Description of Tsigaysky breed of sheep

The Tsigai sheep breed is one of the oldest of all that exists today. She appeared in Asia Minor; her ancestors were thin-haired sheep. In Russia, this breed appeared in 1914, it was brought here from the Balkan Peninsula. Tsigai sheep are divided into 2 subspecies: meat and wool and meat and wool.

  1. Descriptive Characteristics
  2. Productivity characteristics
  3. Where is the breed bred
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Характеристика овец Цигайской породы

Characteristics of Tsigaysky sheep

Descriptive characteristics

Tsigai sheep are mostly white in color, they are quite large in size, with a strong and strong physique, but the whole animal looks harmonious .

The case of the lambs the bones of the neck and sacrum are quite wide, as can be seen in the photo, the tail is long and thin, it contains from 18 to 23 vertebrae. The hind and front legs stand correctly, differ in strength. strength is characteristic of hooves.

When lambs of this breed are born, folds are present on their skin, which disappear as individuals grow older. The adult representative of the variety has elastic dense skin, on which there are no more folds. The wool of such lambs is characterized by elasticity, uniformity, density, strength, it practically does not fall off.

Productivity Characteristics

An adult uterus weighs from 40 to 45 kg. The weight of the average sheep varies from 75 to 85 kg.Especially large rams weigh up to 110 kg. If we talk about fertility, then 100 sheep can bring from 120 to 140 lambs.

This species is characterized by early maturity, it has excellent feeding characteristics.

Milk productivity characteristics do not suffer either: they are very high . After the lambs are weaned, the fat content of milk is 7-8%. For the lactation period, you can get 110-120 kg of this product.

Tsigaysky breed productivity sheep

Sheep’s milk makes very tasty and healthy dairy products: feta cheese, expensive cheeses, including roquefort, pecarino, rocked.

The meat of the variety also has a high taste characteristics. Beautiful products are made from the wool of these individuals.

Where the breed is bred

Such countries as Romania, Yugoslavia, Poland, Australia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Ukraine are engaged in breeding such sheep. .

If we talk about Russia, you can meet this breed in the Orenburg and Aktobe regions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The advantages of the described species include the following:

  • non-fastidious to the conditions of detention;
  • resistance to any climate.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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