Description of Ragned Potato

The potato of Ragned was named after Princess Polotsk. Residents of Belarus are aware of its historical data. The variety is famous and is popular among gardeners. Has a strong immunity is not demanding in care and has excellent taste.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of the potato
  5. Growing rules plants
  6. Preparing the land and tubers for planting
  7. How to plant
  8. Important points during plant care
  9. Diseases and harmful insects
  10. Conclusion <

Описание картофеля Рагнеда

Description of the Ragned potato

Characteristic of the variety

Grade k Ragned’s potato was bred by Belarusian breeders and grown on the territories of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova, because it is in these countries that the climate is most favorable.

Potatoes are characterized as medium-fruited, table-sized. Weight of one fruit is 78-120 g Yield is standard, approximately 187-353 kg / ha. If you comply with all growing conditions, then you can collect 431 kg / ha. The variety ripens within 115-120 days after planting in the soil.

Description of the plant

Description of the potato – during the growth of the bush reaches a high size. The leaves are medium, green. The edges on the leaves are slightly wavy.

During ripening, the plant produces corollas of medium size and a very interesting color.The inside is white and the outside is purple.

Description of the fruit

The shape of the potato is oval and slightly round at the edges. Eyes small, medium depth. The skin is yellow. Creamy flesh. Contains starch in the aisles of 12.7-18.4%, so the potatoes are well boiled.

Keeping time has an excellent 97%. Presentation is also not far behind, approximately 83-96%. The potato is very tasty, not very sweet. Useful fruit elements are not lost during cooking. He does not have the ability to darken at the time of cooking. Vegetables are used to prepare various dishes.

Advantages and disadvantages of potatoes

The characteristic of the variety is positive, the reviews of gardeners are only laudatory, because the variety is really beautiful. It has such good qualities:

  • fruits contain vitamin C;
  • excellent taste;
  • well-digested;
  • presentation and keeping quality at the highest level;
  • the fruits grow large;
  • high yields;
  • potatoes are stored for a long time and are not damaged during transportation;
  • resistance to many diseases, especially to potato cancer, golden nematode, banded mosaic and wrinkled;
  • grows well on any soil and tolerates drought well.

The disadvantages of potato are practical ki does not possess, but some points can still be attributed to them. For example, there are small fruits and water content of potatoes.Water content comes from improper cultivation, care and bad weather conditions.

Rules for growing a plant

Proper care will provide you with a good harvest

Prepare the tubers before planting. Usually they are taken from previous crops or purchased in the markets. Each gardener should know the planting rules, since the quantity of the crop and, of course, its qualities depend on it.

Preparing the land and tubers for planting

Tubers can be prepared for planting into the ground. To do this, sprouts on the fruits are grown, and tubers are sprayed with a growth stimulant. The length of the sprouts should not exceed 3 cm, they usually have a blue, white or purple color. If the color and length are not as it should be, then the planting material is completely replaced with a new one.

Many vegetable growers recommend not to get carried away with this variety and plant it much less often than other varieties. This is due to the fact that they have well-developed root crops. The gardener chooses the planting method himself, it can be open ground or furrows. It is also important to know if the soil with increased moisture and potatoes are planted on elevated beds.

The variety likes rested soil, so you can plant it in the place where perennial grasses, rye, annual grasses or mustard, and it can be completely new sites.Do not plant potatoes in those places where tomatoes used to grow, because the plants are infected with the same viruses and can easily catch sores.

How to plant

You need to plant potatoes of the Ragnet variety in May. Any soil is suitable, since potatoes are well formed in any land. The depth of the pits should be 7 cm, and the distance between them should be 20 cm.

Important points when caring for the plant

The characteristics of the potato are ideal, because it is generally unpretentious. Many gardeners still recommend adhering to several conditions during cultivation and care. A description of the care tips is provided below.

  1. Be sure to loosen and spud the soil near the bushes. This can be done only a few times during the ripening period. Immediately after planting, and then after the appearance of the first stems.
  2. The potato is well formed without fertilizing, but for high yields, you can feed the plant 2 times. The first top dressing is applied when the bush reaches medium size, and the second one a month after the first.
  3. The area where the potatoes are planted needs to be removed from weeds, the more often the better.
  4. Water the plant necessary during hot periods, a couple of times a week. Frequent watering makes it possible to grow fruits simultaneously and actively. If the weather is not pleasant and it rains, then watering is carried out once a month.
  5. With heavy rainfall, there will be moist soil and the plant will begin to hurt.To prevent this from happening, the soil is sprinkled with bird droppings. Nitrogen fertilizers cannot be added, as vegetables can deteriorate.
  6. In addition, they add mineral fertilizers, only 2 times during the whole season.
  7. They carry out preventive measures against diseases and pests.

Diseases and harmful insects

The type of Ragned potato is resistant to almost all diseases, this is evidenced by its characteristic. Strong immunity to golden nematode, potato cancer and late blight. Also tolerates wrinkled and banded mosaics. Resistant, but not very strong to blackleg, scab, anthracnose, dry rot and various viruses.

Potato varieties. How to choose the best? Cottage TV
Roco, Romano, Picasso potatoes

The Colorado potato beetle is the most popular pest. To overcome it, special chemicals are used. From the wireworm, loosening the earth and cleaning the site from excess grass helps. Special chemicals are used against aphids, a bear and a scoop.


This variety is fun for growers. The characteristic shows that he has a high and high-quality yield, but also the crop depends on the growing conditions and climate of the area. Resistant to all diseases, but insect prophylaxis must be carried out.

The potato has an excellent characteristic, taste and is suitable for preparing any dish. It boils well, so the mash is excellent. Potatoes became popular and delighted vegetable growers during the growing period, since the variety is unpretentious in care. It is grown for home use and for sale, because it has a beautiful presentation.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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