Characteristics of Klush tomato

Klush tomato is very popular among modern gardeners. Bred by Russian breeders at the beginning of the 2000s over several years, these tomatoes became favorites both among professional farmers and amateur summer residents. Multiple positive reviews, videos and photos on the Internet show that such a variety has many advantages and advantages.

  1. Variety description
  2. Benefits of tomato
  3. Features of growing
  4. How to care for plants?

Характеристика томата Клуша

Characteristics of Klush tomato

How did the Klush tomato variety get its name? Despite the fact that this plant cannot boast of a large size of bushes, many delicious fruits grow on them, hence, by analogy with the chicken hen, and the name of this variety came about Just a few tomato bushes give yields of up to two and a half kilograms, and with proper care from one square meter, the number of fruits grown can average twelve kilograms.

Variety Description

Klush Tomatoes belong to early ripening varieties, the best time for planting sprouts is March. The first crop can be harvested as early as three months after planting seeds in the ground. The plant is a small neat bush, up to sixty centimeters in height, while all the fruits are reliably covered with plentiful foliage. Thanks to its compact size, up to seven tomato bushes can be placed on one meter of land, which as a result will give a solid yield.

According to reviews and photos of gardeners who prefer this variety, Klush tomatoes are red or pink. In their shape, the fruits are rounded and not very large. Due to the fact that the fruits are not large in shape, it is precisely this sort of tomato that the hostesses prefer when harvesting home preserves.

Another variety of the variety – Tomato Super-Klusha — is delicious, juicy with pink pulp. This type of tomato has the same advantages as its counterpart. Pink tomatoes will delight any housewife with their taste, and their unpretentiousness will appeal to every gardener. As a rule, the weight of one fruit reaches two hundred and fifty grams, so this variety, like no other, is suitable for making summer fragrant salad.

Advantages of tomato

An indisputable plus of these tomatoes is that they can be grown not only in the garden, in the garden or in the country, but also in special containers on the balcony, loggia, or greenhouse, and they will also bear fruit well. Tomatoes grown in the greenhouse will bear fruit until winter, so that until the new year you will have fresh vegetables left on the table.

Most often, in the description of the Klush tomato variety, vegetable growers and farmers note some indisputable advantages.

  1. Firstly, such a plant is characterized by unpretentiousness in the methods of cultivation and high productivity.
  2. Secondly, the Klusha variety can grow under any climatic conditions characteristic of our country, even such as the Siberian weather drops.
  3. Thirdly, the fruits have excellent resistance to various diseases, which, as a rule, affect all vegetables.
  4. Fourth, they are not whimsical and do not need special care: they do not require garter, removal of processes. This type of tomato does not need to be tied. However, it is better not to neglect this process if the harvest is especially plentiful.
  5. Fifth, they are well transported and do not deteriorate for a long time during storage.

Positive characteristic Klush’s premature tomato consists in the fact that this tomato has a very pleasant and memorable taste. In general, farmers who grow these plants are unanimous in the opinion of the variety in question.

Features of growing

Growing a plant will not cause you trouble

Since Klush tomatoes are very unpretentious, they do not require special care. Therefore, you should not have any problems with their cultivation. The main thing is to properly cultivate the soil, and prepare the seeds for sowing. And be sure – you are guaranteed super yields!

In order to plant seedlings correctly, you need to follow simple rules.

  1. According to the characteristics and description of Klush tomatoes, in order to plant seeds it is better to take garden soil. Do not buy special soil, as there may be problems with the adaptation of plants.
  2. Treat the seeds with a non-strong one percent manganese solution (2: 1). You can also soak the ground in which the sprouts will germinate.
  3. For breeding seedlings, it is better to take small containers. When planting seeds, remember that they can not be immersed in the soil deeper than one centimeter.
  4. After the seedlings have sprouted, they must be planted in separate containers. Note that they should be transplanted together with the soil in which they grew. Otherwise, the roots that have not yet strengthened may be damaged.
  5. Since the tomato bushes are not very large in height, you should not plant them in the soil deeper than one centimeter.
  6. During planting, the seeds should be pour peat and do not water.
  7. At the end of the dive, it is recommended to close the seedlings with foil and leave in a dark place for several days until they begin to emerge. Transplantation into the soil is carried out after the plants grow to a height of at least twenty centimeters.

How to care for the plants?

Do not grow them requires some complicated manipulations. The rules for caring for tomatoes are simple, anyone, even a beginner gardener, can handle them.

  1. Remember that the necessary and proper care for the sprouts involves abundant moisture. Water the fruits once a day in the late evening, preferably not with cold water.
  2. Do not forget about weeds. These tomatoes do not tolerate such a neighborhood, so carefully monitor the cleanliness of your beds.
  3. Tomatoes also love when the soil in which they grow is periodically loosened. In addition, use standard mineral fertilizers to feed the plant at least twice a season.
  4. In order to give the fruit a sweet taste, you need to break off the lower leaves of the plant, then the sun’s rays will directly fall on the tomato and speed up ripening process.

Reviews about Klush tomatoes are only positive. They indicate that the cultivation of this variety does not cause discomfort. Most gardeners respond positively to this type of tomato. People are attracted to unpretentiousness in care, a convenient and affordable way of growing, resistance to various types of diseases. An absolute plus for growers is the amount of harvest.

Open field tomatoes in Siberia
These tomatoes can be sown in April. What types of tomatoes are good for open ground in Siberia?

Mistresses, in their first and foremost, they note a small and neat form of grown tomatoes, which are wonderfully suitable for preservation, but Super-Klush tomatoes are ideal for a delicious juicy salad. Their taste will be remembered for a long time. In autumn and winter evenings, opening a can of canned tomatoes, you will remember with nostalgia and pleasure the wonderful summer.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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