Description and features of the African cucumber

Today you will not surprise anyone with outlandish fruits and vegetables. These include the African cucumber.

  1. Feature
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Planting of seeds
  5. Sowing seeds
  6. Seedling care
  7. Planting seedlings in the soil
  8. Care rules for cucumbers
  9. Terms of use
  10. Pests and diseases
  11. Conclusion <

Описание и особенности Африканского огурца

Description and features of the African cucumber


African cucumber (Kiwano) is an annual It was bred in Africa and South America, but it gained popularity in Western Europe and the Balkans.

The taste of the fruit and its appearance depend on the amount of land used and cultivation method.

Plant Description

Kiwano resembles a small horned melon in shape. The vegetable has green curly stems and leaves of the same color. They also need to be tied up.

Description of the fruit

African cucumber Kivano has a yellow or orange peel with many needles. The thickness of the peel resembles the skin of a melon and watermelon.

The taste of Kiwano fruits is specific, sweet and sour, contains a lot of moisture inside to help quench your thirst.If a person tries a vegetable for the first time, he will feel similar to cucumber, melon, banana and even lime.

Planting seeds

Before planting, seedlings are grown from the seed. First, the seeds are prepared for sowing. To do this, they are soaked for 1 day in a solution of sodium humate. Epin-extra fertilizer is also used, it has the same effect.

Sowing seeds

You can’t sow seeds directly into the ground, even if the gardener lives in the southern area, because in spring the weather is unpredictable, frosts rage at night, capable of killing seedlings. When the seeds swell, they are transferred to a warm place for 2-3 days. Sowing material is sown in April or early May in order to grow seedlings in warm weather, which will allow seedlings to be transferred to open ground.

Seeds are planted only in purchased land, as it is already nutritious and loose. To do this, use a small single capacity of no more than 10 cm in size.

Seedling Care

Good plant care will provide a decent crop

First of all, after planting seeds, temperature control is carried out. It should not be below 25 ° C. In addition, they provide the right light, but so that the rays of the sun do not fall on the plant, otherwise burns will appear. They also carry out mandatory soil loosening and humidity control.This contributes to good plant growth, which in the future helps to get a plentiful harvest.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Planting an African cucumber is carried out 3-4 weeks after sowing seeds, all depends on the growth rate of the culture. If the gardener lives in an area where the night temperature is significantly reduced, it is better to cover the seedlings with foil at night or plant them in the greenhouse.

African cucumbers love space. It allows you to significantly increase their growth. Also, bushes need support to make it easier to harvest.

Seedlings are planted on a flat surface, preferably near a wall or fence. A large, warm and well-lit area is allocated for landing. Planting planting pattern – 40 x 35 cm. For 1 square. They plant no more than 2 bushes.

Cucumber care rules

Kivano loves water, dries and dies when it is absent. Watering is carried out 2-3 times a week, if there is mild heat on the street, if it is very hot, every day. Watering is carried out early in the morning or late in the evening.

Among the mandatory actions for growing plants, there are:

  • Weeding. So that the crop grows well, it is fed with nutrients and minerals that help reduce weeds.
  • Loosening. This procedure promotes oxygen to the roots. The earth is loosened when it begins to crust.This is best done in the morning or in the evening: during the day, it is likely to remove all moisture from the soil.
  • Pinch. Pinch only the side branches, since the growth of greenery can affect the amount of yield. Bushes need to be formed in the form of a circle or so that they grow in one line.
  • Hilling. This condition for plant care is especially important if the ground freezes or overheats during the day. Hilling retains moisture in the ground, this is especially important for the southern terrain.
  • Feeding. They bring not only organic, but also mineral fertilizers. They help the plant grow quickly and increase the amount of greenery. From organics, it is preferable to take mullein, chicken droppings or grass. Top dressing is added every 10 days, alternating.
  • Garter. The stalk is tied up vertically. Thus, the main mass of greenery goes up, while space is saved. You can apply a grid for cucumbers. If you do not tie up the cucumbers, they will take up a lot of space. If the culture is grown in a greenhouse, a garter is required.
  • Harvesting is carried out in August. They are cut with bright orange, this is their natural color in ripe form.

Terms of use

The skin of a cucumber is not edible, therefore it should not be used. It is cut and thrown away. The edible part is very tender, it will not work to separate it with slices. The fruit is cut into 2 parts, and the filling is selected with a spoon, because it looks like jelly.

Pests and diseases

Kivano has strong immunity, tolerates pests and practically does not become infected with diseases.


Horned melon is an exotic vegetable. Recently, she has become quite famous in all countries of the world. To get the desired result, you must comply with all growing conditions and adhere to the rules for the care of cucumbers.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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