Description of tomato varieties Liang

Among crops, tomatoes are one of the most common products for sale. Many species differ in their taste and planting characteristics, but Liang tomato is considered one of the most balanced varieties.

  1. Features of the tomato variety Lyana
  2. Characteristics of tomato Liang
  3. Advantages of the variety
  4. Disadvantages <
  5. Preparation of seedlings
  6. Preparing the soil and planting tomatoes
  7. Preparing the soil
  8. Planting the shoots
  9. Parting bushes

Описание томата сорта Ляна

Description of the tomato of the Liang variety

Due to its early ripening and high yield, the tomatoes of the Liang variety are very popular with The excellent characteristics of tomato liang are confirmed by numerous positive reviews from the owners of agriculture.

Features of the tomato variety Liana

Tomato Liang according to the description of the variety and the photo is distinguished by such qualities as early ripening, high yield and average fruit size. According to agricultural owners, this variety is unpretentious and suitable for both experienced farmers and beginners.

Thanks to the early harvest, the variety is very popular among entrepreneurs, as growing such tomatoes helps to maximize profit due to low competition .

Characteristics of Liang tomato

  • the plant is a determinant;
  • the height of the bushes reaches forty centimeters;
  • medium leaves size, slightly corrugated;
  • the fruit is round and weighs an average of eighty grams;
  • depending on the type, the skin of tomatoes can be red, pink or raspberry;
  • the ripening period of tomatoes is ninety-five days;
  • the inflorescence is laid over the fifth leaf, after which the ovaries come with a frequency of two leaves;
  • the tomatoes have a sweet aftertaste and a soft aro atom.

Tomatoes Liang of variety descriptions are a good basis for breeding. Tomatoes such as Liana rosa and Caspar F1 were bred using this species. They are distinguished from the classic varieties of liana by color and shape. When buying seeds, carefully read the variety description and study the photos on the packages. If the tomato has a raspberry shade, then this is a pink look. Unlike the pure look that is used for food, this hybrid is more suitable for preservation or preparation.

Advantages of the variety

Tomatoes of the Liang variety have many positive reviews. The qualities of tomatoes include the following qualities of the variety:

  • early maturity;
  • a simple way of planting;
  • long shelf life and transportability of tomatoes;
  • high yield with open landing;
  • resistance to diseases of bacterial origin.


There are also negative reviews about this form. Tomatoes of Liang have such features:

  • poor development of shoots in greenhouse conditions;
  • increased vulnerability to tobacco mosaic virus and late blight.

The variety grows better on the open root

This kind of tomato because its unpretentiousness is suitable for cultivation in suburban areas. However, for maximum yield, you should know the rules for planting this variety.

Preparing seedlings

You can plant a tomato variety of Liang in the soil using seeds, however, for high yields it is better to prepare seedlings. To do this, use wooden crates and special soil rich in minerals.

February or early March is considered the optimal period for sowing. At the time of transplantation into the soil, shoots should reach fifteen centimeters, so two months should pass from the time of sowing. This type of tomato is sensitive to high humidity, so the greenhouse effect should be avoided. To do this, the bottom of the box must be covered with a layer of expanded clay, and then fill the ground. However, seedlings should be watered regularly in the early days – the top ball of the earth should not dry out. This can lead to root disease and plant death.

The greatest danger to young shoots of tomato Liang is cold.It is not recommended to water the seedlings in the evening if the boxes are near the window. Hypothermia can lead to death of seedlings due to root system necrosis.

Preparing the soil and planting tomatoes

According to the characteristic, the Liang tomato variety is an unpretentious plant species and growing this crop does not require large material costs. Varieties of Liang tomato give more fruit on an open planting than in greenhouse conditions, so the plant needs to be provided with a good plot.

Liang tomatoes will grow well in places where legumes or root crops were grown a year earlier. Do not plant seedlings in the area where carrots or cucumbers grew.

Ground preparation

Ground preparation should begin in the autumn before the first frost. To do this, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. In November, the earth should be dug up and fertilized with mineral components.
  2. The site is left in a loose state for the whole winter.
  3. After after the snow has melted, the earth must be buried and treated with alkali.

Shoots should be planted at a time when the temperature does not drop below zero at night. Otherwise, Liang tomatoes can freeze. At the time of planting seedlings of Liang tomato for cultivation should reach fifteen centimeters and have several leaves and ovaries.

Planting shoots

Planting shoots of this variety has several features related to the sensitivity of the species to increased moisture. To make the plant feel comfortable, you should:

  1. Pour a handful of compost and ash into the wells before planting.
  2. To dig in, you need to use earth mixed with sand.
  3. Plant one shoot in a hole and dig in the first leaves on the trunk.
  4. Around the bush there will be a small ditch for comfortable watering.

If the soil has high humidity, then the bottom of each well should also throw a handful of expanded clay. Remember that the root system of seedlings is very vulnerable to mechanical injuries, so beginners are advised to see photos and videos of planting workshops.

Liang tomato variety
Liang tomato variety own seeds
Tomato Liang. Aelita

Tomatoes of Liang do not need frequent watering. The first time they should be watered immediately after planting, after which the procedure is repeated after ten to fifteen days. Despite the fact that this variety does not tolerate moisture – do not allow the land to dry and cracks in the soil.

Bushes of this type of tomato also possess vulnerability to direct ultraviolet. On hot days, you should provide shade to the shoots, otherwise the ovaries can dry out. For this, you can use improvised materials or weed grass.

Bushes in the bushes

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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