Characteristics of the Leader Potato Variety

Among most table-industrial potato varieties, Leader early ripening potatoes deserve special attention. This variety is famous for its productivity and unpretentiousness in care.

  1. Advantages of the sort
  2. Deficiencies of the
  3. Planting
  4. Germination of tubers
  5. Preparing the soil for planting
  6. Care of the variety
  7. Watering <
  8. Weeding <
  9. Fertilizer
  10. The first feeding
  11. The second feeding
  12. The third feeding

Описание сорта картофеля Лидер

Description of the potato variety Leader

Advantages of the variety

The Leader variety quickly gained popularity among gardeners and farms ers, due to the large number of advantages that distinguish it against most table varieties:

  • The versatility of tubers. Due to the high starch content in the fruits (up to 12.2%), this potato is used for table needs so for industrial use. Leader’s tubers are used to make starch, chips, dry potato mixes, etc. In boiled it can be a filling for dumplings and pies, suitable for frying and making mashed potatoes.
  • High productivity from one bush. With proper care and sufficient watering, from 8 to 12 large tubers are harvested.
  • Transportability and keeping quality of tubers. Due to its strong peel, this potato can be stored for a long time without losing its qualities.When transporting tubers are not damaged, which allows you to transport the crop over long distances without risk of losing part of the cargo.
  • Resistance to disease. This type of tuberous is resistant to most diseases: late blight, dry rot, blackleg, rhizoctonia, spotting.

Deficiencies of the variety

But, despite that the Leader variety has such a large set of advantages, some negative characteristics are also present in it:

  • Pests. The variety does not have resistance against the Colorado potato beetle, which means that it requires timely processing of bushes from pests. The tubers are also affected by the nematode, the bear and the wireworm.
  • Irrigation. A leader can grow in a variety of regions, but in a too arid climate, bushes require irrigation and soil moisture. Lack of moisture negatively affects the level of productivity, as well as the size of the tubers.
  • Hilling. The variety is unpretentious in care but still requires high-quality hilling. It is especially important to carry out such a procedure if the crop grows in field soil conditions.


Delicious potatoes

Its yield depends on the rules for planting this variety. The variety is planted in the first half of April. To ensure a high percentage of crop germination, tubers are prepared for planting.

Germination of tubers

According to the description, germination of tubers begins no later than 30-35 days before the date of planting. Tubers for planting are selected, guided by the following principle: medium size, a large number of active eyes, healthy fruits without damage.

For the germination of tubers, wooden boxes lined with polyethylene are best suited. The fruits are neatly stacked, avoiding strong compaction.

It is important to observe the temperature regime of germination. The ideal temperature is from 14 ° C to 16 ° C.

Preparing the soil for planting

The leader is an undemanding variety, in soils of different densities gives different indicators of productivity. So in dense soils it is better to plant tubers in shallow pits, not forgetting that the soil loses moisture faster on the surface, which means that it will be necessary to irrigate the bushes and moisten the earth more often. If the earth is light and fluffy, the seed material is planted to a depth of 15 cm to 20 cm. This depth provides the tubers with the maximum amount of moisture even without irrigation.

Care for the variety

According to the description, this type of tuberous does not require special care since it can grow in almost any soil. But this is not a reason to completely abandon irrigation or fertilizing the soil.


The frequency and abundance of soil moisture and shrub irrigation depends on the climate of which this type of tuber grows. So in regions with hot, dry summers, it is worth watering the bushes once a week. In a temperate climate, it is enough to moisten the soil once a month. In humid climates, the soil does not need to be moistened.


Weeding the crop depends on the quality of the soil. If it is field soil, weed germination will be more intense. This means that weeding is required much more often.

To simplify the task will help the preliminary processing of soils with preparations from weeds. The main thing is to remember that even after processing the soil will require care, but the planting will be less intensive to overgrow, which will greatly facilitate the care of the variety.


Leader, in Unlike other varieties of potatoes, it grows well and without fertilizer. But if the soil is too clay or depleted, you will have to feed the bushes.

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First feeding

First feeding they hold it when the potato has sprouted and leaves appear on the bushes. Organic fertilizer is best for the first feeding. You can use mullein or a solution of bird droppings.

Second feeding

The second time fertilizer is applied during the flowering period of the bushes. A solution of ash and urea is used for top dressing.

Third top dressing

The third time fertilizers are applied 2 weeks before harvesting. Artificial preparations and mixtures are used for this.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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