Description of varieties of cucumbers in the letter Ts

Despite the fact that the State Register contains a large number of different crops, cucumber varieties with the letter C do not occupy the last place. Most of them relate to early varieties.

  1. Features of the early cucumber varieties
  2. Variety Caesar
  3. Hybrid species Gypsies
  4. Hybrid Tsunami
  5. Royal variety
  6. Zircon
  7. Conclusion <

Описание сортов огурцов на букву Ц

Description of varieties of cucumbers with the letter C

Features early cucumber varieties

The description indicates that early varieties are classified as first-generation hybrids, which is justified by the fact that such crops have excellent immune systems y, which would protect the bushes from changes in spring temperatures and some dangerous diseases. The ripening time of such varieties is 40-60 days from the time of planting the seeds in open ground. The price of seeds of early varieties depends on the characteristics of a cucumber. On average, the cost of 1 a pack of seeds is 21 rubles.

It is better to choose fertile chernozems, sandstones and loamy soils for planting. The acid-base balance of the earth should be no more than 6%, otherwise the root system will die and the yield will drop to 0.

Seeds should be planted in early May. By this moment, the soil has already sufficiently moved away from winter frosts and warmed up to the optimum temperature (10-13 ° C).If you are afraid that the plants will freeze, you can cover the rows of cucumbers with plastic wrap. They should be opened every day for several hours so that oxygen gets inside and the humidity level is not high.

Early varieties are considered universal. They can be used to prepare fresh salads, pickles or starter cultures. High palatability is noted when consumed fresh. Their fruits are crisp and juicy.

Variety Caesar

Cucumber Caesar category F1 is characterized by early ripening. It is considered a product of Polish selection. Its vegetative period lasts 50 days from the moment of the appearance of the first seedlings. The variety is self-pollinated. The plant is compact, up to 1.5 m high. The leaves are medium sized, dark green in color, with a dull surface. The female type of flowering prevails. In 5 nodes, 5-8 ovaries can form immediately, which significantly increases the yield indicators. This variety is resistant to diseases: brown spotting, cucumber mosaic and powdery mildew.

The fruits are smooth, cylindrical. The surface of the cucumbers is completely covered with small frequent black plucks. The peel is dense in structure. On its surface, you can see small thin stripes reaching the middle. The length of 1 fruit is 10 cm, and the weight is about 100-120 g. During ripening, cucumbers do not over-ripen and do not crack. The taste is pleasant, sweet. The pulp is juicy, but not watery. There is no bitterness at the genetic level.

Landing should be carried out in early May. The cultivation of the Great Caesar is allowed, both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. Planting scheme 50×60 cm. You need to deepen the seeds of a hybrid of category f1 by 3-4 cm. Harvesting begins at the end of June.

Hybrid view of the Gypsies

The hybrid of the first generation Gypsies matures in a short amount of time. Its vegetation lasts for 50 days from the moment of planting seeds in a permanent place. The plant is tall, about 3 m. This variety is characterized by parthenocarpy and indeterminacy of the bush. Flowering can be either female or male type. The leaves are large, their color is dark green.

Several main characteristics should be highlighted:

  • the yield is high, about 15 kg per 1 m2;
  • the fruits are large, their length is about 12 cm;
  • the weight of one cucumber is 130-150 g;
  • the surface is wrinkled, with a large number of small tubercles and dark spikes, there are small light thin stripes reaching the middle ;
  • the taste is pleasant, sweet, bitterness is not observed;
  • the flesh is crispy.

Seeds should be planted in late April or early May. It can be planted both in open ground and in greenhouse premises. A distance of 40 cm should be maintained between rows and 60 cm between bushes. Sowing depth is 4-5 cm. You can collect products already in mid-June.

Tsunami Hybrid

Sort will please you with an early harvest

The plant begins to bear fruit already on the 45th day after planting in the soil. This hybrid is rather unusual. He needs pollination by bees. The variety is self-pollinated, so growing in a greenhouse is possible. The plant is compact, up to 1.3 m in height. Ovaries of a bouquet type. Flowering is predominantly female type. The species is resistant to bacteriosis, brown spotting and powdery mildew.

Zelenets is small, resembles a gherkin. Its length is only 8 cm and weight is about 60 g. The surface of cucumbers of the Tsunami variety of category f1 is covered with a small number of small tubercles. There are small thin strips of white color that are located around the entire perimeter of the fetus. Productivity is high: about 1 kg of selected products of the gherkin type is harvested from 1 m2.

The culture should be grown by the seedling method. To do this, in early April, you should plant the seeds to a depth of 2 cm in special containers. After this, the container is installed in a warm room, with a temperature of about 20 ° C. This will allow the seedlings to appear faster. On day 25, seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. The planting scheme should be such that no more than 3 plants are located on 1 m2.

Tsarsky variety

Tsarskoye cucumber varieties are listed in the State Register of the Russian Federation. They are recommended to grow on personal plots.This species has the characteristics of self-pollination and early ripening. The bush begins to bear fruit on the 45th day after the emergence of seed germination. The plant is large, about 3 m in height. The female type of flowering prevails. In each node, 4-6 ovaries are formed.

Oblivion is large. Leaves of a dark green shade, pentagonal shape. The description indicates resistance to powdery mildew, olive spotting and root rot.

Fruits are large, their length can reach 15-17 cm. Weight 130-160 g. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, the surface is smooth, without thorns and tubercles. The peel is thin, with a glossy surface. The pulp is juicy, crispy. Productivity is high: from 1 m2 you can collect about 20 kg of high-quality products.

It is recommended to grow the crop in closed ground. Seeds are planted in early April. Planting scheme 40×50 cm. Seeds are deepened by 4-6 cm. You can harvest a crop already in early July.


The period of its growing hybrid lasts only 40 days, from the moment the seeds are planted in a permanent place. The variety is characterized by parthenocarpic pollination type and indeterminate bush, the height of which is 2.5 m. The leaves are dark green in color, with high climbing ability. Lateral shoots grow quickly and protect the fruits from sunlight. The species is resistant to tobacco mosaic viruses and cucumber spotting.

Cucumber Zircon f1 is characterized by large fruits, their length is 12 cm, and their weight is about 120 g.The shape of such cucumbers is cylindrical. The surface is smooth, without tubercles and spikes. The pulp is juicy, sweet, crispy. There is no bitterness at the genetic level. Productivity is high: from 1 ha, you can collect about 600 kg of high-quality products.

Cultivation is possible both in closed and open ground. Zircon seeds should be sown according to a 40×50 cm pattern. The ideal time for planting procedures is in early April. Harvesting will be possible in May.


All of the above varieties are popular in the world market. Gardeners prefer to grow them, because they are resistant to disease, which means that yields will not be compromised and crop care will be minimized.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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