Making trellises for cucumbers with your own hands

Curly cucumber varieties cannot grow up without any support. But it is not always possible to buy a finished design. A reliable trellis for cucumbers with your own hands will solve this problem. The stand is used for growing cucumbers in open ground and in a greenhouse. The props are suitable for such cucumber varieties: Courage, Cedric, German, Marinda, Chistye Prudy.

  1. Advantages
  2. Wooden trellis
  3. Tools and materials
  4. Production steps
  5. Metal trellis
  6. Tools and materials
  7. Production steps
  8. Tapestry from tire and wheel rim
  9. Tools and materials
  10. Production steps
  11. Trellis processing
  12. Conclusion

Advantage tva

The most common trellis for cucumbers is a do-it-yourself frame with a taut wire or net, but its use greatly facilitates and improves the cultivation of cucumbers. Plants encircle only it, and not neighboring crops or unfit constructions . The trellis method compared to growing in spreads allows:

  • significantly save space, especially in the greenhouse;
  • prolong fruiting;
  • reduce fungal diseases;
  • increase the uniformity and yield of fruits.

The support facilitates the application of fertilizing and fertilizing plants. Harvesting fruits is simplified. When upright, cucumbers are all in sight. They do not need to look in the foliage.It is easy to move between racks, which saves time and does not injure plants. The probability of pricking with cucumber spines is minimal.

Wooden trellis

The simplest construction is a wooden support. The stability of the support depends on the soil on which it is installed, and on the region. In humid areas on sand, the structure will last up to 4 years, on clay up to 10 years. And in an arid climate it will last more than 10 years.

In addition to its intended use, it can also play a decorative role. For example, it is decorated with a wooden arch on open ground.

A stand is built both before and after planting cucumber seedlings. It can be made in the form of 3 standard shapes: square, triangular, rectangular. The cells are made of wood or mesh. The trellis can look like a ladder.

Tools and materials

In order to make a reliable construction, it is better to choose solid wood species, namely: oak, mulberry, ash, chestnut. Maple, birch and poplar are susceptible to decay, so they won’t last long.

Do not use wet wood for the construction. It can begin to rot.

To build a trellis for cucumbers with your own hands you will need tools:

  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • sanding paper;
  • construction level;
  • moisture-resistant glue;
  • glue brush.

The material on which the cucumbers will directly curl can be diverse: a soft rope, twine, an old sheet, wire in a soft shell.

Production steps

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It is not difficult to make trellises

  1. First prepare the place. They dig a recess of 80 cm depth. This is enough to keep the support firm and not fall under the weight of the lashes and the crop.
  2. Then, at the corners of the future beds, you need to install support posts. They are carefully buried and tamped with soil. The distance between the posts is 1-2m. Racks must be buried to a depth of at least 60 mm. They take the main load, so their thickness should not be less than 50mm.
  3. Further, the supports are fixed. If the structure should be inclined, then the extreme anchor posts are buried at an angle of 70 ° to the soil. They are fixed with stretch marks of wire, which are wound to corners of metal. Corners are dug perpendicularly into the ground.
  4. Then you need to install a horizontal cross to the edges of the vertical rails. It turns out the frame.
  5. Next, perform the crate. Reiki is screwed to the frame with screws to get cells with a diameter of 10-15 cm. They can be square or diamond-shaped. A waterproof glue is applied to the joints.
  6. A rope is used instead of battens if it is necessary to make a mesh with cells.Nails are nailed to slats at a distance of 40-60 cm, then they are bent. The result was staples to which the ropes are tied and placed parallel to the ground. The ropes are tied to the support post.
  7. The yarn is pulled vertically in the same way. They are tied to pegs that were previously driven into the ground.

Metal trellis

The metal structure is strong and reliable. For its construction put more effort, but it is durable. With proper installation and care, it will stand idle for more than 20 years. It must be installed before planting cucumber seedlings.

Tools and materials

Making trellises for cucumbers with your own hands requires such tools and materials:

  • fittings 180-200 cm long;
  • metal pegs;
  • pipe for the crossbeam;
  • steel wire 2 mm and 3.5 mm;
  • garden hammer and drill;
  • apparatus for electric welding.

Production steps

  1. First, they make a garden drill holes in the soil with a depth of 30-45 cm. Cut rods of reinforcement are hammered into each pit with a hammer. The wells are tamped with earth.
  2. From above, a horizontal bar is placed horizontally, which connect the poles using electric welding. This is the frame.
  3. Next, use steel wire. It is pulled from the crossbar to the pegs in the ground. They are driven in 15-20 cm from both sides of the bed.
  4. To create a metal mesh, the wire is pulled between the supports every 50 cm.If you make the distance longer, the grid will sag. The upper rows are made of wire with a thickness of at least 3.5 cm, because they will be under the main load.
  5. A metal support is a heavy and integral structure. She is not moved around the site every season for crop rotation. Cucumbers alternate with other climbing plants, such as peas or beans. And to make cucumbers another, for example, wooden.

Tapestry from the tire and the wheel rim

The tire will be used to make the support

A support is constructed before the cucumber seedlings are planted. For this economical support use a tire from a truck, tractor or combine. For the upper support, a bicycle rim without needles is suitable.

Tools and materials

Required for work:

  • Bulgarian;
  • 2 metal rods 1.5-2 m long;
  • old burlap;
  • agrofibre;
  • metal pole;
  • wire .

Production steps

  1. A grinder cuts the tire along. One part is dug into the soil on the bed. In the center of the tire, rods in the form of a hut are inserted and soil is laid.
  2. An old burlap is placed in the gap above the wheel, its edges are hidden under the tire. Holes for seedlings are made in the burlap.
  3. Agrofibre is pulled around the tire perimeter to protect seedlings from temperature fluctuations.During watering and loosening it is raised. Remove the shelter after the shoots grow to 20 cm.
  4. The column is installed in the middle of the garden. From above, a rim is attached to it through the holes for the needles. The tire is connected with a wire to the rim. The ribs turned out.

Trellis treatment

Before being placed into the ground, wooden posts are treated with an antiseptic and a primer, which extends their service life. Then they are covered with 1-2 layers of drying oil, solid oil, resin or oil paint. These substances give wood moisture resistance. Elements from chestnut or white acacia are optional. When using PVC material during the installation of supports, it does not need to be processed.

In order to protect the metal structure from rust, all elements are cleaned and coated with oil paint. Plastic nets are washed in soap and water. Dry in the open air.

The soft dressings of the rope, fabric and ribbons are soaked in water with laundry soap. Then boil for 20 minutes in a new soapy solution.


Props for growing cucumbers using props have a number of certain advantages, you can do it yourself by choosing the most convenient way. You should not forget about the preparation of materials and tools. The better the materials are selected, the more durable the construction will be.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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