Hydrogel Cucumbers

Hydrogel is a new class of substances that can hold a large amount of moisture with nutrients dissolved in it. Over 95% of the accumulated liquid is given to the seedlings. Recently, it has been actively used in agriculture for the cultivation of various plants, in particular, cucumbers in a hydrogel are particularly popular.

  1. What is the use of hydrogel
  2. Advantages of the technology
  3. How to use the hydrogel during planting
  4. Method number 1
  5. Method number 2
  6. Method number 3
  7. Conclusion <

Огурцы в гидрогеле

Cucumbers in hydrogel

Why do we need a hydrogel

Cucumbers – a culture that requires constant watering. The moisture-containing mixture is ideal for the root system of the plant at all periods of cultivation. mineral fertilizers and water will be supplied to the sprouts as needed, providing them with water. The use of hydrogel for cucumbers helps to reduce up to 20% of irrigation resources.

The drug does not harm the earth and the environment.

Advantages of the technology

  • Cucumbers grown in a hydrogel are not bitter.
  • The volumes of absorbed liquid with a hydrogel can be 300 times higher the weight of the polymers themselves, which indicates its effectiveness.
  • Seeds germinate much faster than in ordinary soil.
  • Seeds and roots are provided Chiva aeration.
  • All the useful minerals are not washed away when watering.
  • To 1 liter of soil consumes just 0.8-1.6 g hydrogel.
  • Prevention of drying of the topsoil, and, accordingly, its cracking. Due to this, seedlings do not require constant cultivation and hilling.
  • Plants in a hydrogel are less sick and do not require frequent attention.
  • In case of accidental excess of moisture (frequent watering, during heavy rains and rains) polymers absorb excess fluid, thereby preserving optimal growth conditions for seedlings.

How to use hydrogel when planting

Method No. 1

Follow the recommendations of

Seeds are omitted in pre-prepared mass, according to external pr the signs are reminiscent of jelly or thick gel. To prepare the material, the contents of the package are poured with water and fertilizers are added if necessary. The resulting mixture is rubbed through a sieve or crushed using a blender.

Next, the prepared hydrogel layer is placed in a container for planting. The thickness should not exceed 3 cm. After that, seeds are laid on top of it. It is not recommended to deepen the seeds of cucumbers: they remain without oxygen, and this negatively affects the growth time.

To ensure the microclimate, boxes with planting material are covered with a film. During the day, you must open the film at least once to let in fresh air and remove condensate.

Method No. 2

The soil prepared for planting seeds is mixed with hydrogel in a ratio of 3: 1 or 4: 1. The resulting composition is poured into a container for seedlings. Application of this method gives a result no worse than the previous one.

You can mix both dry and swollen polymer material with the ground. It should be remembered that polymers increase in size by 250-300 times, therefore, a sufficient amount of space must be left in the hole or container. After the first watering, it is necessary to press down and compact the soil around the plant well so that the acquired volume of the hydrogel does not squeeze the sprouts or seeds out.

Method number 3

These are combined planting measures. Seedlings grown in a swollen hydrogel are transplanted into a soil hole so that the maximum amount of polymer remains around the roots: this will help the seedlings to take root well, reduce stress and retain the necessary moisture for a long time.

Granules cannot be reused . The material loses its properties: it darkens, wrinkles, bacteria start up inside.

Experiment. Growing a cucumber on a hydrogel.
Cucumbers and hydrogel!
Cucumbers in a tent tent with a hydrogel . Planting fertilizing cucumbers. How to grow grow cucumbers.


Hydrogel for planting cucumbers is an environmentally friendly material.It not only preserves the necessary moisture, accelerates the ascent of seeds and enhances the growth of seedlings, but also has a positive effect on the composition and quality of the soil. Having planted cucumbers with its use and providing careful care throughout the growing season, you will be able to harvest a good crop.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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