Description of the tomato Honey sweet

Each gardener has his own special varieties of tomatoes, which they have already tested over many years. The main features that a good tomato should have are a large percentage of yield, a good immune system and root system. It’s exactly this description that Honey Candy Tomato fits perfectly. It resembles cherry tomatoes.

  1. Variety description
  2. The main characteristics of Honey Candy
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Advantages of the variety
  5. Negative sides
  6. Planting in the ground
  7. How to care for bushes
  8. Disease prevention

Описание томата Медовая конфетка

Tomato description Honey candy

Variety description

This is a hybrid variety that was bred in Russia and quite quickly gained momentum popular among many gardeners. Tomatoes Honey Candy is a hybrid plant that ripens within 101-110 days. Often these tomatoes are called paradise love.

In fact, such a bush does not grow big, usually its height reaches no more than 110 cm, the lowest plant can grow no more than 85 cm. They can be grown both in greenhouse conditions, just like in open ground.

And, of course, excellent resistance to various diseases and pests, which live in and above the earth. Tomatoes have a good yield: if they are properly maintained, then you can get at least 8 kg, maximum 10 kg from one bush.

Main characteristics of the “Honey Candy”

A tomato of the variety “Honey Candy”, when fully ripened, will weigh much more than after you pick it. Sometimes there may be bushes in which, instead of growing elongated fruits, round ones grow. This is all due to the fact that the species is hybrid, and such “anomalies” can sometimes appear. This does not mean that they are worse in their characteristics.

At the first harvest of tomatoes, they can weigh more than 100 grams, but already at subsequent harvests one fruit will weigh up to 95 grams. The total number of chambers is 2-3, and the total percentage of dry matter is not more than 5%. In addition, after harvesting, all fruits are very well stored. They can be transported from place to place and, of course, stored at home. Everything can be made of such a variety: tomato, juice and dressing.

Also, absolutely all fruits of this variety have good, or rather excellent taste, and are great for fresh consumption and adding to salads. And due to their relatively small size, they are great for conservation, there is no problem with them.

Description of the fruit

The fruits of tomatoes are large, round and slightly oblong. On average, one fruit weighs 110 g., A record was recorded that one tomato pulled as much as 250 g. A distinctive feature of this variety is that when the fruits are fully ripe, they become saturated yellow.

This is where the name “Honey Sweetie” came from. By their color, they resemble saturated honey, and the shape resembles old Soviet sweets.

Grade Advantages

Reviews of tomato Honey Candy are positive, despite the fact that the variety is not yet so “processed”. During this time, experienced gardeners highlighted the positive aspects rather than the negative ones. Advantages of Honey Candy:

  • excellent taste characteristics;
  • good percentage of yield;
  • has excellent immunity to various diseases and pests;
  • the plant withstands sharp changes in temperature, can withstand the same varieties of cherry.

Negative sides

The plant needs good care

Cons varieties:

  • not always can take root in a new place during transplantation;
  • during the active growth of the fetus requires a lot of care and by yourself;
  • very sensitive to watering, sunlight and fertilizer.

Planting a plant in the ground

Due to the fact that the plants already have excellent immunity immediately, so the seeds do not need to be processed before growing plants. In addition, you can immediately put them in earthen crates without prior preparation. Plant a plant before spring, only after the last frosts have come down.If you plant them not in the open ground, but in the greenhouse, then, in principle, it doesn’t matter when you plant them, the main thing is that you have previously prepared the land for this.

If the “landing” will take place in the greenhouse, then the earth must first be prepared. First you need to pour it well, then wait until it dries a little, then loosen it well. Then let it completely absorb all the water and, after it has completely dried, fertilize it. It can be special fertilizers for the earth with the addition of calcium and vitamins, it can also be a normal humus.

If the “planting” will be carried out in open ground, it must also be prepared. First – you can’t plant tomatoes in the place where they used to be, change the ground in places. And before planting, cultivate the land from insects and diseases, and then fertilize it with humus or with your tried-and-tested drug.

How to care for bushes

On one a tomato branch can have many fruits, and therefore it is imperative to tie a bush. All due to the fact that on one branch there can be up to 6-8 fruits, which is almost 500 gr., A very large load for it.

In total, the plant forms 5-6 stems, you can leave all of them, then you will have more productivity. Also, this species is very fond of various top dressing during its development.

Disease Prevention

The variety of Cherry Tomatoes “Honey Sweetie” in its characteristics is no different from large fruits. The immunity of such a bush is very good, so it rarely affects any disease.

Tomato Honey sweetie F1. SeDEC
Cherry tomatoes overview of plot No. 1
Yellow Pear Tomamo / Tomato / Yellow Pear / August 29, 2016

But sometimes dry spotting can attack.This is all because tomatoes are not cooked for sunlight before planting. To avoid this, it is best to plant the bush in the sun for a couple of hours before planting it, and then you can avoid this kind of disease.

This is a special tomato crop, their harvest is impressive. Very often, the f1- tree is called cherry tomatoes. Cherry ripen quickly, and smaller in size, their taste characteristics remain for a long time.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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