How to treat garlic

Garlic treatment was used many years ago, for example, in Greece, a vegetable was considered a real panacea for all diseases. Europe adopted the ancient medicinal knowledge and skillfully used it in the treatment of many diseases, ranging from ordinary abrasion to plague. Despite the fact that medicine moved far enough in the 21st century, people continue to use traditional methods of treatment, garlic treatment still has not lost its relevance.Today we will learn how to use a vegetable to treat a particular disease and what explains this effect. To answer all these questions, we begin our story by describing the benefits of garlic.

  1. Composition of garlic
  2. Application of garlic
  3. Garlic in the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections
  4. For sore throats
  5. For upper respiratory ailments ways
  6. Garlic for coughing
  7. Prevention of acute respiratory infections
  8. Universal garlic tincture
  9. Treatment hypertension
  10. Treatment of atherosclerosis
  11. Elixir of youth
  12. Treatment of radiculitis
  13. For healing symptoms of corns
  14. Contraindications to consumption

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Garlic treatment

Composition of garlic

The healing benefits of garlic are due to its unique composition, which is why it is possible to achieve a bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and even anti-aging effect.What is contained in this vegetable:

  • Carbohydrates
  • Fats
  • Proteins
  • Iron
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc
  • Iodine
  • Sulfur
  • Many vitamins
  • Essential oils
  • Phytoncides, which are famous for their biological activity.

Not only is garlic an integral part of many dishes, such as meat dishes, salads, soups and sauces, a person has learned to use all of the above positive qualities to treat many diseases.

The use of garlic

Find out which diseases the described vegetable and medicinal properties of garlic can be used to treat:

  • In the treatment of diseases associated with the digestive system (for example, enterobiosis, dysbiosis or banal poisoning), its consumption improves the production of necessary enzymes, making the intestines work, often helps to cope with food allergies
  • Garlic consumption has shown itself to be a good treatment for acute respiratory infections, runny nose, colds with garlic , flu, viral diseases, maxillary one of polyps in the nose, sore ear.Thanks to this useful property, garlic is called a natural antibiotic in folk medicine
  • With the help of garlic, you can get rid of worms, pinworms and other parasites in a short time
  • Useful vegetable in the presence of dangerous conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure), stroke, heart attack, as it has a vasodilating effect, and also strengthens blood vessels and capillaries
  • Using this vegetable, you can quickly get rid of nail fungus, candidiasis (thrush) and opisthorchiasis
  • Recommended consumption of garlic with atheros clerosis and liver diseases, it is noted that cholesterol levels may decrease by 10%
  • Garlic helps in the treatment of diabetes, as it helps to significantly reduce blood sugar levels
  • Use a vegetable in the treatment of gout , calcaneal spurs, tongues, as it helps to speed up metabolism
  • The described vegetable has a positive effect on the course of skin diseases such as herpes, scabies, alopecia, eczema, papilloma, wart (including plantar warts), lichen (ringworm also)
  • As an auxiliary treatment garlic is used in the treatment of oncology (cancer), fibroids, psoriasis and thyroid pathologies

It will also be useful to consume vegetables for chronic constipation and stagnation in the intestines, diseases of the genitourinary sphere (for example, prostatitis and prostate adenoma in men, impotence and cystitis in women), hemorrhoids (known as non-surgical treatment of hemorrhoids), lesionslimb joints, sleep disorders, facial nerve neuritis, dental diseases (for example, periodontal disease of the gums, stomatitis), and so on.

Let’s talk about cases when the plant is most effective.

Garlic in the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections

Garlic to help with colds

Due to the fact that garlic contains volatile, it is often used to treat viruses, colds and even flu. In addition, it can be used as a prophylactic, this is especially true in the autumn-winter period when outbreaks of viral diseases occur.

For sore throats

If you you feel pain and sore throat (sore throat symptoms), you need to chop the garlic as finely as possible, put the resulting mass into a half of the walnut shell. Now listen to your feelings, which side of your throat is most worrying about you. If this is the right side, hold the halves of the nut with your fingers, attach to the place that hurts so that the garlic paste comes into contact with the skin of the neck near the ears. Such procedures need to be done 5-6 times a day, so you quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of tonsillitis. Moreover, when ingested with breathing in the nose, phytoncides also exhibit bactericidal action.

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract

There is a folk method for treating conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, tracheitis. To use it you will need 5 cloves of garlic, and you will be cured. It is necessary to peel the vegetable from the husk, and then pass through a press or a garlic squeezer, the consistency should resemble a squash. After that, fill the resulting mixture with warm milk. It is necessary to put milk with garlic on a slow fire, bring to a boil, and then cool to room temperature. This medicine should be consumed 4-5 times a day, one tablespoon after a meal.

Garlic when coughing

If you suffer from coughing and a runny nose, it can also help garlic, since with proper use, you can enhance the physical expectorant effect. It is recommended to use it for diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia and even tuberculosis, when you need to help a person remove sputum from the bronchi or lungs, that is, it is effective for inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. The treatment with garlic is that the patient must chew one garlic every day before bedtime. However, do not abuse this folk remedy, no more than one clove is chewed at a time.

