Autumn feeding currants – the main rules

Seedlings of currant – our, native Russian berry – are very much in demand. Culture is almost obligatory nd in any garden. This makes it useful properties and berries, fruiting and guaranteed, and simplicity of maintenance. But to maximize yield and quality indicators need to know the features of this plant growing and some nuances. Topping currants in the fall is one of the most important procedures. Let’s see how to do it.

  1. Why do I need feeding
  2. Optimum timing
  3. Organic fertilizers
  4. Mineral fertilizers
  5. Siderata <

Осенняя подкормка смородины — главные правила

Autumn top dressing of currant – the main rules

What is the need for top dressing

After the fruiting has finished, the berry begins to cook for winter and lay the foundation for next year’s harvest.

Preparation includes:

  • pruning;
  • thinning if necessary;
  • treatment with insecticides and fungicides;
  • water-loading irrigation;
  • mulching.

But the most important operation is autumn feeding of currant.

During the year, each plant in its vegetative development successively passes through a number of mandatory stages:

  • Awakening. Spring comes and activates the movement of juices in the roots and stems and bud swelling.
  • Flowering. In the second decade of May (in the middle band), even before the leaves bloom, the currant begins to bloom. Flowering time – up to 7 days.
  • Fruiting. Berries on the bushes appear in July – August, depending on the variety. Berry ripening lasts 2-3 weeks.

During all these stages, the bush consumes nutrient reserves.

In autumn, it is time to form resources for fruiting. It is during this period:

  • buds of shoots and inflorescences are formed;
  • forces accumulate to resist frosts.

If you leave the bush at this time without help, you can’t even wait for the future harvest.

The more nutrients currant accumulates, the easier it will tolerate the unfavorable conditions of winter, and the larger and sweeter the berries will be next year.

Optimum timing

There are two types of fertilizers: organic and mineral. They differ in the nature of the impact. Common to them are the nutrients supplied to plants. The main ones are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Depending on the species, the dates for fertilizing in the fall are distinguished:

  1. The first portion is brought immediately after the end of fruiting (late August-early September).
  2. The next one is in October-November, a month before the constant frosts.
  3. The third is when minus temperatures occur (for the middle band this is the end of November-mid-December). This top dressing is made even in the snow.

The main commandment of the gardener – after mid-July, I do not feed bushes with nitrogen – must be strictly carried out for currants!

Nitrogen causes the development of young shoots, but they do not have time to ripen by winter and die in cold weather.But a small percentage of this substance is still required by the plant for proper development. That is why organic chemistry is used in late autumn.

Dry fertilizers are applied in the autumn when digging a near-stem circle. To reduce the risk of root burn, you need to indent from the base of the bush a (dig a groove around the circumference to a depth of 30 cm).

Organic fertilizers

The basis of organic fertilizers is plant residues. Of course, both nitrogen and phosphorus are present in the form of organic molecules.

But the total number of these elements is small. So, most of the nitrogen in the compost of leaves and green grass is 1.5%. Potassium in living organisms is present in the form of soluble salts and, if no special measures are taken, is easily washed with water.

Top dressing affects the yield of plants

As a result, the main value of organic fertilizer is a soil improver.

Organics introduced into the soil during planting improve its moisture- and breathability of the plant. And this contributes to the development of the mycelium of the fungus, which lives in symbiosis with the roots. In this union (mycorrhiza), mycelium is a kind of continuation of the root system, supplying it with a significant part of the minerals dissolved in water. In return, the mycelium receives the substances necessary for life. In symbiosis with the roots, a number of beneficial bacteria also live.

Products of animal origin (manure, poultry / chicken droppings, feces) differ from purely plant products in the content of nitrogen compounds (urea):

  • in cow manure – up to 2% nitrogen and up to 0 , 5% potassium and phosphorus;
  • poultry manure has 3% nitrogen.

These fertilizers cannot be used in autumn at positive temperatures. But they will be by the way in the spring, especially since the nutrients contained in them must go into a chelated form. Only in this form can they be absorbed by the bush. Soil bacteria in 2-6 months will convert organics of animal origin to chelates.

Ash does not contain organic compounds, only minerals, with potassium and phosphorus in the composition.

Mineral fertilizers

Such elements play an important role in plant life like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

You cannot use nitrogen fertilizers

in the fall Nitrogen leads to an increase in green mass. Moreover, this can occur to the detriment of the formation of fruits (berries).

You can only feed them to the stage of flowering bushes. If applied in the fall, it will provoke the growth of green shoots. Young unripe processes are vulnerable to frost. They will not be able to survive the winter and die.

Phosphorus increases the immunity of shrubs to diseases and pests, helps cells to accumulate and retain moisture, which is very important in the winter. Plants extract this component from the soil as needed. It cannot be too much.


Sideral plants or siderates quickly build up green mass and develop a powerful root system. These are some of the most effective natural fertilizers.

Siderata perform several functions:

  1. Improve the structure of the soil. Once they are mowed and embedded in the ground, their roots and stems become organic fertilizer.
  2. Suppress the growth of weeds.
  3. Bind atmospheric nitrogen, turning it into nitrogen fertilizer. This ability is possessed by alfalfa, peas and legumes.
  4. Prevent the spread of bacterial and fungal diseases (mustard, oats).

With respect to currants, the effect of them is lower than when using organic and mineral fertilizers. But on infertile and depleted lands, the result from the use of green manure is not bad.

  • fast-growing plants that can grow green mass before the onset of cold weather – peas, barley. August;
  • frost-resistant varieties: oats, vetch, lupine, phacelia. They manage to form the root system.

Topping currants in autumn is part of the preparation for winter and laying the foundation for the future a crop. Yes, it will require energy, time and money. But don’t fragrant, healthy and tasty berries deserve this?

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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