouse
  2. Pests of cucumber beds
  3. Whitewing
  4. for
  5. Cucumber diseases bushes
  6. Fungal diseases
  7. Viral diseases
  8. Treatment <
  9. Bacterial diseases of cucumbers
  10. Treatment <

Обработка огурцов в теплице

Cucumber processing in the greenhouse

Rules for processing cucumbers in a greenhouse

It is recommended to process cucumbers in a greenhouse as a preventive measure to increase productivity, as well as to fight diseases and pests.For maximum effect, follow these recommendations:

  1. To process the crop, choose a sunny day.
  2. Spray cucumbers with vents and doors closed.
  3. Start processing from the bottom of the sheet.
  4. One hour after spraying, loosen the top layer of soil 2 cm thick.

Pests of cucumber beds

Small insects can cause significant damage to plantings of vegetables in the greenhouse. These pests include melon aphids and whiteflies.


Small insects with white wings attach to cucumber leaves.They feed on the sap of the plant. On the lower part of the leaf plate, sticky sugary secretions form, which turn into a fungus that affects crops. Gradually, the sprouts turn black and dry.

As measures to control whiteflies, it is necessary to spray the plants and wash the bottom of the leaves with soap and water. After processing, you need to loosen the soil to a depth of 2 cm. To process the soil under cucumber sprouts, use sawdust, sand peat. , leaves of cucumbers. The leaves curl, the plant does not receive enough nutrients and stops growing.

To control aphids, do not allow weeds to appear on cucumber beds. If there are insects on plants, spray the culture with a soap solution or infusion of bitter red capsicum:

  1. Prepare a soap solution of 100 g. shavings of any soap diluted in 10 liters. water.
  2. To prepare an infusion of pepper, take 200 gr. ash residue and 30 gr. fresh pepper, fill them with a bucket of hot water, leave to infuse for 24 hours. After the solution is filtered, add one tablespoon of liquid soap or 25 g. soap shavings.

The resulting composition is processed plants. Repeat the processing of cucumber beds several times. Between sprays, pause for seven to ten days.

Ready-made insecticides can be used to control insects. Among the proposed chemicals showed good results Intra-Vir and Strela. Use insecticides strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Before processing, remove the crop from the bushes.

Diseases of cucumber bushes

When growing crops in protected ground, the bushes undergo various diseases. Depending on the type of disease, gardeners decide how to process the cucumbers in the greenhouse.

The treatment agent must be selected

Cucumber diseases can be divided into three groups:

  1. Fungal diseases are caused by pathogenic fungi that live on garden tools or in the soil. To prevent such diseases, it is necessary to disinfect the soil and tools before planting cucumbers.
  2. Pathogenic bacteria multiply in violation of the rules of agricultural technology. Organize proper plant care to prevent bacterial diseases.
  3. Viral diseases can be transmitted through infected seeds. Before planting, disinfect the seeds with a pink solution.

Fungal diseases

Among the diseases caused by fungi, the most common are antaknosis, various types of rot, spotting and others.All diseases in one way or another appear on the bushes:

  1. With an anthnosis, light brownish spots form on the stems and leaf blades. Gradually, quite deep wounds are formed on the fruits, filled with pink clots of mucus. Comfortable conditions for the reproduction of antaknosis are high humidity.
  2. White rot is manifested by the formation of white plaque on the stems. All plant tissues soften. As a result, the cucumber bushes rot. High humidity accelerates the development of the disease. Annual soil disinfection will help reduce the population of this type of mushroom.
  3. Root rot manifests itself in a sharp wilting of leaves, drying of cucumber lashes. The progression of the disease leads to the death of the root system.
  4. Signs of gray rot are rather large blotches of brown color, rotting stems. Zelentsy first covered with brown spots, which are overgrown with a fluffy gray coating. Mushrooms feel comfortable with a sharp decrease in the thermometer at night, when watering with cold water, lack of ventilation.
  5. Peronosporosis begins with yellow spots that acquire a purple coating on the bottom of the leaf plate. This disease develops on plantings that receive a large amount of sunshine.
  6. Olive spotting begins to develop when watering with cold water, drafts. Small ulcers of brown color appear on the cucumbers. Typically, fluid oozes from these wounds.Such fruits are unsuitable for consumption.

When disease progresses, damaged sprouts are removed. Gardeners process cucumbers in the greenhouse with special preparations. Among them, Trichodermin, Planriz, Strobi, Quadris. Use chemical compounds strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

The use of wood ash both in dry form and in the form of solutions shows a good result in the fight against fungal diseases. After the destruction of infected sprouts, the soil on the beds is sprinkled with ash. For watering or spraying, prepare a solution of 200 gr. ash residue and 1 liter of water.

Viral diseases

The most common viral disease of cucumber bushes is the usual mosaic. The first signs of the disease appear as yellow, white spots that appear on young leaves. The plant stops growing, flowering becomes rare, the fruits become variegated.

Sudden changes in temperature can serve as a trigger for the development of the disease. Infected bushes disappear. This will lead to crop loss.


When a disease is detected, infected seedlings are destroyed. It is recommended to treat healthy plants with fungicides.

Bacterial diseases of cucumbers

Bacteriosis affects cucumber plantings at any stage of development. This disease can lead to the death of half of the plants.The most comfortable conditions for the development of bacteria are created by a high degree of humidity and relatively low air temperature.

A word to the agronomist about cucumbers: there will be no pests or root rot!
6 tips for all cucumber diseases
Cucumbers in the greenhouse. We form a bush. We treat from diseases and pests.

Bacteriosis affects almost all parts of the plant. You can determine the disease by the characteristic angular brown spots on the leaves. Ulcers appear on the fruits. Zelentsy can be deformed.If bacteria live in seeds, then such seeds will not germinate, but will rot.


To prevent the development of bacteriosis, spray plantings with a solution of Bordeaux fluid.

To grow healthy cucumbers, do not allow violations of the rules of agricultural technology. If the first signs of disease are detected, it is worthwhile to immediately process the crop planting with special preparations. Take a special place in the fight against pests and diseases with preventive measures.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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