Description of tomato varieties Rocket

Tomato Rocket has not only an unusual shape of the fruit, but also many other advantages over other tomatoes. High productivity and unpretentiousness made him a fairly frequent guest in the beds and in greenhouses.

  1. Description <
  2. Care requirements
  3. Agricultural machinery cultivars
  4. Errors in growing tomatoes Rocket
  5. Pests
  6. Conclusion <

Описание томатов сорта Ракета

Description of the tomato variety Rocket

We should also mention the taste of the fruit for which the tomato Rocket received positive feedback from many gardeners.Thanks to its high taste properties, it is used for preservation, cooking mate and mashed potatoes, as well as fresh consumption. The rocket is an unusual tomato, so it looks great both on the table and in the jar.


Variety tomato Rocket is a low-growing determinant variety.

Its shoots reach a dyne of only 55-60 centimeters. Due to its compactness, Rocket tomatoes practically do not need garter and pinching. It is recommended to remove only the lower side shoots that are close to the ground, in order to avoid outbreaks of late blight.

The main characteristic of this crop is that the tomato variety Raketa has an unusual elongated shape of the fruit, which is its hallmark. The skin is quite dense, but not stiff.This makes tomatoes suitable for whole-canning, as well as fresh consumption. The taste is bright with a slight acidity. The pulp is juicy, fleshy red.

The description of the tomato variety Raketa indicates that they are resistant to late blight.

Also, the plant is heat resistant and bears fruit well even in the hottest summers . Due to excessive watering, the ripe fruits of tomatoes of the Raketa variety crack and lose their presentation. Such fruits can be processed to make tomato juice, pasta and sauces.

Care requirements

The high yield of tomato Rocket makes it an excellent option for obtaining a large number of tomatoes from a small land plot. The abundance of the crop is affected by:

  • growing in favorable conditions;
  • moderate watering;
  • fertilizing;
  • the quality of planting material ( seeds, seedlings).

Tomatoes Rocket have a fairly compact bush, the first peduncle on which is laid after the fifth leaf. Then they follow every two sheets. At the same time, from 20 to 40 tomatoes, weighing 50-75 grams, can ripen on the plant.

Variety agricultural technology

Growing tomatoes Rocket is possible both in film shelters and in open the ground. This does not affect the volume of the crop. Only the fruits of fruit ripening differ. In greenhouses, this happens 7-12 days earlier.

Sow the seeds in seedlings and cover with a film, creating the effect of a greenhouse. If the planting material is fresh and healthy, then the first shoots can be seen after 7-9 days. It is important to remember that the soil is moistened, otherwise the sprouts will die, or they will be stunted.

Since the variety is not a hybrid, seeds can be harvested personally from the ripened tomatoes. So you can be 100% confident in the quality of planting material. If the seeds were purchased from hands, then it is worth processing them with a potassium permanganate solution before planting.

In order for the tomatoes to grow and develop normally, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Plant seedlings in the ground when they reach she is 60 days old. During this period, the root system of the plant is sufficiently formed to take on a new place.
  2. Tomatoes Rocket need proper and timely nutrition. To do this, before planting in the holes make wood ash and rotted mullein. 2 weeks after planting, it is recommended to fertilize the bushes with saltpeter.
  3. You can’t make condensed plantings, Tomatoes Rocket do not like this. On one square meter of land, it is recommended to plant no more than 4 bushes. This will not only allow normal growth, but also prevent the occurrence of late blight.
  4. Due to its compactness, the variety does not require garter, but if there are a lot of peduncles and the branches are overloaded with fruits, it is recommended to tie up shoots to avoid breaks.

Proper care will provide you with a good harvest

By adhering to these simple rules, you can grow a healthy and productive plant. Working in the garden requires not little effort and time, but growing a rocket variety can significantly save these two resources. Unlike other tomato varieties, Rocket is less pretentious to growing conditions and soil composition.

Errors in growing tomato Rocket

The one who planted this variety knows for sure do not do with tomatoes. Despite the lack of demanding tomatoes for growing conditions, it is worth adhering to the rules of agricultural technology, so as not to ruin the planting:

  1. It is not recommended to unnecessarily expose the shoots, breaking off the leaves. Trying to provide good ventilation, you can seriously harm the plant and significantly delay the period of formation of the ovary.
  2. You can not wet the leaves when watering, even late blight varieties. Under the rays of the scorching sun, wet leaves of the plant can get burned. Not everyone knows how he looks and write off everything on the disease of tomatoes, but if you compare the photo. That difference becomes obvious.
  3. It is not recommended to water the bushes if the topsoil is still moist. Although the characteristic variety indicates the stability of late blight, but does not exclude the likelihood of its development. Also, the fruits may crack due to excess moisture.
  4. You can’t plant tomatoes in the ground until the threat of night frost passes, otherwise the seedlings will die.

These recommendations are not caused by the specifics of this tomato variety and can be used in relation to all representatives this vegetable crop. Their violation may result in poor yields or even its complete absence.


Despite the fact that tomatoes of this variety are not very prone to whitening such as late blight, the top withering, septoria and powdery mildew, there is a risk of damage to the bushes by pests. Many who want to enjoy the fruits and leaves of tomatoes. If the summer resident did not follow crop rotation rules and planted tomatoes in the same place for many years, then there will be pests.

Most often, tomatoes are affected:

  1. Colorado potato beetle, which is very He loves not only tomatoes, but also potatoes and eggplant. The larvae of these pests eat the leaves and shoots of the plant. The bush begins to languish due to a lack of nutrients from photosynthesis. If the size of the plot allocated for planting tomatoes is not large, then you can collect the larvae and adults by hand. If this is not possible, then dusting the leaves with ash or corn starch is used. In the fields, the previous two options are not effective due to the impressive volume of landings. In this case, chemicals and poisons are used.
  2. Not only the shoots, but also the fruits themselves are affected by slugs. In rainy weather, there are especially many of them.If possible, slugs are collected manually or scattered along the beds of ash. It prevents pests from reaching tomato bushes.
  3. Wireworm, a small worm that damages the roots and stems of tomatoes. This soil pest can be disposed of with chemicals. But according to numerous videos on the network, the earth is cleaned from the worm using ordinary potatoes. Tubers are buried along the beds, and after 3-4 days most wireworms will be inside. Potato tubers are burned.
  4. Medvedka, a dangerous pest of garden crops. This pest lives in the ground and cuts the base of the stem of tomatoes. Bears get to the site with fresh cow manure. You can get rid of them with the help of special poisons, as well as organizing traps in the spring. Not large holes are dug around the perimeter of the site. Fresh mullein is laid in them. Females will lay eggs there, which are then burnt. There are positive reviews about the benefits of marigolds in scaring away a bear. To do this, they are planted in the form of a border on the beds.

Tomato Rocket
Tomato Introduction Rocket
Canned tomatoes. Rocket in a jar. Quick, simple, very tasty recipe.

Timely pest control ensures crop preservation. Use chemical methods pimples or more loyal ones, each one individually chooses for himself, depending on the volume of plantings and the degree of pest damage. Photos of insects themselves will help to identify pests in their area


Characteristics of the tomato variety Raketa indicates its many positive aspects.

This is also confirmed by numerous reviews of gardeners. After all, the goal of any of them is to get a high-quality, plentiful crop with minimal hassle.

There is also a yellow variety. The photo shows that the fruits are much larger, and the flesh is yellow.Often, both of these tomatoes are grown together, as they have common agricultural requirements.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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