Characteristics of the tomato Explosion

Every day a new variety of tomatoes is produced, which is trying to attract attention from gardeners. One of these species is the tomato explosion, which became the favorite of many gardeners in 2016. Despite the fact that now you can choose any type of tomato for breeding, seeds of this variety are most in demand. In addition, there are quite positive reviews from those who planted these tomatoes in their area.Therefore, we consider a detailed description of a tomato explosion and the features of its growing in open ground.

  1. Detailed characteristics of the tomato variety explosion
  2. Features of planting
  3. Features of the care of tomatoes explosion
  4. Parting in a similar variety of tomatoes

Характеристика томата Взрыв

Characteristics of the tomato Explosion

Detailed description of the tomato variety yv

Considering the explosion of varieties of tomatoes, you should pay attention to the fact that the creator of such a culture is V. Kozak, who developed a detailed description and gave a thorough description of the tomato explosion variety. Before getting to the land plots to gardeners, the tomato explosion passed a huge number of tests, after which its seeds began to be actively sold throughout the Russian Federation. Now it is possible to grow it, both in greenhouses covered with a film, and in open ground conditions. At the same time, the description of the tomato explosion has certain equally important nuances.

  1. About 3 months are necessary for the tomato fruits to fully ripen.On average, the height of this variety reaches 50 centimeters, but, basically, the explosion tomatoes are stunted plants, as many photos indicate.
  2. The shape of the tomato is quite round, attractive and slightly ribbed.
  3. The density of the pulp is average in all respects.
  4. Tomatoes burst in a completely ripe state have a pronounced red color.
  5. When receiving the first wave of fruiting, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the weight tomato does not exceed 250 grams.
  6. Subsequently, the average weight of tomatoes is about 100-200 grams.
  7. When considering the description of a tomato blast, you should pay attention to the fact that the fruits have very good taste.
  8. Most often, a tomato blast is consumed raw, but this the species is a good option for use in the canning process.
  9. The yield of this variety is quite high, since one meter square you can harvest a crop whose weight is about 4 kilograms.
  10. In open ground, tomatoes are not affected by root and vertex rot, like other varieties.

Therefore, considering the characteristics and description of a tomato explosion, it is worth paying attention to the fact that this is a good and fairly fruitful option for growing in your own garden.

Features of planting

If you want the yield to be high enough, then seedlings should be used for planting, but it is also possible to use seeds for such process. If you want to grow really high-quality seedlings, you must perform the following standard steps:

  • preparation and soaking of seeds must first take place, which will subsequently be planted in soil conditions;
  • if you start the direct sowing process, it is better to carry out approximately in the third decade of March;
  • after 4-5 days it is possible to get the very first seedlings when the correct temperature conditions are observed;
  • watering should be directly But before the picking process, thereby preventing the soil from overdrying;
  • as soon as a few true leaves appear in the plant, you need to start picking;
  • in about the second half of May, seedlings must be planted in land under a film coating;
  • as for planting in open ground, this should be done no earlier than mid-June, when about 5-7 leaves do not appear on the plant.

Numerous reviews of summer residents about the tomato explosion indicate that it is possible to plant it without Menenius seedlings. This is due to a fairly good germination and the fact that these tomatoes grow well and give high-quality fruits.

Tomato care features explosion

Good care guarantees increased yields

Considering the characteristics of the tomato explosion variety, it is worth paying attention to some of the nuances that should be followed in terms of care. Those who have already planted a tomato blast know that it is best to carry it out into the soil, which is quite loose with a huge amount of fertilizer, and which subsequently will be warmed up by the sun and let fresh air through it. Tomatoes burst just like gavrish and gray-haired are unpretentious in terms of care and are resistant to a huge number of all kinds of adverse natural factors. It is worth considering the basic rules for caring for such a plant.

  1. Watering tomatoes should be done about 2 times a week, especially if the weather is dry on the street. This is claimed by the reviews of those who have already planted this species.
  2. In order to prevent the ground part of the plant from getting serious sunburns, watering should be done after sunset or early in the morning, as indicated by numerous videos and reviews of gardeners .
  3. When carrying out irrigation, it is better to use warm and preferably settled water. If you want to get a much larger crop of tomatoes, then you need to install a drip irrigation system in your garden.
  4. As soon as the first ovary appears on the plant, the amount of water used for irrigation should be increased, or the process of watering tomatoes should be made more frequent.
  5. In order for air to penetrate without obstacles the root system, especially after irrigation or rain, it is imperative to loosen the ground.
  6. Care should be taken to feed the plants, which can be wood ash mixed in nettle infusion.

If you want to provide quality care for a similar type of tomato , There is a possibility to get acquainted with a lot of video and photos that reflect the quality care

Pasynkovanie similar varieties of tomatoes

Pasynkovanie -. Important stage. In order to get a high-quality and sufficiently large number of fruits, it is necessary to correctly implement the method of pinching. When choosing stepchildren in no case can not be mistaken and not confused with leaves. Note that stepsons grow from leaflets. They must be removed without fail, since new stems can grow from them, which will take all the strength for growth on themselves.

Stay good with the number of fruits see to it that had a maximum of 1-2 for the growth of the stem. Between every bush should adhere to the distance at a rate of 20 centimeters. And between the rows, such a distance should be at least 140 centimeters, which can be seen in numerous photos. When removing stepsons, they should not be cut out, but broken out. At the same time, you can leave about 1-2 centimeters of the cuttings.

Regardless of whether you will use tomato seeds or seedlings for growing, you must adhere to the basic rules of planting and care for an elegant result.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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