Rules for growing zucchini

Zucchini is an unpretentious, but very tasty and healthy vegetable. Cultivation of zucchini in the open field must comply with certain rules. Let’s consider the main issues.

  1. Seed Selection
  2. Preparing seeds and beds for planting
  3. Planting
  4. Growing Rules
  5. Growing on a compost heap
  6. Growing in bags
  7. Growing in winter
  8. Recommendations <
  9. Growing on the balcony
  10. Recommendations
  11. Secrets of gardeners

Правила выращивания кабачков

Rules for growing zucchini

Seed Selection

Planting any crop begins with seed selection. Depending on how well they were chosen, crop yields will depend to some extent.

Zucchini seeds can be grown independently or purchased ready-made in special stores.

When buying, you should consider the main points.

  • The producer must have a good reputation, it is advisable that you already have experience in growing its products.
  • High-quality seeds have already been processed with special anti-disease agents and insects.
  • Imported are almost always hybrid – experienced gardeners do not recommend the purchase of such planting material, they prefer domestic
  • seed storage life -. Not more than 5 years. Every year, their germination rate decreases.

When grown in open ground, zucchini is affected by climatic conditions, so it is especially important that the variety indicators correspond to the region.

Harvest in different areas varies: a culture that is not suitable for a harsh climate can grow poorly or die at all.

  • Vegetables grow in Siberia and the Urals, which have amazing frost resistance.
  • In the suburbs, where the climate is temperate, you can plant a large number of varietal zucchini.
  • Leningrad zucchini is famous for its wide variety. This can be attributed to a suitable climate.

Preparing seeds and beds for planting

To get strong and healthy plants, seeds should be correctly selected before sowing and to sprout. The preparation process includes several stages.

  • To determine the suitability, you should prepare a saline solution (5%) in a bucket, the seeds are placed there. Those that remain on the surface are not suitable. The rest should be washed and slightly dried.
  • To reduce the risk of diseases of young plants, it is recommended to decontaminate them. This is done with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1%), in which for 20 minutes. the material for sowing is immersed.
  • To stimulate growth, the seeds are soaked for a day in water with the addition of wood ash (20 g per 1 l).
  • For greater plant resistance to poor conditions, carry out their hardening. Its essence is that during the day the seeds are kept at normal room temperature, and at night they are placed in the refrigerator.

Seeds can be planted both in open ground and in special containers in order to obtain seedlings.

For an earlier harvest, growing through seedlings is better: you need to plant individual peat tanks seeds a month before planting in a permanent place.

Seeds must be prepared for planting

The bed for zucchini should be well lit and prepared (the soil is loosened, fertilizers applied, moistened if necessary).

The composition of the soil is also taken into account: light sandy loamy or loamy soil is considered the most suitable.


Planting zucchini in open ground begins at the end of April.

It is necessary that the soil warms up to at least 12 ° C, otherwise the crop will grow slowly.

Prepared seeds are placed in recesses of 3-6 cm, several pieces in one well (after they appear, weaker ones must be removed).

The surface of the soil after sowing is mulched with peat or humus – this will protect the soil from excessive drying.

Growing rules

Zucchini are non-capricious crops that can adapt to even not very favorable conditions.

Agricultural cultivation zucchini involves basic care actions: regular watering, fertilizer, getting rid of waste yaks, diseases and pests.

It is not necessary to form a crop, if the green mass is too plentiful, it is better to remove the weakest or damaged leaves.

Irrigate once a week, and when need more often.To moisten the soil, warm water is used, which is added to the root zone of the plant.

It should be noted that excess moisture can lead to decay of the rhizome of the plant, the appearance of putrefactive diseases and, as a result, to a significant decrease in yield.

Zucchini top dressing gives good results, although it is not necessary to make them with fertile, properly prepared soil.

It is important to harvest the crops on time – this will make it possible to form new ovaries, and the plant will not be burdened large fruits.

Growing on a compost heap

Growing on a compost heap will give a rich harvest

A compost heap is a bed, the basis of which are all types of organic fertilizers that can decompose under the influence of certain microorganisms. Use dry mowed grass, fallen leaves, overripe straw, etc.

A well-formed compost heap produces a rich harvest.

You need to take care of the squash exactly same as for their relatives, who grow in open space.

The soil in the compost pit is always several degrees higher than in ordinary soil, so it is great for heat-loving crops, in particular for zucchini.

Growing in bags

Many gardeners do not want to engage in the agricultural technology of zucchini, because this culture grows, taking up a lot of space on the site. Breeding in bags can be a solution.

This tricky way not only saves space, but also allows you to grow beautiful, attractive fruits.


  1. Take an ordinary bag of flour or sugar, and make several small holes in the lower part of it.
  2. Place any organic waste on the bottom of the future “bed”: fallen leaves, straw, thin branches, etc.
  3. A layer of soil and sawdust should be poured on top of the organic contents. If necessary, moisten the soil in the bag.

To create a greenhouse effect, the bags can be covered with a film on top. In this case, it is necessary to regularly air the seedlings until they gain enough strength for independent growth.

Leaving involves regular moistening of the soil, and zucchini themselves need to be treated with agents for diseases and pests.

During the ripening period zucchini does not lie on the ground, but is located near the bag, so there will be few defective fruits.

Growing in winter

Zucchini can be grown in the winter in the greenhouse

You can plant seedlings in the greenhouse already in the winter, and then in early spring there will already be a full crop (a polycarbonate greenhouse is perfect).

From crop quality will depend on the quality of the soil.

It is better to plant from an already grown seedling – so the plants will take root more quickly and begin their active development.


  1. Greenhouse zucchini do not require soil atelnyh substances sufficiently be those which have been used before planting. Otherwise, this will lead to too active growth of the terrestrial part of the plant, and, as a result, a small number of ovaries and fruits.
  2. To zucchini gave the maximum number of ovaries, they need pollination. In greenhouse conditions, this is done by the gardener.
  3. Greenhouse fruits are better to pick at the very early stage of ripeness. So you can extend the fruiting period of plants and increase productivity.

Growing on the balcony

You can grow zucchini not only in the country, but also at home in balcony or loggia.

With minimal time and money, a good harvest is obtained.


The following features should be taken into account:

  1. Seedlings should first grow stronger on the windowsill, and only after that they will be transferred to the balcony.
  2. For limited space it is better to choose white-fruit varieties of zucchini, which are characterized by compact sizes.
  3. Plants need regular watering.
  4. Balcony zucchini are good for mulching, which allows you to save moisture in the soil.
  5. If the balcony goes to the side very illuminated by the sun, it is necessary to create for bush plants Nij shade, especially in the midst of a hot day.
  6. We recommend a little thin squash bushes of excess green mass.
  7. The harvest of zucchini in the apartment should be carried out in a timely and regular basis. This will prevent the plants from growing and prolong the fruiting season.

Secrets of gardeners

Experienced gardeners who have been cultivating zucchini plants for more than a year share their secrets.

  1. To obtain a permanent crop, planting should be carried out at intervals of 1-2 weeks.
  2. Most varietal zucchini are heat-loving plants that love moisture. Therefore, when taking care of them, be sure to consider this.
  3. Harvesting should be carried out regularly, avoiding overriding.
  4. If you decide to grow zucchini at home, on the balcony, you should take care of pollinating insects .For them

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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