Prevention of acute respiratory infections

As previously mentioned, with the help of garlic, you can effectively resist viruses and colds.To prepare a seasonal prophylactic, you can prepare the following garlic elixir. For its preparation you will need:

  • Lemons – 10 pieces
  • 4-6 heads of garlic
  • Honey of domestic bees – 1 liter
  • A few drops of apple cider vinegar

From the lemons you need to squeeze all the juice, garlic must be passed through a press or a meat grinder. Honey is added to the resulting mass, then mixed thoroughly. The medicinal serum is stored in a glass container, in a dark place, protected from direct sunlight, it is recommended to choose a refrigerator for storage.

The prepared elixir is taken one tablespoon a day, strictly after eating, drinking plenty of water, do not allow overdose.

Universal garlic tincture

From garlic you can prepare a universal garlic tincture or garlic wine. It will be an excellent means of preventing diseases such as gout, hypertension, stroke, heart attack, cholesterol, various urolithiasis. There are reviews that the use of tinctures helped to get rid of a person even from cysts and hernia.To make it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Chopped garlic and onions – 30 grams
  • Vodka – 100 grams

Medicines from garlic

It takes at least 14 days to maintain the miraculous elixir, and you need to periodically shake the vessel. The course consists of 30 calendar days, that is, for a month you need to use tincture every day for 3-4 drops. Of course, taking vodka undiluted with anything is not so easy, so it is recommended to dilute it in 10 ml of milk. As for the frequency, the infusion is consumed 3-4 times a day, strictly before meals.

Treatment of hypertension

Even such a dangerous condition as hypertension can be cured with the most ordinary garlic. The fact is that its regular use helps to cleanse the vessels, which is extremely important in the presence of hypertension, as it helps to keep the pressure normal. To achieve this effect, you need to eat 1 clove of garlic before bedtime, seizing it with one teaspoon of honey. The course of treatment with garlic lasts only 2 days, after which a 3-day break is made, then the treatment with garlic is resumed, the course can be repeated if necessary.

Treatment of atherosclerosis

To get rid of atherosclerosis , as well as ascospherosis, garlic, or rather an infusion based on it, is also suitable.To cook it, you need directly the miraculous vegetable itself, 3 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and boiled water – 1 liter. Place all of the listed ingredients in a glass jar, cover it with a lid and let it sit for two days.

In order to control the course of atherosclerosis, you need to use the prepared tincture three times a day, with a single dose of 1 tablespoon.

Elixir of youth

There is a special elixir of youth that was invented in ancient times on the territory of Ancient Russia. There is evidence that even Genghis Khan drank it, there are also references to the use of this elixir by Tibetan and Indian healers in their practice. If your goal is to look young and healthy for as long as possible, you should pay attention to such a product. The recipe for making such an elixir is quite simple, you will need milk, garlic and pear.

Put milk on a low heat, bring it to a boil, add garlic and boil for 2-3 minutes. After this, strain the mixture through a sieve and add 1-2 teaspoons of the seeds of the bee bread. The elixir is considered ready in 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to take the drug once a day in the amount of 1 tablespoon, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach.

Treatment of radiculitis

Garlic helps to relieve pain in diseases of the back, including relieve unpleasant sensations associated with radiculitis, osteochondrosis, damage to the trigeminal nerve and even help alleviate the condition with umbilical hernia. To help a person with back pain, garlic chopped to a state of slurry should be applied to the sore spot.

This application should be kept on the back for about 20 minutes, then rinse the place thoroughly with water. Doing this is strictly necessary to prevent the formation of irritation and burns on the skin. After the skin is cleaned of garlic, apply sunflower or olive oil to the sore spot.

For the healing of calluses

Plantar calluses bring a lot of trouble to its owner, which only people do not try to get rid of annoying corns on heels and feet. It is worth saying that a great helper in the treatment of this condition is garlic ointment, which can be prepared at home on your own. To cook it you will need these components:

  • Garlic – 2 heads
  • Butter – 50 grams

Remove worms with garlic
Honey, garlic and apple cider vinegar is a magic tincture.
High blood pressure? Clean the vessels. My personal experience.
Garlic sucking is the most a simple and reliable way to treat kidneys.
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The vegetable is baked in the oven for 5-7 minutes, after which it is grated in garlic ginger and mixed with butter until a homogeneous mass is formed. Such an ointment is applied to the corn only after the stressed place is well steamed. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to put a leaf of cabbage or burdock on top of the application, and then bandage it to keep heat. These dressings should be changed several times a day, as the ointment is quickly absorbed into the skin.

Contraindications to consumption

Despite the unpleasant smell of the vegetable, its effect on the body does not so sharp. Garlic burning is easily neutralized with the help of gastric juice and Helicobacter pylori contained in it. Therefore, even those who suffer from an ulcer, gastritis or other diseases that affect the gastric mucosa can be properly treated with garlic.

Among the contraindications are any deviations in the functioning of the kidneys, since it makes it difficult to remove fluid from the body. In addition, one cannot but say about individual intolerance, allergies are a 100% contraindication to garlic treatment.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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